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588 lines (509 loc) · 70.5 KB

File metadata and controls

588 lines (509 loc) · 70.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

1.13.0 (2023-04-12)


  • Extract "FooterPopover" component and uses in annotatedList (753a7b2)
  • pointcloud: 3Dview sync the direction with topview after selected (7ed2855)
  • pointcloud: Adding component for selecting boxes by attribute (5e6b648)
  • pointcloud: Annotated-Attributes-Panel supports fixed layout (f698cf1)
  • pointcloud: Confirm before deleteGraphByAttr (e8759ac)
  • pointcloud: Follow top add tooltip (f0c360e)
  • pointcloud: Hide the operation in checkmode(side&backView) (a12901e)
  • pointcloud: MainView support to follow top view (81fba17)
  • pointcloud: Support select spec attribute boxes (05228c5)
  • pointcloud: Support selecting polygons by attributes (b0b4a43)
  • pointcloud: Support updating position by keydown events (12e6d68)
  • pointcloud: Supports moving multiple selected rects (dbfa665)
  • pointcloud: Supports rendering after moving multi-boxes (4228988)
  • pointcloud: Update the backgroundColor of pointCloud (df16fdc)

Bug Fixes

  • copy-result: AsyncData needs to determine if it exists (17dc99a)
  • pointcloud: Fix applyCameraTarget not to apply zoom (c7b426a)
  • pointcloud: Fix attribute list hide attr fail (7d4d28d)
  • pointcloud: Fix size changed and init point cloud result (f940e42)
  • pointcloud: Fix the feature of COPY_BACKWARD_RESULT (26b3062)
  • pointcloud: Init hideAttr while imgIndex changed (99e5642)
  • pointcloud: Prevent default event on ctrl + a (cf2d147)
  • pointcloud: Repeated updates of pointCloudBackView (bfe634a)
  • pointcloud: SyncTopview doesn't need to update camera (634ca61)
  • pointcloud: Update attr list style (d26691e)

1.12.1 (2023-03-23)

Bug Fixes

  • view-operation: Update the range of direction judgement (943c2b0)

1.12.0 (2023-03-09)


  • 【标点工具 列表功能】列表点之间增加辅助线的连接 (1ccc96c)
  • footer: Support PointCloud PageNumber (794847c)
  • lb-components: Add initState action after unmount (73bfb1d)
  • lb—components: Forbid keydown if checkMode === true (fd6bb0d)
  • pointcloud-view: Support custom configuration of bgColor and ortho (40a4ad6)
  • pointcloud: Add drawLayerSlot to PointCloudTopView (bd56cb0)
  • pointcloud: Add hotkey in different pattern (caf294c)
  • pointcloud: Add ModalConfirm after copying same trackID (358085f)
  • pointcloud: Add more default operation(like setForbidOperation) (72f54eb)
  • pointcloud: BatchUpdate provides more params (47a9047)
  • pointcloud: Change 3DView camera from perspective to orthographic (6be1167)
  • pointcloud: CheckMode needs to forbid keydown function (e9c22fb)
  • pointcloud: Highlighing pointCloud after change in side&back view (d45362b)
  • pointcloud: Highlighing pointCLoud by the attribute (1f7ac06)
  • pointcloud: Limit pointCloud syncAttribute in checkMode (1f80161)
  • pointcloud: Polygon mode alse supports the validUpdate (d93d8da)
  • pointcloud: Support more dataShowing in checkMode (4db92f6)
  • pointcloud: Support the invalid color of pointCloud (10195d5)
  • pointcloud: The default color of Box is white (6bbd1da)
  • pointcloud: Topview defaults from -x to x (9f49afc)
  • pointcloud: TrackID is incremented for the current page (2920cd3)
  • pointcloud: Update defaultAttribute after the change of config (b685df1)
  • pointcloud: Update pointCloud Hotkey (c500cb5)
  • pointcloud: Update PointCloud Polygon Result KeyName (90993d1)
  • pointcloud: Update the default colorMap within pointCloud\ (7ebff87)
  • remark: PointCloud support the checkMode (9c35600)
  • toolstyle: Update invalid color (1df9807)

