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File metadata and controls

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Every navigation operation is highly customizable. Define your configuration by chaining configuration methods in configuration block.

Configuration options:

More details about options are available on the Documentation page.



Method Arguments
animated(_:) Bool

By passing false, transition will perform without animation. Default: true

Method Arguments
transitioningDelegate(_:) UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate

Pass the delegate object that provides transition animator, interactive controller, and custom presentation controller objects.

Observing completion


Method Arguments
completion(_:) () -> Void

The block to execute after the navigation finishes (after the viewDidAppear(_:) method is called on the presented view controller).

Observing success


Method Arguments
onSuccess(_:) (Result) -> Void

The block to execute before the navigation starts (after the view controller is instantiated).

Observing failure


Method Arguments
onFailure(_:) (Error) -> Void

The block to execute on navigation failure.



Method Arguments
embedded(in:) EmbeddingType

Embeds view controller in another view controller. Pass EmbeddingType enum to specify behavior.

Method Arguments
embedded(in:) EmbeddingProtocol.Type

Embeds view controller in another view controller. Pass type conforming EmbeddingProtocol.

Method Arguments
embeddedInNavigationController() None

Embeds view controller in UINavigationController.

Passing data

Example Apps


Method Arguments
passData(_:) Any
withData(_:) Any
passData(_:) T
withData(_:) T
passDataInBlock(_:) ((T) -> Void) -> Void
withDataInBlock(_:) ((T) -> Void) -> Void

TODO: describe usage



Method Arguments
keepAlive(within:cacheIdentifier:) Lifetime, String

Pass an object conforming Lifetime protocol.

Lifetime protocol

Implement following method:

  • func die(_ kill: @escaping () -> Void)

Call kill() to invalidate cache.

Simple use case

Let's say following use case has to be implemented:

  1. When some action A1 occurs (eg. button is tapped), VC1 is presented
    • If VC1 is dismissed and A1 action is repeated within 60 seconds, presented VC1 should be the same instance from step 1 of this use case
    • Otherwise, new instance of VC1 should be presented

This can be easily achieved by passing an object conforming Lifetime protocol.

Let's make an object that is representing some time duration, in this case - seconds. It has just one property:

  • let seconds: TimeInterval
class Age: Lifetime {
    let seconds: TimeInterval
    init(seconds: TimeInterval) {
        self.seconds = seconds
    func die(_ kill: @escaping () -> Void) {
        print("will invalidate cache in \(seconds) second(s)")
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + seconds) {
            print("Cache invalidated")

Applying Lifetime to navigation:

Navigate.present { $0
    .keepAlive(within: Age(seconds: 60), identifier: "CACHE_IDENTIFIER")


Example App


Method Arguments
protect(with:) ProtectionSpace

Pass an object conforming ProtectionSpace protocol.

ProtectionSpace protocol

Implement following method:

  • func shouldProtect(unprotect: @escaping () -> Void, failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> Bool

Call unprotect() when you are ready to execute navigation.

Simple use case

  1. Unauthenticated user initiates navigation to VC1 that is available only to authenticated users
  2. When such navigation is requested, VC1 should not open immediately
  3. Authentication view controller VC2 is presented
  4. When user is finally authenticated, VC2 is dismissed and VC1 is presented automatically without need to initiate navigation again

How to achieve this?

  1. Declare protection space:

    class Auth: ProtectionSpace {
        let authenticationService = SomeAuthService()
        // MARK: ProtectionSpace
        func shouldProtect(unprotect: @escaping () -> Void, failure: @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> Bool {
            guard let shouldProtect = !authenticationService.isUserSignedIn else {
                // should not protect if user is signed in
                return false
            // present some AuthVC
            Navigate.present { $0
                .onSuccess({ (result) in
                    authenticationService.userDidSignIn {
                        // `authenticationService.isUserSignedIn` now resolves to `true`               
                        // dismiss AuthVC                    
                        result.toViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
                            // unprotect and proceed with navigation
                    authenticationService.userDidFailToSignIn { error in
                        // pass error if want to trigger onFailure blocks
                        // on main navigation request
            return shouldProtect
  2. Apply ProtectionSpace instance to navigation:

