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Data Import Specification

This document outlines the required fields and their descriptions for importing data from various task management tools into our system. Please ensure that the provided data matches the specified formats and includes all mandatory fields for a successful import.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting started - metadata file
  3. General Requirements
  4. User Data
  5. Boards Data
  6. Columns Data
  7. Cards Data
  8. Comments Data
  9. Card files Data
  10. Custom fields Data


This specification defines the structure and required fields for importing data from other task management tools into Kaiten. The goal is to ensure that the imported data can be processed correctly and integrated into our system.

General Requirements

  • File Format: JSON
  • Field Types: Ensure correct data types are used (string, integer, datetime, etc.)
  • Required Fields: All required fields must be present and non-empty.
  • Email Validation: Email fields must contain valid email addresses.

Getting started - Metadata file

To perform the import, you need to have a meta-data.json file, which serves as the entry file. This JSON file should contain the entities to be imported and the relative paths to separate JSON files for each entity. Below is the structure of the meta-data.json file along with an examples.

- Fields

Field Name Type Required Description
entities Array Yes* Entities to be imported
entities_paths_map Object Yes Relative paths to separate JSON files for each entity

- Description of fields

  • entities: An array of entities to be mapped. Available entities include users, boards*, columns*, cards*, custom_fields, properties_mapping, comments, and files.
  • entities_paths_map: Paths to JSON files which should be the source of import.

* - There are three required entities: boards, columns, and cards. The other entities are optional.

- Example JSON Structure

  "entities": [
  "entities_paths_map": {
    "users": [
    "boards": [
    "columns": [
    "cards": [
    "custom_fields": [
    "properties_mapping": [
    "comments": [
    "files": [

Users Data

- Fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of the user.
email String Yes Email address of the user. Must be valid.
full_name String No Full name of the user.
username String No Username.

- Description of fields

  • id: A unique identifier of the user, which is used to map and track the user within our system.
  • email: The user's email address, which must be a valid email format. This is used for communication and identification.
  • full_name: The complete name of the user, used for display purposes.
  • username: Username, used for display purposes.

- Example JSON Structure

  "id": "123456",
  "full_name": "John Doe",
  "email": "",
  "username": "johndoe"

Boards data

- Fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of the board.
title String Yes Name of the board. Max 128 chars.
author_id String | Number No Unique identifier of author of board.
created Null or DateTime No Date of creation of the board.

- Description

  • id: A unique identifier for the board, which is used to map and track the board within our system.
  • title: The complete name of the board, used for display purposes.
  • author_id: A unique identifier of author of board, used for display purposes.
  • created: Null or Datetime of creation of the board

- Example JSON Structure

    "id": "1207864633562249",
    "title": "Project01",
    "created": "2024-07-22T07:01:37.954Z",
    "author_id": "1207864767588674"

Columns data

- Fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of column in board.
board_id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of board.
title String Yes Name of column. Max 128 chars.
sort_order Number No Order sequence number.
type Number No Sets up column type.
created Null or DateTime No Date of creation of column

- Description

  • id: Unique identifier of column in board.
  • title: The complete name of the column, used for display purposes.
  • board_id: A unique identifier of board, which is used to make relation between boards and columns.
  • sort_order: Defines the order of columns within space.
  • type: Defines the actual type of column, available values are queued (value 1), in progress(value 2), done(value 3).
  • created: Null or Datetime of creation of column

- Example JSON Structure

      "id": "1207254524924717",
      "title": "To do",
      "created": "2024-05-07T06:34:24.413Z",
      "sort_order": 1,
      "type": 1,
      "board_id": "1207254524924716"
      "id": "1207254524924721",
      "title": "In progress",
      "created": "2024-05-07T06:34:24.413Z",
      "sort_order": 2,
      "type": 2,
      "board_id": "1207254524924716"

