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feature: SQL translator
feature: SQL translator
feature: transaction
feature: transaction
good amateur issue
good amateur issue
good first issue
good first issue
good pro issue
good pro issue
in: blog
in: blog
in: charts
in: charts
in: configuration
in: configuration
in: document
in: document
in: example
in: example
in: metadata
in: metadata
in: portocol
in: portocol
in: proxy native
in: proxy native
in: spring
in: spring
in: SQL bind
in: SQL bind
in: subquery
in: subquery
mode: cluster
mode: cluster
mode: standalone
mode: standalone
Past Community Events
Past Community Events
Collection of issues prepared for past events (i.e. Hacktoberfest, Google Summer of Code etc.)
priority: high
priority: high
priority: low
priority: low
priority: medium
priority: medium
project: GSoC2024
project: GSoC2024