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Static site generator for developers who like clean formatting, plus a handful of CLI tools using Pug and/or CoffeeScript.

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Static site generator for developers who like clean formatting, plus a handful of CLI tools that wrap client-side javascript and/or pug.js.

npm install -g pug-pack
pug-pack --init

or for running locally:

git clone
cd pug-pack
npm install
npm run build
npm link

pug-pack takes all the .pug templates in your src directory, and renders each one as an .html file in a dist directory. A custom :inject() filter allows you to easily inline other assets (scripts, CSS, images) into the .html files. Cleanly-formatted languages (.pug, .coffee, .styl, and .yml) are supported, but you can fall back on files from the last 30 years if you have to.

You can see some examples by compiling the test directory of this repo:

cd pug-pack
npx pug-pack -w test
open dist/index.html

There are a couple other examples:

open dist/hyper.html
open dist/vue-chart.html
open dist/bgg.html

Pug files

The main files in src are your .pug files: these will each end up in the dist directory at the exact path they are at, relative to src:

src/index.pug       --> dist/index.html
src/foo/bar/baz.pug --> dist/foo/bar/baz.html

Each .pug file is compiled with content generated from all the other non-pug asset files in the src directory, such as scripts, styles, and images. These assets are included in Pug templates via:

  • custom :inject() filter

  • src template variable

See non-pug files for more details, or some examples in test/index.pug and test/hyper.pug. The :inject() filter is the main workhorse, and it can either:

  • read an asset file and inline it as an HTML element

  • transform inlined content in the template into plain HTML content

  • injected content can be asyncronously generated, which is not possible with standard pug


The :inject(file="...") pug filter will read file relative to your src directory, NOT relative to the .pug file the filter is in

    // this will create a <style> tag with Bootstrap's CSS

    // this will also create a <style> tag, but with the inline Stylus
    // transpiled to CSS
        color: red

      p The current time is

    // this will create a <script> tag with JQuery's code

    // and another <script> with Moment.js's code

    // one more <script>, transpiled with CoffeeScript into plain JavaScript
      $('.current-time').text moment()

Non-pug files

The following file types are supported: .coffee, .styl, .yml, .js, .css, .svg, .html, and .json. Most of these are simple transforms of text-to-text:

  $('body').text "Hello from CoffeeScript, it is #{new Date()}"

However, some of these file types are converted into objects. These require a little care:

.yml and .json

These files are simply converted to objects, which you can use via the src template variable in your Pug templates. Each file is accessed via it's relative path from the src directory:

# src/people.yml
  name: Spongebob Squarepants
  location: a pineapple under the sea
  name: Elon Musk
  location: Ne Syrtis, Mars
// src/index.pug
  each val,key in src["people.yml"]
    li #{} lives in #{} and their SSN is #{key}

Note that src also has all the asset files, not just the .yml and .json files. You can use Pug's !{...} interpolation to include these assets directly, if you have a good reason to. For example, you declare the data in a .yml file as a client-side JavaScript variable and use it:

  var people = !{JSON.stringify(src['people.yml'])};
  Object.keys(people).forEach(function(ssn) {
    var name = people[ssn].name;
    var city = people[ssn].city;
    $('ul').append('<li>' + city + ' is where ' + name + 'lives!</li>');


SVG files are more complicated, because they can either be inlined into a <style> tag, or they can be used "raw", ie embeded straight into HTML as an <svg> element.

// creates a "raw" <svg> element with a CSS class of "github-svg"

// creates a <style> element that declares the "github-svg" CSS class
:inject(file="github.svg" css)

Note the css attribute passed to the :inject filter: this is required to tell the filter to produce CSS instead of SVG. See test/index.pug to see both uses of :inject() with an .svg file.


The src object also gets two additional properties:

  • GIT_HEAD: the short git sha of the src HEAD

  • GIT_TAGS: any tags that refer to GIT_HEAD

Options for pug-pack

pug-pack will compile the assets in its own src directory first, and then compile your own src files. Any file naming collisions will override the files from pug-pack in favor of your version, so if you have src/bootstrap.css, that is the Bootstrap CSS that will be used.