Cards data

- Fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of card.
column_id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of column in board.
title String Yes Title of card. Max length 1024 chars.
owner_id String | Number No Unique identifier of owner of card.
responsible_id String | Number No Unique identifier of responsible of card.
description String No The description content of card
description_type String No Defines the type of description.
condition Number No Defines the current card status condition.
tags CardTags[] No Defines the tags of card.
history CardHistory[] No Defines the card actions history.
links CardLinks[] No Defines the links attached to card.
completed_by String | Number No ID of user who completed the card.
properties CardProperties[] No Array of custom properties of card.
due_date Null or CardDateObject No Due date of card.
planned_start Null or CardDateObject No Planned start date of card.
planned_end Null or CardDateObject No Planned end date of card.
created Null or DateTime string No Date of creation of card.
checklists CardChecklist[] No The checklists of card.
blocked_by_card_ids Array No IDs of cards which are blocking current card.
blocks_card_ids Array No IDs of cards which are bloked because of current card.
parent_card_ids Array No IDs of parent cards.
child_card_ids Array No IDs of child cards.

- Description

  • id: A unique identifier of card, which is used to map and track the card within our system.
  • title: The complete title of card, used for display purposes.
  • owner_id: Unique identifier of owner of card, used to create relations and display purposes.
  • responsible_id: Unique identifier of responsible for card, used to create relations, also used for display purposes.
  • column_id: Unique identifier of column within which the card is placed.
  • description: The content description of card.
  • description_type: The type of description, available values are markdown and html.
  • condition: A number which identifies the current status condition of card, available values are - active(condition: 1), archived(condition: 2), deleted(condition: 3).
  • tags: Array of tags that are attached to card. details
  • history: Array of card actions history. details
  • links: Array of links that are attached to card. details
  • completed_by: ID of user who completed the card.
  • properties: Array of custom properties available for current card. details
  • created: Date of creation of card.
  • checklists: The checklists of card. details
  • due_date: Due date of card. details
  • planned_start: Planned start date of card, used for display purposes, visible in Timeline section. details
  • planned_end: Planned end date of card, used for display purposes, visible in Timeline section. details
  • blocked_by_card_ids: Array of card ids which are blocking the current card.
  • blocks_card_ids: Array of card ids which are blocked because of current card.
  • parent_card_ids: Array of parent card ids.
  • child_card_ids: Array of child card ids.

- CardProperties fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of custom property.
value String | Number | Date | DateTime | ID[] Yes Custom property values.

Custom property ID must exist or be included in the current import (custom fields data).

  • If type of the value is select | multi_select | user then the value is array of IDs.
  • If type of the value is date then the value is DateTime string.
  • If type of the value is number then the value is Number.
  • If type of the value is text then the value is String.
    Custom property value ID must exist or be included in the current import (custom fields data or users data).

- Example

      "id": "1207888014064892", // text
      "value": "Text example"
      "id": "1207888014064899",  // number
      "value": 123.456
      "id": "1207914037042113",  // date
      "value": "2024-07-17"
      "id": "1207645766223465",   // user
      "value": ["1207221263311709", "1207221341939584"]
      "id": "1207631614467241", // select
      "value": ["1207631614467242"]
      "id": "1207723749200577", // multi_select
      "value": ["1207723749200601", "1207723749200612"]

- CardTags fields

Field Name Type Required Description
name String Yes Name of card tag. Max 128 chars
id String | Number No Unique identifier of card tag.
  "id": "1207254524924728",
  "name": "some new"

- CardHistory fields

Field Name Type Required Description
type String Yes Type of history action, available value - card_move
created DateTime Yes DateTime of history action.
author_id String | Number Yes ID of author of action.
old_value Object No Object where is represented the old value that should be changed.
new_value Object No Object where is represented the new value.
value Object No If there is an old value you should send value object with new values that should be applied.
      "type": "card_move",
      "created": "2024-05-14T06:00:21.323Z",
      "author_id": "1207221341939584",
      "old_value": {
        "column_id": "1207254524924722"
      "new_value": {
        "column_id": "1207254524924717"

- CardLinks fields

Field Name Type Required Description
url String | Number Yes The URL of resource that should be displayed. Max 16384 chars
description String No String description of card link.
created DateTime string or Null No DateTime of adding card link.
    "url": "",
    "description": "some description",
    "created": "2024-05-13T15:36:35.567Z"

- CardChecklist fields

Field Name Type Required Description
name String No Name of checklist. Max 1024 chars.
items ChecklistItem[] No Array of checklist items.

