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File metadata and controls

146 lines (146 loc) · 6.15 KB

Configuration file cheat sheet

Hereunder is a complete list of the configuration parameters with their description:

  • model:
    • The class name of the model to train. You can for example change the code of into a file and then use it for meta likelihood free inference.
    • e.g. ALFINet, BetterALFINet
  • simulator:
    • It contains the parameters related to the simulator.
    • name:
      • The class name of a simulator implementation.
      • e.g. PoissonSimulator, LinearRegressionSimiulator, WeinbergSimulator, ...
    • parameters:
      • The list of parameters taken by the constructor of the simulator class.
      • e.g. [], sigma: 0.5, ...
  • train:
    • It contains the parameters related to the training configuration.
    • nb_epochs:
      • The number of training epochs.
      • e.g. 130
    • nb_iter:
      • The number of iteration of ALFI (T in the manuscript).
      • e.g. 15
    • nb_theta:
      • The number of thetas (simulation parameters) in the meta training set. Each of them constitute a problem.
      • e.g. 1000
    • nb_x_per_theta:
      • The number of observations for each theta in the meta training set.
      • e.g. 500
    • meta_batch_size:
      • The number of problem taken from the training to perform one gradient update.
      • e.g. 16
    • batch_size_theta:
      • The number of thetas drawn from the random distribution proposal on the true simulation parameters.
      • e.g. 8
    • batch_size_x:
      • The number of observations generated for each of these theta.
      • e.g. 64
    • lr:
      • The learning rate.
      • e.g. 0.0002
    • save_every:
      • The number of epochs between two saveguard.
      • e.g. 5
    • test_every:
      • The number of epochs between two tests (useful to do training plots).
      • e.g. 5
    • loss:
      • The type of loss used. If you want to write your own it must be relevant to compare the proposal distribution with the true parameters value.
      • e.g. normal, MSE, l1
    • weight:
      • The weighting on the loss which should controls the tradeoff exploration/exploitation of the iterative process.
      • e.g. exp, oi, last, constant
  • test:
    • It contains the parameters related to the testing configuration.
    • nb_iter:
      • Same meaning as for train (but the value can be different).
    • nb_theta:
      • The number of different simulation parameters for test.
      • e.g. 1000
    • nb_x_per_theta:
      • Same meaning as for train (but the value can be different).
    • meta_batch_size:
      • Same meaning as for train (but the value can be different). It is only useful to limit memory requirements.
    • batch_size_x:
      • Same as for train.
    • batch_size_theta:
      • Same as for train.
  • networks:
    • It contains the parameters related to the training configuration.
    • use_grad:
      • Put the variational gradient () as input or not.
      • e.g. true, false.
    • split_theta:
      • Whether consider the optimization over each parameter independently or not.
      • e.g. true, false.
    • x_data_agg:
      • Configuration parameters of the network that encodes the observations.
      • hidden_size:
        • The number of units by hidden layer.
        • e.g. 50.
      • output_size:
        • The number of output units.
        • e.g. 50.
    • theta_data_agg:
      • Configuration parameters of the network that aggregates the encoded observations and the gradients.
      • hidden_size:
        • The number of units by hidden layer.
        • e.g. 50.
      • output_size:
        • The number of output units.
        • e.g. 50.
    • RIM:
      • Configuration parameters of the RNN.
      • hidden_size:
        • The number of units by hidden layer.
        • e.g. 50.
      • st_size:
        • The number of memory units of the GRU.
        • e.g. 50.
      • bounded:
        • The bound on the output of the RNN which represents the update step on the proposal distribution (a negative number if no bound).
        • e.g. -1, 0.2
  • proposal:
    • name:
      • The class name of the proposal distribution on parameters value.
      • e.g. ConstantProposal, FixedVarianceGaussianProposal, GaussianProposal
    • sigma:
      • A parameter value of the constructor of the proposal, it could be something else than sigma.`
      • e.g. 0.5.
  • plot:
    • title:
      • Whether or not the figures should contains a title.`
      • e.g. true, false.
    • rmse_t:
      • nb_theta:
        • The number of theta to produce the plot that shows the evolution of the RMSE along iterations for these parameters.
        • e.g. 12.
    • hist-x:
      • nb_theta:
        • The number of theta to produce the plot that compares the observations generated with the final proposal distribution output by ALFI with the observations of the testing set.
        • e.g. 6.
      • nb_samples_real:
        • The number of observations used to do the plot for the true parameters.
        • e.g. 5000.
      • nb_samples_gen:
        • The number of observations used to do the plot for the estimated parameters.
        • e.g. 5000.
      • nb_bins:
        • The number of bins in the histograms.
        • e.g. 10.
    • init_box:
      • Box plot that shows what is the variation of the final proposal (after T iterations) depending on the starting proposal.
      • nb_theta:
        • The number of theta and so the number of box plot.
        • e.g. 12
    • init_rmse_t:
      • This plot shows what is the impact of different starting proposal on the evolution of the RMSE along iterations.
      • nb_theta:
        • The number of theta and so the number of sub plots.
        • e.g. 12
    • init_comparison:
      • Configuration to pre-compute data for the two plots above.
      • nb_inits:
        • The number of starting proposal.
        • e.g. 12.
      • nb_theta:
        • The number of theta (should be greater or equal than for the two previous plots configurations.)