Bug Fixes

  • img-utils: Fix the image loading error (0bbd8dd)
  • pointcloud: Clear pointCloud highlighting after ClearResult (ab48dee)
  • pointcloud: Fix pointCloud polygon data problem (03e9deb)
  • pointcloud: Fix the calculation of redo & undo (d24909c)
  • pointcloud: Fix the highlighting problem (abd6de2)
  • pointcloud: Fix the PCD Loading Error (d28fae9)
  • pointcloud: Fix the visual deviation of topview (23cdfc1)
  • pointcloud: Need to highlight pointCloud after initData (f5d6902)
  • pointcloud: PointCloud Multi-Selection error (d87207c)
  • pointcloud: Polygon Data is not saved after change (0bf1622)
  • pointcloud: Sync the defaultAttribute after selected polygon (d211947)
  • pointcloud: Update polygonList after resizing (252e3a4)
  • pointcloud: Update polygonList after setDefaultAttribute (e80bc46)
  • pointcloud: Update the init data in pointCloud History (abb038a)
  • Supplement the better type (c0c2116)
  • Use changePointListByZoom instead of changePointByZoom (03ed572)

1.10.0 (2023-01-03)


  • annotation-view: Support Box3d Rendering (eb0e927)
  • footer-tips: Support shortCut render by ReactNode (2e64135)
  • hotkey: Exposure more information(ToolHotKeyCom & shortCutTable) (84c7ae7)
  • line-tool: Add lineConfig type (9c41b67)
  • line-tool: Add the render of lineLength (940b9e1)
  • LineTool showOrder config needs to be compatible with isShowOrder (3bee80a)
  • point-tool: Support the multiMove mode (06a86ea)
  • pointcloud-sidebar: Update the style (33c28d5)
  • pointcloud: Add box color (1e72cac)
  • pointcloud: Add i18n on trackID-view (baee67e)
  • pointcloud: Add redo & undo (d8316f9)
  • pointcloud: Add redo & undo icon in toolHeader (bf09f1b)
  • pointcloud: Add the feature of updating TrackID (932760f)
  • pointcloud: Add the notification after batchUpdateTracking (cf52566)
  • pointcloud: Clear result after setting the invalid page (cefc164)
  • pointcloud: ReRender 3dbox aftering changing attributes (f75d169)
  • pointcloud: Support messageInfo showing (ea318d6)
  • pointcloud: Support the configurable of track (168d785)
  • pointcloud: Support Unifying Params (8079b42)
  • pointcloud: Sync defaultAttribute after selecting new box by mouse (17e4220)
  • pointcloud: Update defaultAttribute by keyboard (de95c7a)
  • pointcloud: Update defaultAttribute without selecting box (a0b31de)
  • pointcloud: Update the batchUpdateModal from updateImgList to composeResult (8bf127a)
  • pointcloud: Update the form style && tips (b61a1f3)
  • RectOperation adds multi-move operation (725b8ca)
  • UnidyParamsModal add initialValue page (43f9ba5)
  • viewoperation: Line support rendering keypoint (646df2d)

1.9.2 (2023-01-10)

Bug Fixes

  • i18n: PointCloud NoData Page Adaptation (23bd63e)

1.9.1 (2023-01-06)

Bug Fixes

  • hotkey: Support more status (afa5b95)
  • line-tool: Fix the error render of drawOutsideTarget (43f0e28)
  • pointcloud: PointCloud keydown filter the input (27aebd4)
  • polygon-operation: Rect-Polygon is forbidden to be added new point by double click (8aa20cb)
  • style: Update the defaultStyle (892bb93)
  • Update the function of getCuboidFromPointCloudBox (6fe8af4)

1.9.1 (2023-01-06)


  • lb-annotation: Add className in renderInvalidPage (674e5d8)

Bug Fixes

  • tool-schuduler: Multi-Layer needs to unified setAttribute (24c6f41)

1.9.0 (2022-10-12)