You can override the src and dist directories, and/or pass other options, such as:

  • --production/-p will minify everything as much as possible

  • --watch/w will use browser-sync to watch src and re-run your build on every change

  • --clean/-c will remove the output directory first

  • --verbose/-v for more verbose output

  • --list/-l will list all files involved in the build

  • --init/-i will initialize pug-pack in the current directory:

    • add a "dev" and "build" run-script to package.json

    • write a bare-bones src/index.pug file, as per the quickstart above

See pug-pack --help for more, or see the CLI here.

Node API for pug-pack

You can require('pug-pack') yourself, if you really want to. The two main methods are:

  • .self() will process the assets in pug-pack's own src directory (there are no public .pug files in this directory, only .pug files prefixed with _ to denote they are skipped for compilation to .html)

  • .crawl(rootDir) will process the assets in rootDir, which should include one or more .pug files

See the CLI as an example.

include and extend keywords in Pug

If you would rather use these pug built-ins, see pugs below: it exposes the pug-pack/src directory via pug's own --basedir option, so that you can write:

extend /_base  <!-- NOTE: the leading slash tells pug to use "absolute" paths,
               starting at --basedir -->

append head
  title Your Cool Page

If you don't want to use pugs, just specify the full path to pug-pack/src when you use include and extend.

Additional JSTransformers included in pug-pack


pug-pack includes a CoffeeScript v2 jstransformer, which can be used in .pug as follows:

    foo = -> "this is foo"

  console.log("foo says:", foo());

Note that:

  • this is simply an alternative to :inject(ext="coffee")

  • pug itself might include the coffee-script (with the hyphen) filter, which is CoffeeScript v1

  • this jstransformer is coffeescript (without the hyphen), and is CoffeeScript v2

  • syntax hightlighting doesn't play well with the custom :inject filter, so for inlining more than a few lines of CoffeeScript, this jstransformer is preferable


Markdown and Pug are a great combo, use this filter like so:

    # Your Markdown Content

    | Column A         | Column B             |
    | ---------------- | -------------------- |
    | A little of this |                      |
    |                  | and a little of that |

Reference for files in src

Third-party libraries

File(s) Notes
axios.js Axios
bootstrap.css Bootstrap CSS
bootstrap-dark.css Bootstrap CSS for dark mode
chart.{css,js} Chart.js for making charts
filesize.js Convert numbers to SI-prefixed byte strings
hyperapp.js HyperApp UI Framework
jquery-stripped.js Custom JQuery build
jquery.js Standard JQuery library
jquery.tablesorter.min.js Plugin to turn any table sortable
lodash-custom.js Custom Lodash build
lodash.js Standard Lodash build
md-icons.css Local copy of Material Design css
moment-timezone.js Timezone data for Moment
moment.js Moment.js
showdown.js Showdown.js to render Markdown to HTML on the client
sorttable.js An ancient way to make table sortable; use JQuery.tablesorter instead
sugar.min.js The Sugar.js framework
tablesorter-theme-bootstrap4.css Nice CSS for the tablsorter plugin
vue-dev.js Vue.js dev build
vue-prod.js Vue.js prod build
vuetify.{css,js} Vuetify UI Framework

Example Pug files

These all use Vuetify to demonstrate how small a useful page can be:

Template Notes
bgg.pug View BoardGameGeek data for a given username
github-user.pug Display all repos of a GitHub user
vue-chart.pug Plot time series data (see timesc CLI tool below)

Client-side helpers

File Notes Easily wrangle query params in the url (see below)
mdtable.js Convert JS array-of-arrays to a string of nicely-formatted Markdown table
commify.js Inject commas as thousands separators into a number
day-hour-min-sec.js Convert a number of seconds into a nicer "1d 2h 3m 4s"-style string

This is a function to bind <input> elements to url query params, with a few extra conveniences around that. After :injecting it, simply call bindInputQueryParam('#your-element-id'), eg:

  bindInputQueryParam '#query', ->
    console.log 'the url query string was updated, look at it!'


