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File metadata and controls

124 lines (96 loc) · 4.07 KB


Solar Conventionality-based Organizing Observation data ( SCOOBI )


scoobi -cc #this creates new configuration file in local directory called .config
scoobi -rc #this reads the config file .config and return a dictionary for you to see,
scoobi -cc -c=scoobi.config #this can be used to change the name of the config file
scoobi -rc -c=scoobi.config #if config file is scoobi.config

if you need to hardcode for ex. rootfolder you can now manually open the config file and replace the values, to use the values run the code normally combining with -rc

for example: changed the fits_folder=/home/avi/test-fits/ in .config

and then to generate thumbnails from the new configuration

scoobi -f /path/to/fits/ -th -rc
usage: scoobi [-h] [-f FITS_FOLDER] [-t TIFF_FOLDER] [-r RAW_FOLDER] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-hdr HEADER] [-hf HEADER_FILE]
              [-hfo HEADER_FILE_OUTPUT] [-mm MONTH] [-dd DAYS] [--no-datedfolder] [-rt] [-ct] [-rc] [-cc] [-do] [-th]

                        | |   (_)   
     ___  ___ ___   ___ | |__  _ 
    / __|/ __/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \| |  
    \__ \ (_| (_) | (_) | |_) | |   
    |___/\___\___/ \___/|_.__/|_|   

    Solar Conventionality-based Organizing Observation data ( SCOOBI )

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FITS_FOLDER, --fits_folder FITS_FOLDER
  -t TIFF_FOLDER, --tiff_folder TIFF_FOLDER
                        RAW TIFF folder path
  -r RAW_FOLDER, --raw_folder RAW_FOLDER
                        RAW FITS folder path
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
                        complete path for output csv or log file.
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config_file CONFIG_FILE
                        complete path for config file with inputs
  -mm MONTH, --month MONTH
                        comma separated month names
  -dd DAYS, --days DAYS
                        comma separated month names for range(a,b) Ex --days='1,32'
  --no-datedfolder      if not needed to create dated folder
  -rt, --read-time      reads time from a tiff file
  -ct, --compare-time   compares time from a fits file to a tiff file
  -rc, --read-config    read config, bool
  -cc, --create-config  create config, if called with rc would modify from and to the CONFIG_FILE path
  -do, --do-conversion  create fits from tiff/fits raw file and take care of the folder structure. Requires tiff_folder or raw_folder path
  -th, --thumbnail      True/False for creating thumbnails; The fits folder path is required but should be more specific e.g atleaset including the
                        /processed; should not be used with -do

  Parameters for injecting and printing headers.
  [[Work in Progress]]

  -hdr HEADER, --header HEADER
                        Comma separated input headers to inject to the raw file.
  -hf HEADER_FILE, --header-file HEADER_FILE
                        Input header from path to inject to the raw file.
  -hfo HEADER_FILE_OUTPUT, --header-file-output HEADER_FILE_OUTPUT
                        Header output with the correct padding.

File Conventions


Front-end Processed data for access through database

Folder structure

  • solar_data
    • final

      contains fits files and thumbnails

      • YEAR (int[4])
        • MONTH (str[3])
          • DAY (int[8])
            • .fits file
            • thumbnails/
              • .fits file path.stem + 'jpg'
    • processed

      contains fits files

      • YEAR (int[4])
        • MONTH (str[3])
          • DAY (int[8])
            • .fits file
    • raw

      raw telescope data

      • YEAR (int[4])
        • Month (int[2])
          • Day (int[2])

Naming Convention suggested by committee


Example : S-2022-11-01T02:02:20.001-HA.fits

  • S : Science data
  • F : Flats data
  • D : Dark data
  • '-' : Separator
  • 2022-11-01 : YEAR + Separator + MONTH + Separator + DAY
  • T02:02:20.001 : T + hour + minute +seconds +millisecond
  • HA : H- alpha telescope