  • [lb-annotation]: ViewOperation supporting font rendering style (ab34731)
  • Add scribbleTool components (9fc6dc9)
  • Add tool for exporting mask images (4a28ffd)
  • annotation-operation: Add the drawLayerSlot (cfb7471)
  • annotation-tips: Update the order of showing (8127a97)
  • Complete the initialized version of scribbleTool (6363760)
  • Get the connection Point via annotationData in ViewOpertion (e095627)
  • imgconversion-utils: Add getMaskByColorImg (d63fb2c)
  • imgconversion-utils: Hide undefined colors (ad69ee4)
  • lb-components: Add action like updateValid and beforeRotate (61c1ef1)
  • lb-components: Add operation in scribble's sidebar (2b4d093)
  • lb-components: Add skipBeforePageTurning (829ff74)
  • lb-components: Add tips showing in annotationTips (5255983)
  • lb-components: Listen for changes to the injection functions; (3f617d7)
  • lb-components: Temporarily Copy the constants of ToolName (f6d68dc)
  • lb-components: Update react-redux from store to context (6f94f43)
  • lb-components: Update react-redux from store to context (b2a7a69)
  • lb-demo: Update scribbleTool Config (7b299a2)
  • pointcloud-2d: Filter maaping error data (d3406b4)
  • pointcloud-2d: Focus the selected Data (6512053)
  • pointcloud-info: Sync pointCloud showing info (49cf007)
  • pointcloud-topview: Zoom showing (02c9737)
  • pointcloud-view: Optimized style of empty page (2bc0a1f)
  • pointcloud2d-vie: Optimize pointCloud2dView size listener (3b3074e)
  • pointcloud2d: Update index when page changed (b808c4d)
  • pointcloud: Adaptation to internationalization (28ec71a)
  • pointcloud: Add focus after imgOnload (db1ae76)
  • pointcloud: Add lowerLimitPointsNumInBox limit (1ad4b69)
  • pointcloud: Add pointCloud count to annotationResult (2195996)
  • pointcloud: Ctrl+A is conficted with A (b35d671)
  • pointcloud: Optimize the problem that there is ghosting (5a34216)
  • pointcloud: PageJump support skipBeforePageTurning (95de366)
  • pointcloud: Paste needs to overlay based on existing data (09106f6)
  • pointcloud: RestrictAngleRange when the pointCloubox is rotated (d99c635)
  • pointcloud: SubAttribute selector support clear (69ea970)
  • pointcloud: Support the hotkey to copy the prev-result (98579a5)
  • pointcloud: Support the hotkey to update valid of box (375d6a4)
  • pointcloud: Temporarily hide the trackID (e13d1e3)
  • pointcloud: Temporarily turn off highlighting (de71e79)
  • pointcloud: The listener of topviewEvent needs to updated (e51acd6)
  • pointcloud: The render of circle is updated by config (2c66ca8)
  • pointcloud: Update the calculation of pointCloud count (0952da1)
  • pointcloud: Update the hotkey of nextbox and prebox (d2fb10f)
  • pointcloud: Update the tips for copy (9c5178c)
  • pointcloud: Update the traslation of pointCloud Hotkey (940341d)
  • pointcloud: Webworke update the calculate of points (6d0b3df)
  • scribble-tool: Add earser cursor (5fb1370)
  • scribble-tool: Add hotkey (3c1d305)
  • scribble-tool: Add hotkey (f71143c)
  • scribble-tool: Add operation restrictions (b811f53)
  • scribble-tool: Add redo and undo feature (c7513b0)
  • scribble-tool: Disable renderPoint when forbidOperation is enabled (4d9f33d)
  • scribble-tool: Fix the size error after changing img (de426ae)
  • scribble-tool: Maintain brush size after changing mode (6843cf1)
  • scribble-tool: Set DefaultAttributeInfo at initialization (f504e1b)
  • scribble-tool: Support drawing after rotating (1368d77)
  • scribble-tool: Temporarily hide the hotKey of Y (43f89b9)
  • scribble-tool: Temporarily hide the hotKey of Y (ba32c9d)
  • ScribbleTool add sidebar (e4e1825)
  • ScribbleTool needs to clear result after setting data (fb5f5f9)
  • ScribbleTool's Render adds opacity (b646993)
  • Support the background render to mask conversion (32ede31)

