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772 lines (645 loc) · 28.8 KB
  • Start Date: 2015-01-28
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


Add an droppable-trait language item, that will be applied to a Droppable trait, that can be used to determine if variables of a type can be implicitly dropped. Add a linear-type language item, that will be applied to a MakeLinear unit struct, which will be used to virally infect container-types with linear behavior. The compiler will refuse to compile a source file in which a linear variable would be implicitly dropped. A linear variable can be explicitly dropped by either making it non-linear (by moving contained linear fields out), or by using the std::mem::forget intrinsic. Add a DropPtr pointer type, to allow partial moves out of a container as it is being dropped. Add a Finalize trait, that behaves identically to Drop, but can be applied to linear types to clean up during unwinding. Add an explicit_bounds lint that will require that generic type parameters for an impl have their bounds specified. Compile the standard libraries with the explicit_bounds lint on, and update as many APIs as make sense to be Linear-aware.


Scope-based drop is an implicit mechanism for ensuring that Rust programs do not leak resources. For the most part, this implicit mechanism works very well. However:

  • Drop is an extremely limited interface, and may not capture all the requirements of resource clean-up in some circumstances (such as when failures can only be detected on a clean-up attempt, and failure recovery is necessary).

  • Fixed-memory system design will often require moves of data structures between owners, while drops would yield resource leaks. When operating with a fixed-memory constraint, any drop might be a programmer error, of a type that could be prevented at compile time with a linear type facility.

  • Sometimes, a drop has side-effects whose timing can be important for program correctness. In these cases, a developer may wish to signal that the timing must be explicitly considered by preventing implicit drop, and requiring explicit drop. If the timing of drop events changes, or is allowed to change (for example, if eager drop is adopted), then linear types will greatly help developers to control the timing of drop events.

I have seen some resistance to the idea that scope-based clean-up may be inadequate, so I'll try to address that here.

When is scope-based drop inappropriate?

Scope-based drop is inappropriate in scenarios where resource clean-up has side-effects whose timing can affect program correctness. For example, a MutexGuard will release a shared mutex when it is dropped. The scope of time in which a shared mutex is locked is a highly important consideration in writing correct multi-threaded code, and highly important considerations such as this should be explicitly reflected in code.

Example: Force explicit mutex drop.

To take an example from RFC #210:

        let (guard, state) = self.lock(); // (`guard` is mutex `LockGuard`)
        if state.disconnected {
        } else {
            match f() {
                Variant1(payload) => g(payload, guard),
                Variant2          => {}

            ... // (***)



In this code, it is impossible to discern whether the author intended or did not intend for the MutexGuard to be held in the ... // (***) code region. Developer intent could be properly signalled in two ways:

  1. If the developer intended that the lock possibly be held for the (***) code, he could wrap the guard in an Option. This solution is well understood, I don't feel I need to spend more time on it here.
  2. If the developer intended that the lock not be held, he should enforce that each branch of the match above cause a drop.

There is currently no way for rust to help the programmer to enforce case 2. With linear types, this could be handled as follows:

        let (guard, state) = self.lock(); // (`guard` is mutex `LockGuard`)
        if state.disconnected {
        } else {
            let linear_guard = LinearOf(guard); // (`guard` moved into linear_guard)
            match f() {
                Variant1(payload) => g(payload, linear_guard),
                Variant2          => {
                    // Unless the `drop` is uncommented, compilation will
                    // fail with:
                    // ERROR: linear type `linear_guard` not fully consumed by block.

            ... // (***)

        // existing drop rules enforce that `guard` would be dropped
        // as it leaves scope.

This signals developer intention much more clearly, and allows the compiler to help the developer prevent a bug in the old code.

Example: Force explicit variable lifetime for FFI.

Consider this example:

extern {
  fn set_callback(cb:|c_int|, state:*const c_void);
  fn check(a:c_int, b:c_int);

fn main() {
  let r = |x:c_int, data:*const c_void| {
    let foo:&mut Foo = transmute(data);
    foo.add(x as int);
    println!("{} was the output", x as int);
  let data = Foo::new();
  unsafe { set_callback(r, &data as *const Foo as *const c_void); }
  for i in range(0, 10) {
    unsafe {
      check(10, i);
  // Now we must manually drop(data); and drop(r) here, othewise check will segfault.      
  // because data will already be dropped. 


