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Copyright 2017-2022 Moddable Tech, Inc.
Revised: August 14, 2022

Table of Contents

class Timer

The Timer class provides both time-based callbacks and a delay function.

import Timer from "timer";

Timer.set(callback[, interval, repeat])

The set function is used to request a function be called once after a certain period.

An immediate timer is called on the next cycle through the run loop. To set an immediate timer, call set with a single argument.

Timer.set(id => trace("immediate fired\n"));

A one shot timer is called once after a specified number of milliseconds. If the number of milliseconds is zero, a one shot timer is equivalent to an immediate timer.

Timer.set(id => trace("one shot fired\n"), 1000);

Calling set with a repeat is equivalent to a repeating timer with the first callback triggered after the interval.

Timer.set(id => trace("repeat fired\n"), 1000, 100);

The callback function receives the timer id as the first argument.

Timer.repeat(callback, interval)

A repeating timer is called continuously until stopped using the Timer.clear function.

Timer.repeat(id => trace("repeat fired\n"), 1000);

The callback function receives the timer id as the first argument.

Timer.schedule(id [, interval[, repeat]])

The schedule function is used to reschedule an existing timer.

If called with an interval but no repeat, the timer behaves like a one shot timer created with Timer.set. If called with both an interval and repeat, it behaves like a repeating timer created with Timer.set with both interval and repeat arguments. If called with neither interval nor repeat arguments, the timer is unscheduled and will not trigger until rescheduled using Timer.schedule.

In the following example, the callback function is triggered twice at one second intervals and then rescheduled to once every two seconds.

let state = 0;
Timer.repeat(id => {
	if (0 == state)
		state = 1;
	else if (1 == state) {
		state = 2;
		Timer.schedule(id, 2000, 2000);
}, 1000);

Note: If the next trigger time is unknown, unscheduling a timer is preferred to scheduling for a long time in the future. Unscheduling and rescheduling a timer can more efficient than clearing a timer and later allocating a new one.


The clear function cancels a timer. The Timer.set and Timer.repeat functions returns the ID for a timer, which is then passed to clear.

let aTimer = Timer.set(id => trace("one shot\n"), 1000);

Note: Immediate and one shot timers are automatically cleared after invoking their callback function. There is no need to call clear except to cancel the timer before it fires.

Note: If Timer.clear is passed a value of undefined or null for the ID, no exception is generated.


The delay function delays execution for the specified number of milliseconds.

Timer.delay(500);	// delay 1/2 second

class Time

The Time class provides time functions and a tick counter.

import Time from "time";


The set function sets the system time. The seconds argument corresponds to the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, i.e. Unix time.

timezone property

The timezone property is set to the time zone offset in seconds from UTC.

Time.timezone = +9 * 60 * 60;	// Set time zone to UTC+09:00

dst property

The dst property is set to the daylight saving time (DST) offset in seconds.

Time.dst = 60 * 60;	// Set DST

ticks property

The ticks property returns the value of a millisecond counter. The value returned does not correspond to the time of day. The milliseconds are used to calculate time differences.

let start = Time.ticks;
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
let stop = Time.ticks;
trace(`Operation took ${stop - start} milliseconds\n`);

microseconds property (optional)

The microseconds property returns the value of a microseconds counter. The value returned does not correspond to the time of day. The microseconds are used to calculate time differences.

To use the microseconds property, include its manifest in the project manifest:

	"include": [

The microseconds property is used in the same way as the ticks property.

const start = Time.microseconds;
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
const stop = Time.microseconds;
trace(`Operation took ${stop - start} microseconds\n`);

Note: Not all hosts implement microseconds. Hosts that do not implement microseconds generate an error at build time.

class Debug

The Debug class provides functions that are useful during the development process.

import Debug from "debug";


The gc function can be used to turn the JavaScript garbage collector on and off, as well as to run the garbage collector on-demand.

Calling Debug.gc with no arguments runs the garbage collector immediately.


Calling Debug.gc with a single boolean argument enables or disables the garbage collector.

Debug.gc(true)	// enable garbage collector
Debug.gc(false);	// disable garbage collector

class UUID

The UUID class provides a single function to generate a UUID string.

import UUID from "uuid";

Note: Generating a truly unique UUID requires that the device running this function have a unique MAC address and the valid time. Neither of these is guaranteed on all microcontrollers. For production software release, check your device configuration.


