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native-keyboard-text License MIT


AIR Native Extension for alternate way to input text on AIR.

Table of Contents



  1. Download com.github.airext.NativeKeyboardText.ane ANE and add it as dependencies to your project. Optionally you may include corresponded com.github.airext.NativeKeyboardText.swc library to your project.
  2. Edit your Application Descriptor file with registering new native extensions like this:

Set iOS minimum version to 12.0 in iPhone InfoAdditions:

    <!-- A list of plist key/value pairs to be added to the application Info.plist -->


A very simple example:

// listen to Keyboard's Input event
NativeKeyboardText.shared.addEventListener(NativeKeyboardTextInputEvent.INPUT, function(event: NativeKeyboardTextInputEvent): void {
    log("Keyboard input: " + event.text);

// show Keyboard using shared instance method.
var params: NativeKeyboardTextParams = new NativeKeyboardTextParams();


Full documentation could be found here

Shared Instance

Use NativeKeyboardText.shared to obtain an instance of NativeKeyboardText class, it is designed to be a singleton.


  • NativeKeyboardText.isSupported indicates if NativeKeyboardText is supported on the current platform;
  • NativeKeyboardText.extensionVersion returns extension version number;


  • NativeKeyboardText.shared.showKeyboard(NativeKeyboardTextParams) shows native keyboard parametrized based on NativeKeyboardTextParams instance.
  • NativeKeyboardText.shared.showKeyboard.hideKeyboard() hides native keyboard if presented from this ANE.


  • NativeKeyboardTextShowEvent.SHOW dispatches when native keyboard is opened.
  • NativeKeyboardTextHideEvent.HIDE dispatches after native keyboard hides, provides oldText: String and newText: String properties that could be used to handle user input.
  • NativeKeyboardTextInputEvent.INPUT dispatches when user taps on a return button, contains text property with current user input.


The appearance of native keyboard could be changed with NativeKeyboardTextParams object:

  • NativeKeyboardTextParams.text specifies initial text to display in a text field above native keyboard;
  • NativeKeyboardTextParams.isSecureTextEntry indicates if input should be secured;
  • NativeKeyboardTextParams.keyboardType keyboard type from NativeKeyboardType enum.
  • NativeKeyboardTextParams.returnKeyType a type of return button from ReturnKeyType enum.
  • NativeKeyboardTextParams.autoCorrection auto correction type from AutoCorrection enum.
  • NativeKeyboardTextParams.autoCapitalization auto capitalization type from AutoCapitalization enum.
  • NativeKeyboardTextParams.spellChecking spell checking type from SpellChecking enum.
  • NativeKeyboardTextParams.maxCharactersCount indicates how mach characters user able to enter.


This enum maps to UIKeyboardType, next values are supported:

  • NativeKeyboardType.Default
  • NativeKeyboardType.ASCIICapable
  • NativeKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation
  • NativeKeyboardType.URL
  • NativeKeyboardType.NumberPad
  • NativeKeyboardType.PhonePad
  • NativeKeyboardType.NamePhonePad
  • NativeKeyboardType.EmailAddress
  • NativeKeyboardType.DecimalPad
  • NativeKeyboardType.Twitter
  • NativeKeyboardType.WebSearch
  • NativeKeyboardType.ASCIICapableNumberPad


Maps to UIReturnKeyType, next values are supported:

  • ReturnKeyType.Default
  • ReturnKeyType.Go
  • ReturnKeyType.Google
  • ReturnKeyType.Join
  • ReturnKeyType.Next
  • ReturnKeyType.Route
  • ReturnKeyType.Search
  • ReturnKeyType.Send
  • ReturnKeyType.Yahoo
  • ReturnKeyType.Done
  • ReturnKeyType.EmergencyCall
  • ReturnKeyType.Continue


Maps to UITextAutocapitalizationType, next values are supported:

  • AutoCapitalization.None
  • AutoCapitalization.Words
  • AutoCapitalization.Sentences
  • AutoCapitalization.AllCharacters


Maps to UITextAutocorrectionType, supports next values:

  • AutoCorrection.Default
  • AutoCorrection.No
  • AutoCorrection.Yes


Maps to UITextSpellCheckingType, supports next values:

  • SpellChecking.Default
  • SpellChecking.No
  • SpellChecking.Yes