    Navigate.present { (navigate) in
            .protect(with: Auth())

State restoration


CoreNavigation interacts with iOS state restoration engine and provides solution to cases where some checks has to be done before state restoration should continue. However, there are some prerequisites that have to be met:

  • If you do not use storyboards and instead create your window and root view controller in code, make sure you create them in AppDelegate's application:willFinishLaunchingWithOptions: instead of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

    From Apple's documentation:


    If your app relies on the state restoration machinery to restore its view controllers, always show your app’s window from this method. Do not show the window in your app’s application(:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method. Calling the window’s makeKeyAndVisible() method does not make the window visible right away anyway. UIKit waits until your app’s application(:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method finishes before making the window visible on the screen.

  • Conform your App delegate to StateRestorationDelegate and implement:

    • application:shouldSaveApplicationState:
    • application:shouldRestoreApplicationState:
    • application:stateRestorationBehaviorForContext:


    class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, StateRestorationDelegate {
        var window: UIWindow? = UIWindow()
        lazy var rootViewController = ViewController()
        func application(_ application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
            rootViewController?.restorationIdentifier = "root"
            window?.restorationIdentifier = "main_window"
            window?.rootViewController = rootViewController
            return true
        func application(_ application: UIApplication, shouldSaveApplicationState coder: NSCoder) -> Bool {
            return true
        func application(_ application: UIApplication, shouldRestoreApplicationState coder: NSCoder) -> Bool {
            return true
        func application(_ application: UIApplication, stateRestorationBehaviorForContext context: StateRestorationContext) -> StateRestorationBehavior {
            // check if restoration is heading to some protected view controller
            if context.identifier == "my-account" {
                return .protect(protectionSpace: Auth(), onUnprotect: nil, onFailure: nil)
            context.onUnprotect { (viewController: UIViewController) in
                // if you unprotect state restoration on different thread, you can manually present resolved view controller from here
            return .allow // or .reject if state restoration is not wanted
        func application(_ application: UIApplication, viewControllerWithRestorationIdentifierPath identifierComponents: [Any], coder: NSCoder) -> UIViewController? {
            Fallback to default iOS state restoration handling.
            Only implement this method if you handle state restoration manually.
            return nil


Method Arguments
stateRestorable() None

Prepares view controller for state restoration.

If you use this method, then your AppDelegate must conform StateRestorationDelegate protocol.

Method Arguments
stateRestorable(identifier:) String

Prepares view controller for state restoration with ability to pass custom restoration identifier.

If you use this method, then your AppDelegate must conform StateRestorationDelegate protocol.

Method Arguments
stateRestorable(identifier:class:) String, UIViewControllerRestoration.Type

Prepares view controller for state restoration with ability to pass custom restoration identifier and class.

Implement following method:

  • func application(_ application: UIApplication, stateRestorationBehaviorForContext context: StateRestorationContext) -> StateRestorationBehavior

    When state restoration is handled through CoreNavigation, on app launch AppDelegate will be asked to provide behavior for single state restoration case.

    Method must return a case from StateRestorationBehavior enum.

    Method will receive StateRestorationContext argument (used for meta purposes) which has following properties:

    Property name Type Description
    restorationIdentifier String State restoration identifier applied to view controller.
    viewControllerClass UIViewController.Type A view controller class that is going to be restored.
    protectionSpaceClass AnyClass? A class of object passed in protect(with:) method.
    data Any? Data passed in passData(_:) method.

Note View controllers restored by CoreNavigation state restoration engine & conforming DataReceivable protocol will receive data passed during navigation so there is no need to rely on decodeRestorableState(with:) and encodeRestorableState(with:). To support this feature, passed data must conform to NSCoding protocol.

Specifying origin view controller


Method Arguments
from(_:) UIViewController

CoreNavigation automatically determines visible view controller which is used to navigate from. Calling this method will override this behavior.