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Engineering Guidelines

Weston Ruter edited this page Dec 16, 2021 · 40 revisions

Getting started


To contribute to this plugin, you need the following tools installed on your computer:

  • Composer - to install PHP dependencies.
  • Node.js - to install JavaScript dependencies.
  • WordPress - to run the actual plugin.

You should be running a Node version matching the current active LTS release or newer for this plugin to work correctly. You can check your Node.js version by typing node -v in the Terminal prompt.

If you have an incompatible version of Node in your development environment, you can use nvm to change node versions on the command line:

nvm install

Local environment

Since you need a WordPress environment to run the plugin in, the quickest way to get up and running is to use the provided Docker setup. Install Docker and Docker Compose by following the instructions on their website.

You can then clone this project somewhere on your computer:

git clone amp
cd amp

If you'd like to checkout the most recent stable release tag instead of develop, you can do this:

git fetch --tags
git checkout $(git tag --sort=-v:refname | grep -v '-' | head -n 1)

After that, run a script to set up the local environment. It will automatically verify whether Docker, Composer and Node.js are configured properly and start the local WordPress instance. You may need to run this script multiple times if prompted.


If everything was successful, you'll see this on your screen:

Welcome to...


The WordPress installation should be available at http://localhost:8890 (Username: admin, Password: password).

To later turn off the local environment, you can run:

npm run env:stop

To bring it back later, run:

npm run env:start

Also, if you need to reset the local environment's database, you can run:

npm run env:reset-site

Custom environment

Alternatively, you can use your own local WordPress environment and clone this repository right into your wp-content/plugins directory.

cd wp-content/plugins && git clone amp

Then install the packages:

composer install
npm install

And lastly, do a build of the JavaScript:

npm run build:js

Lastly, to get the plugin running in your WordPress install, run composer install and then activate the plugin via the WordPress dashboard or wp plugin activate amp.

Developing the plugin

Whether you use the pre-existing local environment or a custom one, any PHP code changes will be directly visible during development.

However, for JavaScript this involves a build process. To watch for any JavaScript file changes and re-build it when needed, you can run the following command:

npm run dev

This way you will get a development build of the JavaScript, which makes debugging easier.

To get a production build, run:

npm run build:js


The branching strategy follows the GitFlow schema; make sure to familiarize yourself with it.

All branches are named with with the following pattern: {type}/{issue_id}-{short_description}

  • {type} = issue Type label
  • {issue_id} = issue ID
  • {short_description} = short description of the PR

To include your changes in the next patch release (e.g. 1.0.x), please base your branch off of the current release branch (e.g. 1.0) and open your pull request back to that branch. If you open your pull request with the develop branch then it will be by default included in the next minor version (e.g. 1.x).

Code reviews

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.

Coding standards

All contributions to this project will be checked against WordPress-Coding-Standards with PHPCS, and for JavaScript linting is done with ESLint.

To verify your code meets the requirements, you can run npm run lint.

You can also install a pre-commit hook via:

echo "set -e; composer run-script pre-commit" > .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Or if running inside Lando:

echo "set -e; lando composer run-script pre-commit" > .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

This way, your code will be checked automatically before committing any changes.


PHP Unit Tests

The AMP plugin uses the PHPUnit testing framework to write unit and integration tests for the PHP part.

To run the full test suite, you can use the following command:

npm run test:php

You can also just run test for a specific function or class by using something like this:

npm run test:php -- --filter=AMP_Theme_Support

See npm run test:php:help to see all the possible options.

JavaScript Unit Tests

Jest is used as the JavaScript unit testing framework.

To run the full test suite, you can use the following command:

npm run test:js

You can also watch for any file changes and only run tests that failed or have been modified:

npm run test:js:watch

See npm run test:js:help to get a list of additional options that can be passed to the test runner.

End-to-End Tests

This project leverages the local Docker-based environment to facilitate end-to-end (e2e) testing using Puppeteer.

To run the full test suite, you can use the following command:

npm run test:e2e

You can also watch for any file changes and only run tests that failed or have been modified:

npm run test:e2e:watch

Not using the built-in local environment? You can also pass any other URL to run the tests against. Example:

npm run test:e2e -- --wordpress-base-url=https://my-amp-dev-site.local

For debugging purposes, you can also run the E2E tests in non-headless mode:

npm run test:e2e:interactive

Note that this will also slow down all interactions during tests by 80ms. You can control these values individually too:

PUPPETEER_HEADLESS=false npm run test:e2e # Interactive mode, normal speed.
PUPPETEER_SLOWMO=200 npm run test:e2e # Headless mode, slowed down by 200ms.

Sometimes one might want to test additional scenarios that aren't possible in a WordPress installation out of the box. That's why the test setup allows for for adding some utility plugins that can be activated during E2E tests.

For example, such a plugin could create a custom post type and the accompanying E2E test would verify that block validation errors are shown for this custom post type too.

These plugins can be added to tests/e2e/plugins and then activated via the WordPress admin.

Testing media and embed support

The following script creates a post in order to test support for WordPress media and embeds. To run it:

  1. ssh into an environment like VVV
  2. cd to the root of this plugin
  3. run wp eval-file bin/create-embed-test-post.php
  4. go to the URL that is output in the command line

Testing widgets support

The following script adds an instance of every default WordPress widget to the first registered sidebar. To run it:

  1. ssh into an environment like VVV
  2. cd to the root of this plugin
  3. run wp eval-file bin/add-test-widgets-to-sidebar.php
  4. There will be a message indicating which sidebar has the widgets. Please visit a page with that sidebar.

Testing comments support

The following script creates a post with comments in order to test support for WordPress comments. To run it:

  1. ssh into an environment like VVV
  2. cd to the root of this plugin
  3. run wp eval-file bin/create-comments-on-test-post.php
  4. go to the URL that is output in the command line

Testing Gutenberg block support

The following script creates a post with all core Gutenberg blocks. To run it:

  1. ssh into an environment like VVV
  2. cd to the root of this plugin
  3. run bash bin/
  4. go to the URL that is output in the command line

Updating allowed tags and attributes

The file class-amp-allowed-tags-generated.php has the AMP specification's allowed tags and attributes. It's used in sanitization.

To update that file, perform the following steps:

  1. cd to the root of this plugin
  2. Run ./bin/ (or lando ssh -c './bin/' if using Lando).
  3. Review the diff.
  4. Update tests based on changes to the spec.
  5. Commit changes.

This script is intended for a Linux environment like VVV or Lando wordpressdev.

Creating a plugin build

To create a build of the plugin for installing in WordPress as a ZIP package, run:

npm run build:prod

This will create an in the plugin directory which you can install. The contents of this ZIP are also located in the build directory which you can rsync somewhere as well if needed.

You can also build the plugin in development mode (for unminified scripts and styles):

npm run build:dev