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Table 3. Variables provided in {thestats}

var_id Variable
X0 university id
X1 year
X2 program code
X3 type of university
X4 university name
X5 faculty/college
X6 Type of score
X7 type of scholarship
X8 department/program
X9 general contingency
X10 number of quota for the highest rank student in high school
X11 number of placed to general quota
X12 number of students placed to the quota of highest rank student in high school
X13 number of additional placement students
X14 lowest score of students placed with coefficient 0.12
X15 lowest rank of students placed with coefficient 0.12
X16 highest score of placed students
X17 highest rank of placed students
X18 the number of students who placed in the previous year and replaced with the deduction of obp score
X19 average obp score
X20 average high school graduation score
X21 number of placed female students
X22 number of placed male students
X23 number of placed students from same city
X24 number of placed students from different city
X25 number of placed students from mediterranean region
X26 number of placed students from eastern anatolia region
X27 number of placed students from aegean region
X28 number of placed students from southeaster anatolia region
X29 number of placed students from central anatolia region
X30 number of placed students from Black sea region
X31 number of placed students from Marmara region
X32 number of placed students from Adana
X33 number of placed students from Adiyaman
X34 number of placed students from Afyon
X35 number of placed students from Agri
X36 number of placed students from Amasya
X37 number of placed students from Ankara
X38 number of placed students from Antalya
X39 number of placed students from Artvin
X40 number of placed students from Aydin
X41 number of placed students from Balikesir
X42 number of placed students from Bilecik
X43 number of placed students from Bingol
X44 number of placed students from Bitlis
X45 number of placed students from Bolu
X46 number of placed students from Burdur
X47 number of placed students from Bursa
X48 number of placed students from Canakkale
X49 number of placed students from Cankiri
X50 number of placed students from Corum
X51 number of placed students from Denizli
X52 number of placed students from Diyarbakir
X53 number of placed students from Edirne
X54 number of placed students from Elazig
X55 number of placed students from Erzincan
X56 number of placed students from Erzurum
X57 number of placed students from Eskisehir
X58 number of placed students from Gaziantep
X59 number of placed students from Giresun
X60 number of placed students from Gumushane
X61 number of placed students from Hakkari
X62 number of placed students from Hatay
X63 number of placed students from Isparta
X64 number of placed students from Mersin
X65 number of placed students from Istanbul
X66 number of placed students from Izmir
X67 number of placed students from Kars
X68 number of placed students from Kastamonu
X69 number of placed students from Kayseri
X70 number of placed students from Kirklareli
X71 number of placed students from Kirsehir
X72 number of placed students from Kocaeli
X73 number of placed students from Konya
X74 number of placed students from Kutahya
X75 number of placed students from Malatya
X76 number of placed students from Manisa
X77 number of placed students from Kahramanmaras
X78 number of placed students from Mardin
X79 number of placed students from Mugla
X80 number of placed students from Mus
X81 number of placed students from Nevsehir
X82 number of placed students from Nigde
X83 number of placed students from Ordu
X84 number of placed students from Rize
X85 number of placed students from Sakarya
X86 number of placed students from Samsun
X87 number of placed students from Siirt
X88 number of placed students from Sinop
X89 number of placed students from Sivas
X90 number of placed students from Tekirdag
X91 number of placed students from Tokat
X92 number of placed students from Trabzon
X93 number of placed students from Tunceli
X94 number of placed students from Sanliurfa
X95 number of placed students from Usak
X96 number of placed students from Van
X97 number of placed students from Yozgat
X98 number of placed students from Zonguldak
X99 number of placed students from Aksaray
X100 number of placed students from Bayburt
X101 number of placed students from Karaman
X102 number of placed students from Kirikkale
X103 number of placed students from Batman
X104 number of placed students from Sirnak
X105 number of placed students from Bartin
X106 number of placed students from Ardahan
X107 number of placed students from Igdir
X108 number of placed students from Yalova
X109 number of placed students from Karabuk
X110 number of placed students from Kilis
X111 number of placed students from Osmaniye
X112 number of placed students from Duzce
X113 number of students graduated from high school in same year
X114 number of students graduated from high school and not placed before
X115 number of students placed when they are students
X116 number of students graduated from university before
X117 number of student graduated from high school in same year
X118 number of student graduated from high school one year ago
X119 number of student graduated from high school two years ago
X120 number of student graduated from high school three years ago
X121 number of student graduated from high school four years ago
X122 lowest score of students placed quota of highest rank student in high school
X123 highest rank of students placed quota of highest rank student in high school
X124 average turkish test net
X125 average math test net
X126 average social studies test net
X127 average science test net
X128 average foreign language test net
X129 average ayt turkish language test net
X130 average history test net
X131 avege ayt math test net
X132 average geography test net
X133 average obp score
X134 average tyt score
X135 lowest obp score
X136 lowest tyt score
X137 average rank of success
X138 lowest rank of success
X139 number of students who choice
X140 average choice place
X141 number of choices in 1st place
X142 number of choices in 2nd place
X143 number of choices in 3rd place
X144 number of choices in 4th place
X145 number of choices in 5th place
X146 number of choices in 6th place
X147 number of choices in 7th place
X148 number of choices in 8th place
X149 number of choices in 9th place
X150 number of choices in 10th and more place
X151 number of students placed in 1st choice
X152 number of students placed in 2nd choice
X153 number of students placed in 3rd choice
X154 number of students placed in 4th choice
X155 number of students placed in 5th choice
X156 number of students placed in 6th choice
X157 number of students placed in 7th choice
X158 number of students placed in 8th choice
X159 number of students placed in 9th choice
X160 number of students placed in 10th choice
X161 number of students placed in 11th choice
X162 number of students placed in 12th choice
X163 number of students placed in 13th choice
X164 number of students placed in 14th choice
X165 number of students placed in 15th choice
X166 number of students placed in 16th choice
X167 number of students placed in 17th choice
X168 number of students placed in 18th choice
X169 number of students placed in 19th choice
X170 number of students placed in 20th choice
X171 number of students placed in 21th choice
X172 number of students placed in 22th choice
X173 number of students placed in 23th choice
X174 number of students placed in 24th choice
X175 total used choices of students
X176 used number of choices
X177 unused number of choices
X178 average used choices of students
X179 total used choices of students
X180 number of choices for private universities
X181 number of choices for Cyprus universities
X182 number of choices for abroad universities
X183 number of choices for same department/program
X184 number of choices for different department/program
X185 number of choices for Cyprus department/program
X186 number of choices for programs
X187 number of choices for abroad department/program
X188 number of full professor
X189 number of associate professor
X190 number of assistant professor
X191 number of registered female students
X192 number of registered male students
X193 number of male graduates
X194 number of female graduates
X195 number of outgoing exchange students
X196 number of incoming exchange students