This takes an array-of-arrays, and renders it as a markdown table (in a string) using

mdtable(['foo', 'bar'], ['first',2], ['second',4], { align: 'lr' })


Adds commas to a number to make it easier to read.

commify(3423545656356923.1231255) // 3,423,545,656,356,923.123,125,5


Converts a number of seconds into something that makes more sense to a human

dhms(344) // 5m 44s

Misc CLI Tools


A CLI wrapper around the client-side mdtable.js library.

usage: mdtable [options and filename(s)]

Reads lines from filename(s) and/or stdin and outputs them in a nicely
formatted Markdown table.

Input options:

-i INDEXES   include columns via 1-based indexes in CSV form (eg "2,-1,4")
-e INDEXES   exclude columns via 1-based indexes in CSV form
-r REGEX     regex used to split each row into cells ("\t" by default)
-w           whitepsace-based inference for column boundaries: use the first
             line as a template (eg, see Docker's CLI output)
-j           json-formatted input (ignore -r and -w)
-c           csv-formatted input (ignore -r and -w)

Output options:

-a ALIGN     align each cell with "l", "r", and "c" (eg "llr")
-n NAMES     names for column headers as CSV (if first line of input is not
-t N         truncate all cells to N characters
-p           plaintext output: un-markdownify the final result
-s           strict parsing: only output lines that parse to the same number
             of cells as the first line of input

Long args are also supported: --regex, --align, --names, --truncate,
--include/--indexes, --exclude, --strict, --whitespace, --plaintext, --json,
and --csv. A filename of "-" will read from stdin.

-a and -n are used AFTER -i and -e. i.e., if you -i three columns, you should
ALSO pass three values for -a and/or -n.


A CLI wrapper around commify.js.

usage: commify [-j] [NUMBER ...]

Inserts commas as thousands separators in one or more NUMBER, and outputs each
on its own line. -j outputs as JSON for Alfred Workflow integration.


A CLI wrapper around day-hour-min-sec.js.

usage: dhms [NUMBER ...]

Convert a number of seconds into human numbers.


This is a command-line tool to feed newline-based timestamps into vue-chart.pug on your local machine.

timesc - (time) (s)eries (c)hart

usage: timesc [file ...] [-f fmt>]

Parse timestamps from lines of input and graph it using Vue and Chart.js. The
chart includes:

- aggregation by adjustable duration
- limiting to most recent timestamps

Each timestamp has a weight of 1, so that default aggregation amounts to simply
counting timestamps. Weight can be changed by including a number with each
timestamp, either before or after the timestamp and separated by comma or tab,
for example:


Timestamps are parsed strictly.

-f/--format <moment format string>

    Without a format, falls back on moment's default parsing, otherwise
    parsing will use your format:


A CLI that wraps the coffee binary with some useful behavior for shell one-liners, as well as exploring CoffeeScript in its REPL.

Run CoffeeScript with lots of pre-defined objects/functions:

  s: sugar.js
  m: moment.js
  l: lodash.js
  fs: fs
  log: console.log()
  js: JSON.stringify()
  jp: JSON.parse()
  fsr: fs.readFileSync()
  fsw: fs.writeFileSync()

If given args, assumes each arg is a line of the function to run on each
line of stdin. Without args, just opens the REPL.


A CLI to run pug in the context of your local pug-pack installation. src in this context is the pug-pack/src directory itself, not your own src directory. Use this if you're intentionally trying to use files in this repo, something like the timesc script.

$ pugs -h
A wrapper around running pug with --basedir set to pug-pack's `src` directory.

  pugs [-l|--list|ls [ARGS]]   # runs `ls` with ARGS in `src`
  pugs [-f|--find|find [ARGS]] # runs `find` with ARGS in `src`
  pugs ARGS                    # runs `pug` with --basedir set to `src` and
                               # ARGS for pug


Static site generator for developers who like clean formatting, plus a handful of CLI tools using Pug and/or CoffeeScript.







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