Bug Fixes

  • Add pointCloudAnnotationView clear result (efcfffa)
  • annotation-reducer: SET_FILE_DATA requires a shallow copy (09d7185)
  • Clear loading state after loading data (c14ef80)
  • Fix the keydown error on TagOperation (31ebf16)
  • Fix the merge error (9d65982)
  • lb-components: Compatible with QA mode (a80fe8a)
  • pointcloud: Add default-data to currentData (a4510ec)
  • PointCloudAnnotationView: after remove pointCloud result add render (f50dea9)
  • pointcloud: Listen to currentData for initialization (dac9c8b)
  • pointcloud: Maintain info after draging (f4fbbba)
  • pointcloud: Topview initialize erorr after resizing window (47c34e2)
  • pointcloud: Update the popConfirm placement (6dc84d9)
  • pointcloud: Vertex buffer is not big enough for the draw (e230756)
  • Pointcloudview add webgl context destroy (5f1ca27)
  • scribble-tool: Fix th history (8711c31)
  • scribble-tool: InvalidPage forbid operation (6866ac7)
  • scribbletool: Fix the record (4619cb6)

1.8.1 (2022-08-31)

1.8.0 (2022-08-31)


  • Add arrow switch in pointCloud3dView (0cf8488)
  • Add backView temporary (fdd98ab)
  • Add box in top view (5220663)
  • Add camera view transformation function (33fc969)
  • Add customRenderStyle (ae2161d)
  • Add default data when creating new box (34520d4)
  • Add dragCache in polygon drag and drop (31a4f5e)
  • Add IPointCloudContext to share state in point-cloud components (3c865a7)
  • Add loadPCDFile for render .pcd files (2cea7a0)
  • Add Matrix types file (33b6f39)
  • Add MAX_SIZE in PointCloudCache (505b212)
  • Add PointCloud basic structure(temporary) (0815296)
  • Add PointCloudAnnotation in lb-annotation (8036562)
  • Add PointCloudLayout for point-cloud components (240c45c)
  • Add PointCloudSideBackView EmptyView (b19513f)
  • Add pointCloudView for entry of point cloud tools (25fe06d)
  • Add rotate / Overturn / Polygon-render-optimization (8b6a8f0)
  • Add segment by rect (c4ae195)
  • Add the polygonPattern on PointCloud2dOpeartion (06b9760)
  • Add the size synchronization operation (74c55d1)
  • Add tool for exporting mask images (eb9d8e6)
  • Add ZoomChangeOnCenter in basicOperation (2e5ff62)
  • AddCube support pass params (76a4678)
  • Adding linkage between TopView and side&backView (a898252)
  • Adding linkage between views after drag and drop (ee93ff6)
  • Adding pointCloud data pull (bcbe44b)
  • Adjusting the naming of splitting aids (018ae83)
  • BasicOperation supports image hidden (d824921)
  • BoxIdInput && AnnotatedBox's UI (0ca2053)
  • Cache pointCloud data (2eaa74f)
  • Calc new box's Z axis and depth (620e712)
  • Clear Data after change page (3fc617a)
  • Clear PointCloud after deleting polygon (8f905bd)
  • Expand various types of polygonOperation (88921b1)
  • Expand visibility of PointCloudSideView & PointCloudBackView (c0ca16e)
  • Extract pointCloudInstance to context (3a57d81)
  • Fobid orbit vertically over 90° (b07169f)
  • ForbidOperation doesn't show cursorLine (e3dd7ac)
