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Accord Project Web Components Markdown Editor

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This repository contains a WYSIWYG editor for markdown that conforms to the CommonMark specification.

The editor is based on React, Slate, and the Accord Project markdown-transform project.


npm install @accordproject/ui-markdown-editor @accordproject/markdown-slate slate slate-history slate-react semantic-ui-react semantic-ui-css


import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { SlateTransformer } from '@accordproject/markdown-slate';
import { MarkdownEditor } from '@accordproject/ui-markdown-editor';
import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css';

const slateTransformer = new SlateTransformer();
const defaultMarkdown = `This is text. You can edit it.`;

const App = () => {
  const [slateValue, setSlateValue] = useState(() => {
    const slate = slateTransformer.fromMarkdown(defaultMarkdown);
    return slate.document.children;

  const onSlateValueChange = useCallback((slateChildren) => {
    localStorage.setItem('slate-editor-value', JSON.stringify(slateChildren));
    const slateValue = { document: { children: slateChildren } };
  }, []);

  return (<MarkdownEditor readOnly={false} value={slateValue} onChange={onSlateValueChange} />);

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

Develop inside Storybook

While Storybook is running, if you make a change in a package that you want to see reflected in the demo, in a new terminal:

cd packages/ui-markdown-editor
npm run build

Storybook will reload with the applied changes.


Required Properties


  • value: An array which is the initial contents of the editor (markdown text)


  • onChange: A callback function called when contents of the editor change, receives the markdown text

Optional Properties


  • readOnly: A boolean to lock all text and remove the formatting toolbar
  • placeholder: Placeholder string for text when the editor is blank
  • activeButton: Optional object to change formatting button active state color
    • { background: '#FFF', symbol: '#000' }


  • onChange: A callback function called when contents of the editor change, receives the markdown text
  • augmentEditor: A higher order function to augment the methods on the Slate editor
  • customElements: A function for extending elements rendered by editor
  • isEditable: A function for determining if the current edit should be allowed
  • canBeFormatted: A function that determines if current formatting change should be allowed
  • canCopy: A function that determines if current selection copy should be allowed
  • canKeyDown: A function that determines if current key event should be allowed
  • onDragStart: A function to call when onDragStart event fires which will receive editor and event
  • onDrop: A function to call when onDrop event fires which will receive editor and event
  • onDragOver: A function to call when onDragOver event fires which will receive editor and event

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