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Customizing the front end viewer

Boia Alexandru edited this page May 21, 2020 · 48 revisions

Front-end top teaser structure

The structure of the front-end top teaser is depicted in the image below. Click here for an enlarged version. WPTS top-teaser structure

A couple of notes:

  • Each element is shown with ids ID, CSS class and default inline style, if present.

Front-end viewer structure

The overall structure of the WPTS front-end viewer is depicted in the image below. Click here for an enlarged version. WPTS overall structure

A couple of notes:

  • Each element is shown with ids ID, CSS class and default inline style, if present;
  • If no content is available for a given tab (either track information or map), then that tab is not show;
  • If only one tab is shown, then that tab also has the CSS class .abp01-full-tab;
  • Each of the content containers (#abp01-techbox-info, #abp01-techbox-map) is only shown when its corresponding tab is selected.

The track information container

The structure of the track information container (#abpp01-techbox-info) is depicted in the image below. Click here for an enlarged version. WPTS Viewer - Track Information Container Structure

A couple of notes:

  • Each element is shown with ids ID, CSS class and default inline style, if present;
  • Odd list elements are decorated with the abp01-item-odd CSS class;
  • Even list elements are decorated with the abp01-item-even CSS class.

The map container

The structure of the map container (#abpp01-techbox-map) is depicted in the image below. Click here for an enlarged version. WPTS Viewer - Map Container Structure

A couple of notes:

  • Each element is shown with ids ID, CSS class and default inline style, if present;
  • If the map fails to load, then a retry interface is displayed (#abp01-map-retry-container), with an error message (#abp01-map-retry-message) and a retry button (#abp01-map-retry);
  • The #abp01-altitude-profile-container element is only present if altitude profile is enabled in plug-in settings and is used to host the altitude profile chart, when the user requests it to be shown using the corresponding map control.

The front-end viewer data model

When rendering front-end viewer templates, WPTS provides the required data using a plain stdClass object, usually available through the $data variable. The structure of this object is described below.

Commonly used types

These are types that describe multiple properties in the front-end viewer data model.

Lookup data item descriptor

This is a plain stdClass object used to describe a value assigned from a pool of lookup data items. For instance, what type of bike it's recommended for a given trip. This is herein referred to as LookupDataItem.

Property Type Description
id int ID of the lookup data item assignment
type string Type of lookup data item assignment
label string The displayable label of the lookup data item. This is either the translated label (if translation is available for the current language) or the default label defined for the item.
hasTranslation boolean Whether or not a translation is available for the current language.

Structure of the data model itself

Property Type Description
info stdClass Contains track information data
info->exists boolean Whether or not track information is available
info->isBikingTour boolean Whether or not track information is for a biking trip
info->isHikingTour boolean Whether or not track information is for a hiking trip
info->isTrainRideTour boolean Whether or not track information is for a train ride trip
Fields available for biking trips
info->bikeDistance float Total distance
info->bikeTotalClimb float Total climb
info->bikeDifficultyLevel LookupDataItem The difficulty level of the trip
info->bikeAccess string Access information towards the start point and from the end point
Fields available for hiking trips
Fields available for train ride trips
track stdClass Contains GPX track-related data
track->exists boolean Whether or not a GPS track has been uploaded
postId int The post ID to which the data set belongs
ajaxUrl string Absolut URL to admin-ajax.php
ajaxGetTrackAction string Action name to be used with admin-ajax.php in order to retrieve detailed GPS track data
downloadTrackAction string Action name to be used with admin-ajax.php in order to download the GPS track file
nonceGet string Nonce value to be used with admin-ajax.php in order to retrieve detailed GPS track data
nonceDownload string Nonce value to be used with admin-ajax.php in order to download the GPS track file
imgBaseUrl string URL to the plug-ins image folder
settings stdClass Contains a snapshot of all the plug-in settings

Creating a new viewer theme

Integrating the front-end viewer into your own theme

Files that may be of interest

File Link
Front-end top teaser template Click here
Front-end viewer template Click here
Front-end viewer CSS file Click here
Front-end viewer helper functions Click here
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