  • generateBox supports using boxParams and rendering direction (fc2a2b6)
  • Get the toolInstance settings Temporarily (ccc2bd8)
  • implement 3D view sidebar (d02a41d)
  • Implement multiple selected on pointCloud's 2D view (84e8d6b)
  • Implement usePointCloudViews hooks and provide interface of views (b7f3a5d)
  • LB-components use shortcut to change Pattern (049f665)
  • lb-components: Add skipBeforePageTurning (12673fe)
  • Move pointCloud to lb-components (48d91b9)
  • PCDLoader add genColorByCoord (c5a56e1)
  • Point cloud annotation view (e10b047)
  • Point cloud data caching (a6cea75)
  • PointCloud clear dataStatus when switch mode (eab2bb2)
  • PointCloud keyboard event: changeSelectedBoxValid (26e0c9d)
  • PointCloud keyboard event: setPointCloudValid (d0fa1c1)
  • PointCloud keyboard event: switchToNextBox (d00774e)
  • PointCloud keyboard event: updatePointSize (d6a5091)
  • PointCloud keyborad events: multi-select, copyBoxes and pasteBoxes (2ea063a)
  • PointCloud sidebar's interact (7042c9d)
  • PointCloud style feature (7ef8787)
  • PointCloud support copyResult feature (98078ce)
  • PointCloud support side operation (1260376)
  • PointCloud supports for adding attribute & subAttribute (2d0b1a0)
  • pointcloud-2dview: Restricted range switching (54d0df6)
  • pointcloud-3dview: Update pointCloud when data updated (23e1d20)
  • pointcloud-format: Update format show to kitti format (e52efb0)
  • pointcloud-valid: Support valid status change (743055f)
  • PointCloud2d supports swtching & projection (e3bffe5)
  • pointcloud2d: Switch polygon when it has next one (37b964b)
  • pointcloud: Add PolygonData to Result (5e83c9d)
  • pointcloud: Close the axeshelper showing (476199f)
  • pointcloud: Diable side-backView annotation operations (f4c0422)
  • pointcloud: PointCloud sidebar support custom dom (b7347ee)
  • pointcloud: Resize all pointcloud view when viewport change (5721b38)
  • pointcloud: Switch PointCloud needs to change side&back view (4dbfff5)
  • PointCloudTool's hotkey UI (495c6b0)
  • polygon: Add function of forbid the addition of polygons (78edad6)
  • PolygonOperation adds polygon drag trigger (30e6fa4)
  • rect in AnnotaitonView add hiddenRectSize option (a57cd97)
  • refactor zoomController and implement top-view header's UI (f30839e)
  • render circle by pcd's boundingSphere (5da00c4)
  • Split the function of PolygonOpeartion (fb7631b)
  • Splitting initialization (2a269ca)
  • Splitting PolygonOperation (a5dbefc)
  • Support rendering box ID (fa69d5d)
  • Support the background render to mask conversion (4117f9c)
  • Sync data for PointCloudBackView (c5944cb)
  • toolfooter: Update PointCloud Footer (3ef28b7)
  • Top view and side view polygon changes Linkage (6d05809)
  • Top-view support filter points by z-axis (0379c0c)
  • Top-view toolbar's UI (12d72c8)
  • Update setZoom in BasicOperation (0f39b71)
  • Upgrade Annotation Engine (3f1152a)
  • Using proportion to change the layout (2e3c9ff)
  • Views info for top-view, side-view and back-view (8e0885d)