The UUID function returns a new UUID formatted as a string.

let value = UUID();	// 1080B49C-59FC-4A32-A38B-DE7E80117842

function deepEqual(a, b [,options])

The deepEqual function implements a deep comparison between two JavaScript object.

import deepEqual from "deepEqual";

There is no standard algorithm for deeply comparing two objects in JavaScript, and there are many possible correct approaches. The Moddable SDK adopts the behavior of assert.deepEqual and assert.deepStrictEqual from Node.js for its implementation of deepEqual.

The deepEqual function has an optional third parameter, an options object. By default the deepEqual comparison is not-strict, similar to using == for comparisons. Passing {strict: true} for the options object uses strict comparison, similar to using === for comparisons.

const a = {a: 1, b: 0, c: "str"};
const b = {a: 1, b: "0", c: "str"};
deepEqual(a, b);		// true
deepEqual(a, b, {strict: true});		// false

The known differences between the Moddable SDK implementation and Node.js will not impact most uses:

  • WeakMap and WeakSet using read-only objects as keys
  • XS does not call valueOf to compare boxed primitives

function structuredClone(object[, transferables])

The structuredClone function creates a deep copy of a JavaScript object.

import structuredClone from "structuredClone";

The structuredClone function in the Moddable SDK implements the algorithm defined by WHATWG for the web platform as much as practical, including circular references and the transferables option.

const a = {a: 1, b: Uint8Array.of(1, 2, 3,)}
const aCopy = structuredClone(a);

The Moddable SDK implementation of structuredClone implements all supported types that are part of the JavaScript language standard. It does not, of course, clone object types that are part of the web platform and not present on embedded systems such as DOMException.

class Instrumentation

The Instrumentation class returns statistics on the behavior of the runtime, including memory use, open file count, and rendering frame rate.

import Instrumentation from "instrumentation";


The get function returns the value of the instrumented item at the index specified by the what parameter. Instrumented items are consecutively numbered starting at index 1.

let pixelsDrawn = Instrumentation.get(1);

The table below describes the instrumented items that are available. The following instrumented items are reset at one second intervals: Pixels Drawn, Frames Drawn, Poco Display List Used, Piu Command List Used, Network Bytes Read, Network Bytes Written, and Garbage Collection Count.

Index Short Description Long Description
1 Pixels drawn The total number of pixels rendered to by Poco during the current interval. This value includes pixels drawn to a display device and pixels rendered offscreen.
2 Frames drawn The total number of frames rendered by Poco during the most recent interval. Frames are counted by calls to Poco.prototype.end() and by Piu frame updates.
3 Network bytes read The total number of bytes received by the Socket module during the current interval. This includes bytes received over TCP and UDP.
4 Network bytes written The total number of bytes send by the Socket module during the current interval. This includes bytes sent using TCP and UDP.
5 Network sockets The total number of active network sockets created by the Socket module. This includes TCP sockets, TCP listeners, and UDP sockets.
6 Timers The number of allocated timers created by the Timer module.
7 Files The number of open files and directory iterators created the File module.
8 Poco display list used The peak size in bytes of the Poco display list in the current interval.
9 Piu command list used The peak size in bytes of the Piu command list in the current interval.
10 System free memory The number of free bytes in the system memory heap. This value is not available on the simulator.
11 Slot heap size Number of bytes in use in the slot heap of the primary XS machine. Some of these bytes may be freed when the garbage collector next runs.
12 Chunk heap size Number of bytes in use in the chunk heap of the primary XS machine. Some of these bytes may be freed when the garbage collector next runs.
13 Keys used Number of runtime keys allocated by the primary XS machine. Once allocated keys are never deallocated.
14 Garbage collection count The number of times the garbage collector has run in the current interval.
15 Modules loaded The number of JavaScript modules that are currently loaded in the primary XS machine. This number does not include modules which are preloaded.
16 Stack peak The maximum depth in bytes of the stack of the primary XS virtual machine during the current interval.

class Console

The Console class implements a serial terminal for debugging and diagnostic purposes. The Console module uses CLI modules to implement the terminal commands.

class CLI

The CLI class is a plug-in interface for commands used in a command line interface. CLI classes implement commands for use by the Console module (serial command line) and Telnet module (network command line).

class Worker

See the Worker documentation for more information about the Worker class.