Having the C FFI interact with rust structures requires an explicit model of how the lifetime of rust structures that may cross the FFI boundary interact with the lifetime of the C representations of those structures. (In other words, both C and Rust need to have some agreement about the lifetimes of shared data structures.) At present, there is no way to explicitly enforce the relationship between the lifetimes of two representations of the same data structure, so that code like the above must rely on a deep understanding of Rust's and C's allocation semantics in order to work correctly. A linear type provides a means of documenting that variable lifetime has been explicitly considered:

extern {
  fn set_callback(cb:|c_int|, state:*const c_void);
  fn check(a:c_int, b:c_int);

fn main() {
  let r = |x:c_int, data:*const c_void| {
    let foo:&mut Foo = transmute(data);
    foo.add(x as int);
    println!("{} was the output", x as int);
  let r = LinearOf(r);
  let data = LinearOf(Foo::new());
  unsafe { set_callback(, as *const Foo as *const c_void); }
  for i in range(0, 10) {
    unsafe {
      check(10, i);
  // compilation will fail unless we manually drop(data); and drop(r) here.
  // using linear types prevented a segfault.

Isn't this just like sprinkling free() calls through the code?

Sort of, but it's much safer than C's free(). There are two major problems with explicit resource clean-up in C-like languages:

  1. Failure to free.

  2. Use after free.

This proposal continues to prevent both issues in rust:

  1. The obligation that data be moved out of a linear type means that it is impossible to fail to free resources (compilation will fail if the linear value is not explicitly destructured for drop); AND

  2. Rust's borrow-checker continues to enforce that use-after-free is prevented.

This design is intended to bring back some benefits of explicit resource management, without inflicting their costs.

But linear types don't interact well with unwinding?

First, the linear attribute as described here does not create true linear types: when unwinding past a linear type, the linear attribute will be ignored, and a Finalize trait could be invoked. Supporting unwinding means that Rust's linear types would in effect still be affine. However, if we ever allow a post-1.0 subset of rust without unwinding, Rust's linear types would become true linear types.

Second, and probably more importantly, unwinding should be extremely infrequent in rust code of any reasonable quality. As such, the linear types as presented in this proposal, while not truely linear, are probably within an epsilon of acting like true linear types in practice.

Detailed design

Note that the linear bound design was largely adapted from a design by @eddyb, while the DropPtr pointer type was inspired by @nikomatsakis and @glaebhoerl. Credit goes to these authors for the original ideas, while of course any blame for misunderstanding or misusing these ideas is mine.

The Droppable type-kind.

A linear type is represented in the compiler as a type that does NOT have the Droppable property. Droppable is applied to all types, except for types defined in one of the following ways:

  1. Either the type is attached to the linear_type language item, OR
  2. The type is a compound type, and at least one of the members of the type has the linear bound.

The Droppable bound can be added from a container-type by having the container implement Drop. (This will be described in more detail below.)

To allow checking if a type is droppable, we also define a Linear trait, associated with a new linear_trait language item. The definition of these items in the std::markers crate will look like this:

trait Droppable;
struct MakeLinear;
impl MakeLinear { ... }

Then defining a new linear type would look something like:

// is not droppable because it embeds the `MakeLinear` marker.
struct Foo {
    linear: std::markers::MakeLinear,
// is not droppable because it embeds `struct Foo`, which is not
// droppable.
struct Bar {
    foo: Foo,

Making a type droppable would look something like:

struct Baz {
    linear: std::markers::MakeLinear,
impl Drop for Baz {
    fn drop(DropPtr self) { ... }

// is droppable, because Baz is droppable.
struct Xyzzy {
    baz: Baz,

(Adding the droppable bound will be described in more detail, below.)

And checking if a type-parameter is linear would look like:

fn drop<T: Droppable>(_x: T) {}
fn id<T: ?Droppable>(x: T) -> T { x }
// same as `id` function, but only works on linear types.
fn linear_id<T: !Droppable>(x: T) -> T { x }

The linear bound on variables.

In this design, any user-defined linear type must be a compound-type. (The linear_type language item will apply to at most one type, called MakeLinear above, so that any user-defined linear type must be a compound-type including either MakeLinear itself, or a field that ultimately includes MakeLinear.) A variable is considered linear if either:

  • The variable is of MakeLinear type, OR
  • The variable is a compound type, and ultimately owns (or may own, in the case of enums) a field of MakeLinear type.

So a compound variable is made linear by moving a linear field into the variable, and is made non-linear by moving the linear field out. The restriction against partial moves of container structures means that receivers of the linear container can assume that the moved-in variable will be linear on receive (since all owned fields, including the linear fields, if any, must be populated).

