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Demo Sample App Updating Guide


The demo sample app is used to perform E2E testing on cloudwatch, cloudwatch operator and adot repository. If any changes need to be made on the demo sample app, the following steps should be taken.

EKS Use Case: Uploading to ECR

Since the images are shared by three different repositories, care must be taken while updating the images so that none of the three repositories get left behind. Ensure that none of the repositories are currently using the image about to be updated. If all images are being used, create a new image instead. To update the image, first push the update to a backup image (or generate a new one), then switch the address on the three repositories to the backup image one by one. Once all three repositories are pointing to the backup image, push the update to the main image and revert the addresses on the repositories back to the original. Be careful to ensure the image names are appropriately stored in secrets.

Setting up the environment:

  1. Run ./.github/scripts/ in the repository root. You should have a new folder called opentelemetry-java-instrumentation
  2. Cd to the new folder, then run gradle publishToMavenLocal
  3. Run rm -rf opentelemetry-java-instrumentation to delete the folder.

Steps to update image:

  1. Login to the testing account
  2. Create a new ECR repository if there's no existing one.
  3. Login to ECR Repository: aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {REPOSITORY}.
  4. Change repository name in the build.gradle.kts file under testing/sample-apps/springboot or testing/sample-apps/sprintboot-remote-service
  5. Change the tasks.named("jib").enabled value on the build.gradle.kts file from false to true
  6. Run gradle jib under the respective directory.

EC2 Use Case: Building the JAR Files

To build the JAR files of the sample application, simply cd into each application, e.g. cd testing/sample-apps/springboot, and run gradle build. This will create JAR files in the build/libs/ folder with the format:

  • springboot-*-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar
  • springboot-*-SNAPSHOT-plain.jar
  • springboot-*-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
  • springboot-*-SNAPSHOT.jar.

To update the JAR file in the testing account:

  • Login to the testing account
  • Only after you're sure of your changes and if they do not break the tests running in other repos, use aws s3api put-object --bucket <BUCKET_NAME> --body build/libs/springboot-*-SNAPSHOT.jar --key <SERVICE_NAME>.jar

Note: Replace * with the version number and <SERVICE_NAME>.jar is the desired name of the .jar file once in the s3 bucket. e.g. sample-app-main-service.jar