Bug Fixes

  • Convert zAxisLimit to PointCloudContext (b170916)
  • Copy boxes and select all not work (2142f39)
  • CreateRange should be removed before creating (4b2f33e)
  • Fix backView transformation's error (6d44628)
  • Fix eslint error (0a715d1)
  • Fix Polygon drag by line on rect-pattern (4986819)
  • Fix the merge conflict (c3c4458)
  • Fix the offset problem of PointCloudBackView (469ef3b)
  • Fix the pointCloud merge conflict bug (9095e89)
  • Fix variable spelling errors (ed18676)
  • Fix viewMatrix (3251b16)
  • Hot Reload Fails, DOM adds an additional iframe (4d6ebc8)
  • Multi Layer not work because of style in basicOperation (b37cbd9)
  • pointcloud-topview: Fix switch box (fe92b28)
  • PointCloud3dView - View Transformation is invalid (791a892)
  • pointcloud: PointCloud mapping to 2d (bad9e27)
  • PointCloudView need to sync data after drag & move (1275b3d)
  • Remove duplicate loading of pcd (cf4d51d)
  • VideoPlayer playback rate error after page changed and remaing time display error (357ff8f)

1.7.0 (2022-06-23)


  • [lb-component] Add TagToolInstanceAdaptor to implement toolInstance (85cd646)
  • [lb-component] Implement keydown event for tagging (5f441fe)
  • [lb-components] Support and export 'VideoPlayer' (0aea748)
  • [lb-components] VideoTagTool Support i18n on hotkeys (8216f5d)
  • [lb-demo] Support the use of VideoPlayer (7ab27c2)
  • Add FileInvalid and FileException components, show operation on videoTagTool (442318c)
  • Add pageChange add stepChange callback (ea20140)
  • add renderEnhance function (009a734)
  • AnntoationView-Polygon adds keypoint showing (f414dab)
  • Implement pushHistory on TagToolInstanceAdaptor (cadd8c7)
  • Init result on state while TagToolInstanceAdaptor mounted (954ba29)
  • PointTool emits messageSuccess when it adsorb edge (e643dca)
  • PolygonTool add combining operation (56bb126)
  • PolygonTool add cutting operation (cbc33ac)
  • Rename Image Error to FileError and replace life cycle fn 'componentWillUnmount' (3063f7c)
  • Support batch data acquisition (2d26c2d)
  • TagToolInstanceAdaptor export fn: 'setValid' and getter 'valid' (e73ca3c)
  • VideoPlayer playPause while video clicked (c003449)
  • VideoTagToolInstance support exporting videoMetaData on exportData (1b2166c)

Bug Fixes

  • GetCloestPoint function needs to be added hasClosed (1581ed1)
  • Click next step jump to the first page (83a0335)
  • fix eslint errors (f20b3a3)
  • Fix problems from comment (145d20a)
  • Fix the pr error (4a2fa2b)
  • Fix the wrong internationalization issue (3a78658)
  • PointTool for reference only to display polygons and lines (b177dd2)
  • PointTool is not allowed drawing outside the target when 'drawOutsideTarget' config is false (2668cd7)
  • remove ts-ignore (9065c34)
  • TagTool doesn't need to rotate (c20576c)
  • Temporarily supports the use of the react AnnotationTool (004e851)
  • Update eslint error (6941977)
  • VideoPlayer have error status while src changed (0bbf25c)
  • VideoTag emitEvent after clear result (865575d)

1.6.0 (2022-05-16)


  • Add a annotationPath display (caf671f)
  • I18next change init way (8842bf0)
  • Optimize edgeAbsorption of PolygonTool which can absorpts points (3a75b04)
  • pointTool: The distance between limit points can't be less than 0.2px (8e1d131)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the problem that the edge of rectTool cannot be dragged (f6d3f11)
  • I18n fobid react-useSuspense (dce6bf0)
  • pointTool: DrawOutsideTarget doesn't work (0a71a00)
  • pointTool: The point still follows the mouse when mouse is released (8871e10)

1.5.0 (2022-03-30)


  • API change: header sider footer (3abaf5e)
  • PointTool adds edgeAdsorption feature (73e8d97)
  • PolygonTool adds rect pattern (2b0d0f0)
  • PolygonTool-rect-pattern add drawOutside judgement (725c231)
  • PolygonView/LineView adds special line/point render (cad0681)
  • RectOperation adds renderEnhance & dataInjection (f3a5678)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix PointTool MarkerPoint Opeartion (52bddc7)
  • TextTool initValue fail and make updateTextValue error(#25) (f5714a1)

1.4.0 (2022-01-14)


  • Add dragMove event trigger (e31b578)
  • Add tag dom rendering / adapt to Polygonal curve (ec0bfcc)
  • Add ToolStyleConverter in lb-utils (393e07e)
  • AnnotationView - text rendering added to graphics type (e673fb8)
  • AnnotationView add text annotation dispaly (1c21c06)
  • AnnotationView Text support Position (db6c9b3)
  • AnnotationView updates Label Render (484395e)
  • LineView adds Direction Render (b2a474e)
  • PointTool adds list-annotation feature (64ed73e)
  • PolygonView adds Direction Render (bba3248)
  • Real-time update of text changes for ViewOperation (1bd807b)
  • Support Custom text-dom using Style (ae9031d)
  • ViewOperation adds reference pattern(lineDash) (5b2083b)

Bug Fixes

  • Adaptation of list annotations in the case of dependencies (6ea04c6)
  • Adapting to the case where textConfigurable does not exist (d084e7a)
  • Add viewOperation render data judgment (b35a123)
  • Change canvas Mount Position / Add forbidBasicResultRender (8020e3b)
  • Change the param of AnnotationView from color to stroke (027ced8)
  • Clear domMap in ViewOperation (643aed1)
  • Compatible with old config of PointOperation (2f0a4ae)
  • Fix getStyle2String function (33c17b9)
  • Fix invalid page size error caused by canvas size change (c958b71)
  • Fix invalid page size error caused by window size change (07784dd)
  • Fix lint - Unreachable code no-unreachable (59e5bc2)
  • Fix the accuracy of point-selected (10fc24c)
  • Fix the LowerLimitPoint of PointTool (6976a51)
  • Solve the problem caused by discontinuous steps in stepList (007ed21)
  • Update the ActiveHistory of the PointOperation (bcca28b)