The MakeLinear type is the "base" case, so we'll consider that first. The impl for MakeLinear will be as follows:

// in std::markers:
impl MakeLinear {
    pub fn consume(self) {
        // the `linear_type` can only be dropped via the
        // `std::mem::forget` intrinsic.
        unsafe { std::mem::forget(self) }

With this impl for MakeLinear, we can demonstrate how it would be used in a linear fashion:

fn test_make_linear() {
    // after declaring an uninitialized MakeLinear variable:
    let x: MakeLinear;
    // `x` is not yet "linear", since it is uninitialized.

    // after initializing the variable:
    x = MakeLinear;
    // `x` is now linear, so that an attempt to implicitly drop x
    // would cause a compilation failure.

    // to drop a variable of `MakeLinear` type:
    // `x` has been dropped, so compilation can succeed.

Compound types work similarly. Consider a LinearOf struct, which wraps a variable to enforce that clean-up be explicit:

struct LinearOf<T> {
    el: T,
    linear: MakeLinear,
impl<T> LinearOf<T> {
    pub fn new(el: T) -> Self {
        // make a new instance of this structure. The new instance
        // will be linear because it will own a linear field.
        LinearOf { el: el, linear: MakeLinear }
    pub fn release(self) -> T {
        // dispose of the `linear` field, to stop the compiler from
        // treating `self` as linear.
        // now that the `linear` field has moved out, self can be
        // implicitly dropped.
impl<T> Deref for LinearOf<T> {
    type Target = T;
    fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T {
impl<T> DerefMut for LinearOf<T> {
    fn deref_mut<'a>(&mut 'a self) -> &mut 'a T {
        &mut self.el

This is a compound type, with one user-defined field, and a linear field that makes the compiler treat fully-populated variables of this type as linear.

Enums (such as Option<T>) may or may not own a variable, based on the value of their discriminant. In the case that an enum may hold a linear value, the compiler will require users to deconstruct the enum in order to dispose of the value. For example:

impl<T: ?Droppable> Option<T> {
    // new function: behaves like `unwrap`, but for the None case.
    // Consumes self, panicking if the value is `Some`.
    pub fn unwrap_empty(self) {
        match self {
            None => (),
            Some(_) => panic!("Attempted to unwrap_empty full value"),

Making a linear-type droppable.

As alluded to earlier, a linear type can be made droppable by having the type implement the Drop trait. Unfortunately, this won't work in current Rust, and (as far as I can tell) a fix involves changing the signature of the drop method. (I will have more to say about this below, under Alternatives.) The problem is, in this design, a linear variable is made non-linear by a partial move: moving a linear field out of a container suffices to make the container non-linear. Since partial moves are disallowed for Drop types -- even during the call to drop -- this means that any linear clean-up function (which involves a move of the linear container) cannot be called from the drop function body, so linear resource clean-up would be impossible.

We get around this limitation by defining a new DropPtr pointer type, and changing the signature of Drop::drop to take DropPtr<Self>, instead of &mut self. DropPtr<T> pointers act like &mut pointers, with the additional behavior that partial moves are allowed from the DropPtr pointer referent, that unmoved fields will have their destructors called, and that the referent's memory will be reclaimed some time after the DropPtr pointer goes out of scope. For this design, we also must have the constraint that the referent be made non-linear by the time the DropPtr pointer goes out of scope. For example:

struct Foo(MakeLinear);
impl Drop for Foo {
    fn drop(self: DropPtr<Foo>) {
        // make `self` non-linear by consuming the `Linear` field.

When a DropPtr pointer goes out of scope, the referent's memory can be reclaimed. Since consuming the DropPtr pointer will not invoke the drop callback, creating a DropPtr pointer is an unsafe operation (in the same way that std::mem::forget is unsafe):

// given the following:
struct Foo;
struct Bar(Foo);
fn drop_forget<T>(_x: DropPtr<T>) { }

// the following are legal:
let x = Foo;
drop_forget(unsafe { &x as DropPtr<_> });
// create an instance variable, but refer to it only through an
// `DropPtr` pointer:
let x = unsafe { &Foo as DropPtr<Foo> };
let x = Bar(Foo, Foo);
drop_forget(unsafe { &x as DropPtr<Foo> });

let x = Bar(Foo);
drop_forget(unsafe { &x.0 as DropPtr<Foo> });
// the following line is illegal, since `x` is partially moved.
drop_forget(unsafe { &x as DropPtr<Bar> });

And, for completeness, we add a std::mem::dropptr method, which can allow the drop hook to be called when invoked with a DropPtr pointer:

// in std::mem:
fn dropptr<T: Droppable>(x: DropPtr<T>) { let _ = *x; }

The Finalize trait.

