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Straight to the Point HTTP Networking for JSON Services in Swift



  • Easy to use and read Request / Response Methods
  • JSON Responses
  • Setting Hosts, Contexts and Headers only once and use it by a Key defined by you
  • GET Methods with Query and Path Parameters
  • POST Method with JSON Body
  • PUT Methods with JSON Body and/or Query and Path Parameters
  • DELETE Methods with JSON Body and/or Query and Path Parameters
  • Unit and Integration Test Coverage - (Need more test Coverage)
  • HTTP Response Validation
  • Custom Error Response Object
  • TLS Certificate and Public Key Pinning (Using Certificate Files and/or SHA256 encoded with Base64 Hash Keys)
  • OPTION and PATCH methods


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 10.2+
  • Swift 5+



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for projects. For its documentation on Usage and Installation, visit this site.

On your Podfile add:

pod 'HTTPLayer'

On your Terminal, navigate to your project folder and run this command:

$ pod install



To use HTTPLayer you just need to add its import on any class you might want.

import HTTPLayer

It is recommended to configure all your hosts, contexts, headers and security options on the AppDelegate file, like the example bellow:

  • For hosts, contexts, and headers configuration, inside the " func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {} " add configuration like:
//For adding Hosts and Context or Headers

//For setting multiplus Hosts and Context or Headers at once

//For retrieving Hosts and Context or Headers that has already been added

//For changing already added Headers

//For removing any Header that has already been added
  • For security options, also inside the " func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {} " add configuration like:
//For enabling SSL Pinning, Debug Mode, Continue Without Pinning and setting SHA256 encoded with Base64 Hash Keys and/or Certificate files .cer and .crt to expecific Hosts

//For retrieving the any configuration made with the HTTP.Security.set 

These are the already implemented methods that you can choose from. All of them are accessable through "HTTP.Request" and all of them are documented and avaliable on the Xcode Autocomplete Shortcut. (E and D stands for Generic Object that conforms to Encodable for E and Decodable for D)

  • GET - (Add the parameter "receivingAsError: T.self" to use a custom Error Response Object)
//Without Parameters:
HTTP.Request.get(from: String, withHostAndContext: String, andHeaders: String, receivingObjectType: D.self, completion: (Result<ResponseObject<D>, ErrorObject<ER>>) -> ()) 

//Path Parameters:
HTTP.Request.get(from: String, usingPathParameters: [String]?, fromHostAndContext: String, andHeaders: String?, receivingObjectType: D.self, completion: (Result<ResponseObject<D>, ErrorObject<ER>>) -> ())

//Query Parameters:
HTTP.Request.get(from: String, usingQueryParameters: [String : String]?, fromHostAndContext: String, andHeaders: String?, receivingObjectType: D.self, completion: (Result<ResponseObject<D>, ErrorObject<ER>>) -> ())
  • POST - (Add the parameter "receivingAsError: T.self" to use a custom Error Response Object) String, withBody: Encodable, fromHostAndContext: String, andHeaders: String?, receivingObjectType: D.self, completion: (Result<ResponseObject<D>, ErrorObject<ER>>) -> ())
  • PUT - (Add the parameter "receivingAsError: T.self" to use a custom Error Response Object)
//Path Parameters:
HTTP.Request.put(on: String, withBody: E, andPathParameters: [String]?, fromHostAndContext: String, andHeaders: String?, receivingObjectType: D.self, completion: (Result<ResponseObject<D>, ErrorObject<ER>>) -> ())

//Query Parameters:
HTTP.Request.put(on: String, withBody: E, andQueryParameters: [String : String]?, fromHostAndContext: String, andHeaders: String?, receivingObjectType: D.self, completion: (Result<ResponseObject<D>, ErrorObject<ER>>) -> ())
  • DELETE - (Add the parameter "receivingAsError: T.self" to use a custom Error Response Object)
//Path Parameters
HTTP.Request.delete(from: String, withPathParameters: [String]?, fromHostAndContext: String, andHeaders: String?, receivingObjectType: D.self, completion: (Result<ResponseObject<D>, ErrorObject<ER>>) -> ())

//Query Parameters
HTTP.Request.delete(from: String, withQueryParameters: [String : String]?, fromHostAndContext: String, andHeaders: String?, receivingObjectType: D.self, completion: (Result<ResponseObject<D>, ErrorObject<ER>>) -> ())

All the Requests Methods return a Result<ResponseObject, ErrorObject> The recomended way to use the return Result<> is like :

switch response {
case .success(let success):
    //To retrieve the parsed Response
    //To retrieve the response Headers
case .failure(let failure):
    //To retrieve the custom Error Response
    //To retrieve the error Object



In case you believe you have found any issues and or vulnerability, feel free to reach to or even submit a pull request.


HTTPLayer is released under the MIT license.