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Assignment 0 "Using GIT"

Due Thursday 2019-09-05

Assignment Goal

  • Student gets a git client
  • Student practices using github to submit assignments
  • Teacher learns about student
  • Estimated Time: 20 minutes


  1. Create and account on GitHub
    1. Create a new repository called Cos470
    2. Add blackboxlogic as a collaborator
  2. (If using your own computer) Download and install a git client
    1. I suggest using VisualStudio Community for now
      1. See 'VS Options.png' for recommended settings
  3. Use your git client and Checkout your Cos470 repo "[YourUserName]/Cos470.git"
    1. If using visual studio, it will be on the "Team Explorer" pane
  4. Add a "Assignment0" folder to your repo
  5. Put a new file "about.txt" (or .md) file in "Assignment0"
  6. Edit the file to briefly answer the following questions:
    1. Your Name, your email address
    2. Your experience programming, with c#, with Git.
    3. Topics that interest you
    4. Career goals
    5. What you want to get out of this class
    6. Learning style
    7. Anything else you'd like me to know
    8. What other classes are you taking this semester
  7. Commit this file, and push it to github