It is possible to implicitly clean up a "Linear" type (as defined in this RFC) through unwinding. In case some clean-up is necessary during an unwind, we define a new Finalize trait with a finalize method, which acts identically to the drop method of the Drop trait, but which can will be reached via unwinding.

struct Foo(MakeLinear);
impl Finalize for Foo {
    fn finalize(self: DropPtr<Foo>) {

For Drop types, the default implementation of the Finalize trait will be to use the drop method:

trait Finalize {
    fn finalize(self: DropPtr<Self>) {

In this way, we've also allowed the Drop and Finalize traits to reflect the two possible ways that a variable may go out of scope (the "normal" return path is associated with Drop, and the "exceptional" return path with Finalize), in case users want to use different code in either case. (A reasonable application may be to have Finalize trigger a process abort, or to allow Drop to perform clean-up that would be inappropriate during unwinding, such as blocking on joining a thread.)

The explicit_bounds lint.

Since linear types cannot be implicitly dropped, any generic function which includes implicit drops on an arbitrarily-typed variable must fail to compile when parametrized with a variable of linear type. (In other words, functions such as std::mem::drop should not accept variables of linear type.) In order not to disturb backwards compatibility too much, a type-parameter should default to assuming Droppable, so that this definition of std::mem::drop:

fn drop<T>(_x: T) { }

would continue to work as before. However, a function akin to Haskell's id function should be allowable with any type:

fn id<T: ?Sized + ?Droppable>(x: T) -> T { x }

Many parts of the standard library (such as Option<T> and Vec<T>) should be updated to work with linear types, however manually updating the APIs would likely lead to error. Fortunately, it should be possible for the compiler to assist maintainers in determining what the bounds of a given type-parameter should be: in the case of a function like drop, that a variable of type-parameter T is implicitly dropped in the function implementation can be understood by the compiler to mean that T must be Droppable.

In order to make this sort of information available to maintainers, we'll define an explicit_bounds lint, which can be used to inform maintainers when the bounds on a type-parameter to a function are more restrictive than necessary:

fn id<T>(_x: T) -> T { x }
// will generate a compiler warning:
// Type parameter `T` to function `id` is more restrictive than
// necessary. Consider using `T: ?Sized + ?Droppable` instead?

Update the standard library to be Droppable-aware.

There are many facilities in the standard library that could be used with linear types, except that they currently have assumptions that implicit drop is always allowable. For example, the Option<T> type has routines like unwrap_or, which will result in an implicit drop if the Option is Some(x) (in which case, the or parameter to the function will be dropped). This can be addressed by splitting the implementation of Option based on its type parameters:

impl<T: ?Droppable> Option<T> {
  pub fn is_some ...
  pub fn is_none ...
  pub fn as_ref ...
  pub fn as_mut ...
  pub fn as_mut_slice ...
  pub fn expect ...
  pub fn unwrap ...
  pub fn map ...

impl<T: Droppable> Option<T> {
  pub fn unwrap_or ...
  pub fn unwrap_or_else ...
  pub fn map_or ...

By compiling the standard library with the explicit_bounds lint enabled, it will be possible to modify entities such as Vec and Option so that different APIs will be available depending on the bounds of their type parameters.


Overall, this proposes a significant change to the language, and there are several pieces required to make the result usable and ergonomic. Where new facilities felt necessary to improve the ergonomics of working with linear types (DropPtr references in particular), I've attempted to make those facilities more broadly useful, so that it would be useful and meaningful to fold aspects of this proposal into the language as parts. Most aspects of this proposal are intended to be backwards compatible, so they would not need to be adopted before the 1.0 release. (On the other hand, the Drop::drop API change may not be backwards compatible, and therefore would want to be folded in before 1.0, unless some alternative approach can be identified.)

Some aspects of this proposal push for change in some APIs. All such changes, with the exception of the Drop::drop function signature, would be backwards compatible, at least at a source level (I am not familiar with rust's .rlib binary representation), however the utility of many parts of the standard library (and other libraries) would be improved under this proposal by separating those interfaces which can apply to all type-parameter kinds, from those that can only apply to non-linear kinds. (The text mentioned Option<T> explicitly. Other types that would benefit from having a ?Droppable subset include Vec<T>, Result<T>, [T], etc.) This would cause some churn in library implementations, but the modifications would generally be highly mechanical. (Refactoring the impl<T> Option<T> was perhaps the easiest part of this RFC to write.)


Do nothing.

We could not do this, and live with the status quo. I tried to show why this is disadvantageous (and, in my opinion, highly disadvantageous in some domains) in the Motivation above, but it is certainly possible to live without linear types.

Linear instead of Droppable.