1.3.0 (2022-01-14)


  • label-bee 查看模式 (c7dae52)
  • [lb-components]步骤切换优化: 单步骤不显示下一步, 步骤列表禁止切换为相同步骤 (100d165)
  • 暴露 i18n 到外部 / 修改默认 i18n 的语言 (50a3565)
  • 标注的 toolHeader 下一步添加限制 (ae35161)
  • 不存在的工具去除快捷键 (af51252)
  • 查看工具添加选中 hover 的操作效果 (08c3baa)
  • 查看工具支持适配 label-bee (1ebb670)
  • 查看模式内填充的添加 (b9183c0)
  • 多边形/线条/拉框 - 边缘限制添加 (7f09847)
  • 多边形完成标注操作跟拉框同步 - 未开启文本标注不默认选中 (34f2df6)
  • 分离图片渲染/添加依赖渲染 (e4d39c2)
  • 鼠标离开 canvas 清除一些缓存状态 (45a16cc)
  • 添加 annotationEngine 用于管理各类工具的切换 (46a070b)
  • 添加save功能 修改工具图标 (2e7eab8)
  • 线条支持被标签依赖 (67a0b63)
  • 修改测量器的部分功能 / 提供外层位置信息的直接注入 (e9c1fc8)
  • 依赖情况下切换步骤保持图片位置 (11b356b)
  • 优化 ViewOperation 内 hover 的优先级 (1b59c4d)
  • 优化多边形双击操作的延迟卡顿问题 (e70a94d)
  • 暂时提供 toolFooter 缩放的图标的明亮模式 (464b89c)
  • label-bee 添加步骤切换组件 (4100181)
  • Label-Bee 页面添加 loading (382e4ae)
  • SENSEBEE-7425: lb-component - 支持切换标注步骤 (d939c43)
  • SENSEBEE-7425: lb-component 标注内支持依赖 (79a2e7e)
  • SENSEBEE-7425: lb-demo配置多步骤列表 (c7756ef)
  • SENSEBEE-7665: 【lb-components】展示当前依赖的小页下标 (b80dc59)
  • SENSEBEE-7666: 支持图片错误处理 (4604407)
  • SENSEBEE-7668: 工具依赖下禁止更新旋转 (73ec6f2)
  • SENSEBEE-8010: 【label-bee】提交数据的时候,需要过滤当前标注完成的数据 (aea59d0)
  • SENSEBEE-8017: 依赖情况下旋转限制 (65224a3)
  • SENSEBEE-8262:【lb-component】i18n支持 (310086e)

