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Current SDK Versions

{% hint style="info" %}

Swift SDKs are here!

We've released Swift versions of our iOS SDKs for Core and select extensions - please scroll down for available Swift extensions and reference documentation for more information. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="warning" %}

Migrate to Swift

If you are currently using our Objective-C (ACP-prefix libraries), please see the Migrating to Swift guide for next steps. {% endhint %}


{% hint style="warning" %} Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK for Android supports Google Android API 14 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or later. The Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network extension and other for Edge Network extensions require Android versions 4.4 or later (API levels 19 or later). {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Due to sunset of JCenter by JFrog, our SDKs are no longer being uploaded to JCenter. Android libraries are now available on MavenCentral. For more information, see links below or find our libraries on MavenCentral. For more information on how to declare dependencies from Maven, please see Declaring repositories on Gradle. {% endhint %}

Extension Maven Github
Mobile Core Maven Central Link
Profile Maven Central Link
Identity Bundled in Mobile Core
Signal Bundled in Mobile Core
Lifecycle Bundled in Mobile Core
Rules Engine Bundled in Mobile Core
Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network Maven Central Link
Identity for Edge Network Maven Central Link
Consent for Edge Network Maven Central Link
Adobe Experience Platform Assurance Maven Central Link
Places Service Maven Central Link
Places Monitor Maven Central Link
Adobe Analytics Maven Central Link
Adobe Analytics - Media Analytics for Audio & Video Maven Central Link
Adobe Audience Manager Maven Central Link
Adobe Analytics - Mobile Services Maven Central Link
Adobe Journey Optimizer Maven Central Link
Adobe Journey Optimizer - Decisioning Maven Central Link
Adobe Target Maven Central Link
Adobe Campaign Standard Maven Central Link
Adobe Campaign Classic Maven Central Link

iOS — Swift

{% hint style="warning" %}

Migrate to Swift

If you are currently using our Objective-C (ACP-prefix) libraries, please see the Migrating to Swift guide for next steps.

Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK for iOS supports iOS 10 or later; requires Swift 5.1 or newer and Xcode 11.0 or newer. In addition to CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager (SPM) installation option is supported with the latest iOS Swift SDKs! Find more details at the GitHub links below.

{% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %}

Swift = Open Source

The Swift iOS SDKs are open source - read more about our move to Swift and open source.

{% endhint %}

Extension tvOS App Extension CocoaPods GitHub
Mobile Core ✔️ ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Profile Cocoapods Link
Identity ✔️ ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Signal ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Lifecycle ✔️ ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Rules Engine ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network Cocoapods Link
Identity for Edge Network Cocoapods Link
Consent for Edge Network Cocoapods Link
Adobe Experience Platform Assurance Cocoapods Link
Places Service Cocoapods Link
Places Monitor Releasing Soon
Adobe Analytics ✔️ ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Adobe Analytics - Media Analytics for Audio & Video ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Adobe Audience Manager Cocoapods Link
Adobe Analytics - Mobile Services Cocoapods Link
Adobe Journey Optimizer Cocoapods Link
Adobe Journey Optimizer - Decisioning ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Adobe Target Cocoapods Link
Adobe Campaign Standard Cocoapods Link
Adobe Campaign Classic To Be Determined

iOS — Objective-C

{% hint style="warning" %} Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK for iOS supports iOS 10 or later (includes support for iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS). {% endhint %}

Extension tvOS App Extension CocoaPods GitHub
Mobile Core ✔️ Cocoapods ✔️
Profile Cocoapods Link
Identity ✔️ Bundled in Mobile Core
Signal ✔️ Bundled in Mobile Core
Lifecycle ✔️ Bundled in Mobile Core
Rules Engine ✔️ Bundled in Mobile Core
Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network Not Available
Identity for Edge Network Not Available
Consent for Edge Network Not Available
Adobe Experience Platform Assurance Cocoapods Link
Places Service Cocoapods Link
Places Monitor Cocoapods Link
Adobe Analytics ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Adobe Analytics - Media Analytics for Audio & Video ✔️ Cocoapods Link
Adobe Audience Manager Cocoapods Link
Adobe Analytics - Mobile Services Cocoapods Link
Adobe Target Cocoapods Link
Adobe Campaign Standard Cocoapods Link
Adobe Campaign Classic Cocoapods Link

React Native (AEP 1.x)

Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugin for React Native supports React Native version 0.60.0 or later. For the latest installation instructions, see the README file in the aepsdk-react-native repository.