- ChecklistItem fields

Field Name Type Required Description
text String Yes Text description of checklist item.
sort_order Number No Order of checklist item in checklist.
checked Boolean No If true checklist is marked as done.
created DateTime string No DateTime of creation checklist item.
checked_at DateTime string No DateTime when checklist item was checked.
checked_by Number | String No ID of user who checked the checklist item.
created_by Number | String No ID of user who created the checklist item.
due_date CardDateObject No Due date of checklist item.
responsible_id Number | String No ID of user who is responsible for checklist item.

- CardDateObject

Field Name Type Required Description
value Date | DateTime No Date value.
time_present Boolean No Boolean value that defines if value contains only date or time also.

If the value includes time (DateTime) so time_present parameter should be set to true

- Example JSON Structure

        "id": "1207864637859364",
        "owner_id": "1207864767588674",
        "responsible_id": null,
        "column_id": "1207864633562250",
        "title": "Task03",
        "description": "<body></body>",
        "description_type": "html",
        "condition": 1,
        "tags": [],
        "history": [
                "type": "card_move",
                "created": "2024-07-22T07:01:46.584Z",
                "author_id": "1207864767588674",
                "old_value": {
                    "value": "2024-07-26",
                    "time_present": false
                "new_value": {
                    "value": "2024-07-26",
                    "time_present": false
       "checklists": [
           "name": "Subtasks",
           "items": [
               "text": "new one",
               "sort_order": 1,
               "checked": true,
               "created": "2024-05-13T15:36:49.384Z",
               "checked_at": "2024-05-27T12:20:21.274Z",
               "checked_by": "1207221341939584",
               "created_by": "1207221341939584",
               "due_date": {
                 "value": "2024-05-16",
                 "time_present": false
               "responsible_id": "1207221341939584"
               "text": "second",
               "sort_order": 2,
               "checked": false,
               "created": "2024-05-13T15:36:52.931Z",
               "created_by": "1207221341939584",
               "responsible_id": "1207221341939584",
               "due_date": {
                 "value": "2024-05-29T16:00:00.000Z",
                 "time_present": true
         "created": "2024-07-22T07:01:42.395Z",
        "links": [
                "url": ""
        "completed": false,
        "completed_by": null,
        "completed_at": null,
       "properties": [
           "id": "1207888014064892",
           "value": "Text example"
           "id": "1207888014064899",
           "value": 123.456
           "id": "1207914037042113",
           "value": "2024-07-17"
           "id": "1207645766223465",
           "value": ["1207221263311709", "1207221341939584"]
           "id": "1207631614467241",
           "value": ["1207631614467242"]
           "id": "1207723749200577",
           "value": ["1207723749200601", "1207723749200612"]
        "due_date": {
            "value": "2024-07-26",
            "time_present": false
        "planned_start": {
            "value": "2024-07-24",
            "time_present": false
        "planned_end": {
            "value": "2024-07-26",
            "time_present": false

Comments data

- Fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of comment.
card_id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of card.
text String Yes Content of comment.
author_name String No Full name of comment author.
author_id String | Number No Unique identifier of comment author.
created Null or Datetime No Date of creation of comment

- Description

  • id: A unique identifier of comment, which is used to map and track the comment within our system.
  • card_id: A unique identifier of card, under which the comment is written, which is used to map and track the comment within our system.
  • text: Content of comment, used to display comment content.
  • author_name: Name of the author who wrote the comment, used for display purposes
  • author_id: A unique identifier of author for comment, used to map and track the comment, make relation to author, and display
  • created: Date of comment creation. If empty, the current date will be used by default.