Bug Fixes

  • 禁止滚轮操作触发外层事件 (a3daa56)
  • 【lb-annotation】修复types问题 (6be42f1)
  • 标签工具结果初始化添加 (4449b2b)
  • 标签工具隐藏撤销重做 (b2cf41a)
  • 单步步骤 toolheader 不展示下一步 (e2b8b99)
  • 多边形工具的双击添加点没有限定最大点数 (c354ca2)
  • 发布由于版本名称更新导致的命名错误问题 (9c96caa)
  • 工具在无对应快捷键时, footer 不展示快捷键 (06eb50f)
  • 将 antd 转为 antd/es (0cdda82)
  • 将 basicOperation 双击事件绑定应用于上层(多边形), 避免误触使用 (042df7c)
  • 将 lb-utils 更改为 @sensetime/utils (1a4becf)
  • 将所有 toolInstance 的事件监听从 on 转为 singleOn (294f0d5)
  • 禁止文本标注输入框keydown事件传播 (8ff6091)
  • 快捷键功能隐藏 (d8f7201)
  • 拉框工具 - 多变形工具重写 destroy 函数,清楚文本的属性注入 (2a99fea)
  • 修复 getFileData 外层注入不可用问题 (9691811)
  • 修复 label-bee 内 ts 编译错误问题 (6b65e59)
  • 修复 mock 数据的问题 (77aeb2c)
  • 修复 Sense-annotation 编译错误问题 (8c16888)
  • 修复 Sense-annotation 内 ts 编译错误问题 (bfa0d9f)
  • 修复 ts compile error (5e60694)
  • 修复标签工具内sourcei的Ddiff错误 (be488aa)
  • 修复标签工具切换崩溃的问题 (60c2497)
  • 修复标签工具切换没有清除渲染标签的问题 (caf4644)
  • 修复标签工具在无依赖情况下还会初始化结果 (5aa5811)
  • 修复标注工具键盘事件配置未限制的错误 (3402d47)
  • 修复打包错误 (882efe5)
  • 修复多步骤跳转的结果找不到的问题 (e7a9519)
  • 修复国际化的小问题 (0f834b9)
  • 修复获取order时候sourceID的diff问题 (00b8c2c)
  • 修复结果中嵌入了数组结构数据 (e28c124)
  • 修复界面被撑开以及原图显示的问题 (89ac3e0)
  • 修复外界缩放和图片更改 canvas 无法立即响应的问题 (7d5d1d5)
  • 修复无效图层的层级 (864d34c)
  • 修复线条工具键盘切换属性不生效的问题 (90de51c)
  • 修复线条工具十字线不存在的问题 / 拖动选中线条拖影的问题 (13cb586)
  • 修复小页下标从 0 开始的问题 (25ee20f)
  • 修复因图片路径问题导致的加载错误问题 (2367f65)
  • 渲染添加限制 (6945607)
  • 优化细节交互 (fd6be60)
  • 组件销毁时清除事件绑定 (cdaa3ba)
  • annotation 类型修复 (5bc5b60)
  • AppProps 新增style属性 layout 布局改动 (6a44392)
  • BasicOperation 滚轮操作禁止默认操作 (d5e9eb6)
  • canvas 宽高调整 (c729aa4)
  • checkoperation添加多边形textattribute显示 (60d7c1a)
  • Eslint 问题修复 (2de721c)
  • Hotkey 的国际化修复 (0e5a431)
  • SENSEBEE-7610: 【lb-annotation】线条文本标注icon颜色不更新 (8e6ff49)
  • SENSEBEE-7610: 线条的侧边栏并未检查文本输入 (a1024c9)
  • SENSEBEE-7610: 线条工具目标外标注失效 (716bf6b)
  • SENSEBEE-7751: 修复基础数据消失问题 (73a6dbc)
  • SENSEBEE-7910: 【Label-bee + annotation】标签工具 / 文本工具在依赖初始化有问题,仅能初始化第一个依赖 (12e22b3)
  • SENSEBEE-7939: [lb-component] 文本工具无法快捷翻页 (5ad2a9d)
  • SENSEBEE-7940: 点击下一步时,没有正常回显已标注的文本信息 (dd470f5)
  • SENSEBEE-7940: 修复文本工具无法切换依赖数据 (35e506e)
  • SENSEBEE-7976: 【label-bee】线条工具 - 选中线条后侧边信息未同步 (46a156b)
  • SENSEBEE-7977: 【label-bee】单步骤创建的时候,toolHeader 上方的旋转点击不生效 (d8de761)
  • SENSEBEE-7983: 【SDK】【单步骤标注任务】--线条步骤点击清除标注数据没有效果 (1da14c0)
  • SENSEBEE-8010: 【label-bee】点击 toolHeader 的下一步切换步骤,若切换前页面为无效图片,则切换后始终保持无效 (9747288)
  • SENSEBEE-8012 多步骤 依赖拉框目标外标注问题 (348f522)
  • SENSEBEE-8014: 【label-bee】当前页面完全新的,复制上张会复制上张图片的所有数据 (ee6a2d7)
  • SENSEBEE-8277: 【annotation】拉框选中时 space + 左键拖动会有点小问题 (4cd2c72)
  • SENSEBEE: 7908 7909 (baf8173)
  • SENSEBEE: 7913 7915 (bb3f3cf)
  • SENSEBEE: 8003 标点工具计数问题 (e79b488)