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February 2014 Lightning List

Jeff Felchner edited this page Jan 29, 2014 · 29 revisions

Lightning Talks are short talks about topics relevant to the community (we'll probably do 5-7 minutes). Anyone can participate and it's always a LOT of fun.

12 spots!

Section 1 (7-8PM)

  1. "On User Groups", Damon Clinkscales, @damon
  2. chef-book, JJ Asghar, @jjasghar
  3. "Deploying Rails with Docker", James Adam, @lazyatom
  4. "One-off code vs reusable code: Why didn't I think about this before I started?", Derrick Parkhurst @8bsn github
  5. "Building a Ruby command line app", Ben Rogers
  6. "5 Ways to Build Better REST APIs with Ruby", James Higginbotham, @[launchany](http://

Section 2 (8-9PM)

  1. Talk 1 (title, name, twitter handle)
  2. "A sprinkling of Ember", Brandon Hays, @tehviking
  3. "Practice, Practice, Practice", Nola Stowe, @rubygeekdotcom
  4. "High-performance image uploads with CarrierWave", Nathaniel Jones, @thenthj
  5. "True Fact: This is the BEST way to configuration management yourself... ever.", Jeff Felchner @jfelchner
  6. Talk 6 (title, name, twitter handle)