{% hint style="danger" %} Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins (AEP 1.x) for React Native are compatible only with Android and iOS — Swift libraries. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} If you are currently using our ACP-prefix React Native libraries, please see the guide to migrate to the Experience Platform SDK libraries (AEP 1.x) for React Native. {% endhint %}

Extension npmjs
Mobile Core npm version
Profile npm version
Edge npm version
EdgeIdentity npm version
EdgeConsent npm version
Messaging npm version
assurance npm version

React Native (ACP 2.x)

Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugin for React Native supports React Native version 0.60.0 or later. For the latest installation instructions, see the README file in the react-native-acpcore repository.

{% hint style="danger" %} Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins (ACP 2.x) for React Native are compatible only with Android and iOS — Objective-C libraries. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} For React Native, we recommend that you first install Node.js to download packages from npm. For additional instructions on getting started with React Native applications, see this tutorial. {% endhint %}

Extension npmjs Github Sample
Mobile Core npm version Link Sample
Profile npm version Link Sample
Adobe Experience Platform Assurance npm version Link Sample
Places Service npm version Link Sample
Places Monitor npm version Link Sample
Adobe Analytics npm version Link Sample
Adobe Media Analytics npm version Link Sample
Adobe Audience Manager npm version Link Sample
Adobe Target npm version Link Sample
Adobe Campaign Standard npm version Link Sample

{% hint style="info" %} Beta versions of React Native Experience Platform Edge Network, Edge Identity, Edge Consent, Messaging and Assurance can be found in the repository link here. These new beta extensions require the latest AEP Core to opperate. See README for further information on installation and configuration. {% endhint %}


Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins for Cordova supports Cordova versions 9.0.0 or later. For the latest Cordova installation instructions, see the README file in the cordova-acpcore repository.

{% hint style="danger" %} Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins for Cordova are compatible only with Android and iOS — Objective-C libraries, at this time. {% endhint %}

A sample Cordova application that uses the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK can be found here.

{% hint style="info" %} For Cordova, we recommend that you first install Node.js to download packages from npm. For additional instructions on getting started with Cordova applications, see this guide. {% endhint %}

With Node.js installed, you may install the Cordova framework from terminal using the following statement:

sudo npm install -g cordova

To start using the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugin for Cordova, navigate to the directory of your Cordova app and install the plugin(s) using the following statement:

cordova plugin add
Extension npmjs Github
Mobile Core npm Link
Profile npm Link
Adobe Experience Platform Assurance npm Link
Places Service npm Link
Places Monitor npm Link
Adobe Analytics npm Link


Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugin for Flutter supports Flutter versions 1.10.0 or later.

{% hint style="danger" %} Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins for Flutter are compatible only with Android and iOS — Objective-C libraries, at this time. {% endhint %}

Extension Github Sample App
Mobile Core pub package Link Sample
Profile pub package Link Sample
Places Service pub package Link Sample
Places Monitor pub package Link Sample
Adobe Experience Platform Assurance pub package Link Sample
Adobe Analytics pub package Link Sample


Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins for Xamarin require MonoAndroid 9.0+ and Xamarin.iOS 1.0+. For the latest Xamarin installation instructions, see the README file in the xamarin-acpcore repository.

{% hint style="danger" %} Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins for Xamarin are compatible only with Android and iOS — Objective-C libraries, at this time. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} The Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins for Xamarin are packages distributed via nuget. NuGet packages can be added to projects within a Visual Studio solution. The NuGet packages can also be generated locally via the included Makefile located in each of the Xamarin repositories. {% endhint %}

Extension Android iOS Github
Mobile Core Nuget Nuget Link
Profile Nuget Nuget Link
Adobe Experience Platform Assurance Nuget Nuget Link
Places Service Nuget Nuget Link
Adobe Analytics Nuget Nuget Link


{% hint style="warning" %} Effective March 30, 2022, support for Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs on Unity is no longer active. While you may continue using our libraries, Adobe no longer plans to update, modify, or provide support for these libraries. Please contact your Adobe CSM for details. {% endhint %}

Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugin for Unity supports Unity version 2019.4.34f1. For the latest Unity installation instructions, see the README file in the unity-acpcore repository.

{% hint style="danger" %} Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK plugins for Unity are compatible only with Android and iOS — Objective-C libraries, at this time. {% endhint %}

To start using the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK for Unity, open your application and import the following Unity package(s):

Extension Github Sample App
Mobile Core Link Sample
Adobe Experience Platform Assurance Link Sample
Adobe Analytics Link Sample
Profile Link Sample