This was the trait naming in an earlier draft of the proposal. In the earlier draft, I had only considered NonLinear as a name for the "can-be-implicitly-dropped" trait, which would have resulted in double-negatives as developers read code like fn something<T: !NonLinear>(x: T). Droppable seems a better name, and better reflects that allowing implicit drops is a facility that is added to a linear type (a positive trait) than that implicit drops are removed from an affine type in the old design.

Drop and backwards compatibility.

As discussed above, this proposal makes a potentially breaking change to the Drop method. This is, obviously, a widely-used method, so that breaking this method seems to be a very expensive change, and should be justified explicitly.

The most natural way to signal programmer intent that a linear bound be removed seems (to me) to be by adding a Drop trait to a compound structure that might contain a linear type:

  • Linear bounds are characterized by disallowing implicit drops, while the Drop trait is defined to execute some code when a variable is implicitly dropped, so that it doesn't make sense for a type to be both !Droppable and Drop.

  • Since Linear types require explicit action in order to reclaim linear resources, changing a type from Linear to !Linear will require code execution to clean up the linear resource -- which is to say, we'd need a drop routine to execute the linear-specific code to clean up the linear resource. Which, of course, the Drop trait provides.

So it seems like the Drop trait is a good way for a user to signify that a type should be implicitly droppable. But, since partial moves are currently impossible during the drop routine, and because cleaning up linear variables requires moving the linear fields out of the container (to make the container non-linear), a Linear type cannot be cleaned up using the current Drop::drop function signature. There are a few alternative approaches that occur to me, and I'm actively interested in feedback here.

  1. Modify the Drop::drop function signature, such that it can be made to allow partial moves during the function invocation. (This is the approach described above.)
  2. Add a new trait, with identical meaning as Drop, but with a better function signature.
  3. Modify the Drop trait, to export a different routine that would allow partial moves during the drop invocation. The default implementation of this routine would invoke the current drop routine.
  4. Allow coercion between &mut and DropPtr on the drop function signature.

Of all of these approaches, I preferred the first listed, since it feels less "bolted-on" to the language than the others described: every current Drop implementor could mechanically replace &mut with DropPtr in the drop function signature, and would continue to work, while the DropPtr pointer itself adds significant extra utility to the language, in a way that seems (to me) to fit with Rust's philosophy. But of course, backwards-compatibility on this scale is a strong counter-argument to this proposal, so that perhaps even a more "bolted-on" facility may be considered preferable.

Drop::drop argument type.

Once it was determined that no existing pointer type would satisfy the requirements for this proposal, the obvious alternative was to use a new pointer type. I tried to analyze ones that were already described, but I could not find one that worked easily:

  • The &move pointers described by @glaebhoerl and @nikomatsakis have the behavior that the Drop routine will be invoked when the &move pointer goes out of scope. This makes this pointer type impossible to use inside the drop callback, since it goes out of scope with the drop routine, which would imply that the routine would be invoked recursively as its &move argument goes out of scope. So that wouldn't work.

  • @eddyb pointed me to his proposal for a new pointer facility (tentatively called OpenPointer) that could likely be made to work for my purposes. I personally like the proposal, but it is another design dimension that I would prefer to avoid including in this proposal. On the other hand, I've tried to make this proposal forward-compatible with his.

  • The syntax for creating and using DropPtr is definitely more awkward than the &mut self currently used by the Drop::drop callback. This syntax could be cleaned up with a new &drop pointer type. I am not sure what the implications of this would be: obviously, it would be inappropriate to make drop a keyword in the syntax. Still, it would be possible in the future to change the syntax so that &drop T could desugar to DropPtr<T>, or this syntax could be neatened by allowing fn drop(DropPtr<self>) {} as a self-argument to a method. I believe a DropPtr type would be forward compatible with future language evolution to simplify this syntax.

Use inference for the Droppable bound on function type-parameters.

In an earlier draft of this proposal, I suggested that the default Linear bound on generic type parameters to a function could be inferred. It was later pointed out to me that this would make the externally-visible function signature fragile, in that a type-parameter that had been inferred to be linear may end up changing to non-linear (or vice-versa) as a result of routine maintenance. This seems undesirable, and goes against the Rust spirit of making function signatures completely explicit in terms of what types of argument they can take. Inference is still useful, so this draft moves the bounds-inference logic to a lint.

Unresolved questions

None that I can think of.


I'd like to thank the commentors on for their patience in helping me identify and work through some of the corner cases in this design, and for helping me understand more of the Rust philosophy. In particular, I'd like to thank @eddyb for his design of the basic linear types mechanism, and for his feedback while iterating this design. I believe this design would have been much weaker without his help. I'd also like to thank @glaebhoerl for his help in understanding some of the new proposed pointer types.