- Example JSON Structure

      "id": "1207254524924717",
      "text": "second",
      "created": "2024-05-13T14:18:18.805Z",
      "author_id": "1207221341939584",
      "card_id": "1207254524924719"
      "id": "1207254524924721",
      "text": "one more with file",
      "created": "2024-05-13T14:18:34.282Z",
      "author_id": "1207221341939584",
      "card_id": "1207254524924719"

Card files data

- Fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String Yes Unique identifier for the card file.
card_id String Yes Unique identifier of card.
name String Yes Name of card file.
author_id String No Unique identifier of author of file.
created Null or Date No Date of upload of card file
external Boolean No Boolean value which specifying if the storage is external or not
external_type String No* String which represents external storage type
external_url String No* URL of external storage file
size Number No Size of card file
path String No Relative path to the file

* - If the external property is set to true, then external_type and external_url must also be present.

- Description

  • id: Unique identifier of card file.
  • card_id: Parent card ID, where the file is attached.
  • name: Defines the name of card file.
  • author_id: ID of author of the attached file.
  • created: Date of uploading card file.
  • external: Defines if the file is from external or internal storage.
  • external_type: Defines external storage type, available options are: gdrive, dropbox.
  • external_url: Defines url of external storage file.
  • path: Relative path to the file.

- Example JSON Structure

    "id": "1207301518919127",
    "name": "Снимок экрана 2024-05-07 в 10.19.37.png",
    "size": 83562,
    "created": "2024-05-13T14:18:32.099Z",
    "card_id": "1207254524924719",
    "external": false
    "id": "1207301518919130",
    "name": "Снимок экрана 2024-04-25 в 17.44.27.png",
    "size": 505397,
    "created": "2024-05-13T14:18:48.648Z",
    "card_id": "1207254524924719",
    "external": false,
    "path": "./images/some-fun-image.png"

Custom fields data

- Fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of field. Max length 1024 chars.
type String Yes Allowed types string,number,date,select,multi_select
name String Yes Name of field. Max length 128 chars.
options CustomFieldOption[] No Options of custom field.

- Description

  • id: Unique identifier of custom field.
  • type: Defines the allowed types of custom field.
  • name: Defines the name of custom field, used for display purposes.
  • options: Defines the available options for selected custom field type.

- Example JSON Structure

    "id": "1207864637859355",
    "type": "select",
    "name": "Status",
    "options": [
        "id": "1207864637859356",
        "value": "On track",
        "color": 9,
        "sort_order": 0
        "id": "1207864637859357",
        "value": "At risk",
        "color": 12,
        "sort_order": 1
        "id": "1207864637859358",
        "value": "Off track",
        "color": 1,
        "sort_order": 2

- CustomFieldOption fields

Field Name Type Required Description
id String | Number Yes Unique identifier of custom field option. Max length 1024 chars.
value String | Number | Date | DateTime Yes Value of custom field option. Max length 128 chars.
color Number No Integer (1-17), based on color scheme.
sort_order Number No Float sorting value.

- CustomFieldOption Description

  • id: Unique identifier of custom field option.
  • value: Value of custom field option.
  • color: An integer (1-17) that defines the selected color of custom property details.
  • sort_order: The numeric value which defines the sort order.

- Example JSON Structure

    "id": "1207864637859351",
    "value": "Low",
    "color": 8,
    "sort_order": 1.5

- Color Scheme

ID Name
1 Red
2 Pink
3 Purple
4 Deep purple
5 Indigo
6 Blue
7 Light blue
8 Cyan
9 Teal
10 Green
11 Light green
12 Lime
13 Orange
14 Deep orange
15 Brown
16 Blue grey
17 Yellow

Properties Mapping Data

- Description

You can manually map external system IDs to Kaiten local IDs by creating properties_mapping object.

- Example JSON Structure

    "1207864637859350": 14,
    "1207864637859355": 14,
    "1207864637859408": 16,


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