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158 lines (118 loc) · 6.92 KB

File metadata and controls

158 lines (118 loc) · 6.92 KB

Project Stack

This Project uses the following libraries and versions:

  • Craft CMS: 4
  • Tailwind CSS: 3
  • Alpine JS: 3
  • Vite: 4

Platform requirments:

  • PHP: 8.2
  • Node: 18
  • PostgreSQL: 14
  • Redis: 7

Local development requirements:

  • ddev - manages platform requirements for you
  • tableplus - local db client


  • Navigation builder
  • SEO ready
  • Local dev preconfigured
    • ddev for all platform requirements and ssl
    • extra container commands preconfigured
    • vscode plugins for debugging and intellisense
  • Build process preconfigured
    • js bundling and minification
    • css bundling and minification
    • custom font bundling
    • manifest for cache invalidation
    • subresource integrity
  • VSCode integration preconfigured
    • Extensions
    • Syntax highlighting
    • Static errors
  • Quality Assurance
    • (Auto) Formatting
    • Linting
    • Typechecking
  • Easy favicon setup
  • Absolute imports from src directory
  • oklch support

Creating New Project

Run command to clone Be prompted for project name, and auto-update where possible commit all changes, run setup

Manually, set cp trigger, email

Ensure local development requirements are met. Then, just run

composer create-project --no-install acalvino4/boilerplate PATH

Some things need to be done manually since they are specific to each new project:

  • Replace all instances of "boilerplate" with your project name
    • package.json
    • composer.json
    • .ddev/config.yaml
    • .vscode/launch.json
    • config/build/vite.config.ts
    • throughout config/project directory
  • Update cpTrigger in config/general.php to something interesting/appropriate for project
  • Update email.fromEmail in config/project/project.yaml to the appropriate email that should send system email
  • Update <repo-url> and <project-name> in local setup instructions
  • Follow favicon instructions at bottom of this doc
  • Delete or modify as appropriate for your project
  • Delete this "Creating New Project" section
  • git add -A; git commit -a -m "initial project scaffolding";
  • git remote add origin <repo-url>; git push;

Local Setup

Ensure local dev requirments are met. Then, navigate to directory where you wish to setup project and run

git clone <repo-url>
cd <project-name>
ddev setup

Download database backup from staging or production, and import with command from next section



  • Start / stop app: ddev start / ddev stop

  • Start / stop dev server: ddev dev / ^c

  • Start / stop xdebug: ddev xdebug on + F5 / ddev xdebug off

  • Enable Craft debug toolbar: From Craft control panel, user icon in top right > Preferences > Development. Debug toolbar is then accesible through icon in bottom right.

  • Open database in TablePlus: ddev tableplus

  • Export database: ddev export-db -f=/tmp/dump.sql.gz

  • Import database: ddev import-db --src=/tmp/dump.sql.gz

  • Launch mailhog window: ddev launch -m

  • Manually build assets: ddev build

  • Update all dependencies: ddev update

  • Check formatting, linting, and type safety in ts and php: ddev test

  • Fix auto-fixable problems: ddev fix

  • composer, npm, and craft commands MUST be run from the ddev container - just preface them with ddev


This project is configured to use alpine.js. Before implementing any custom behavior, see if alpine can handle your needs using template directives, and also checkout headless, integrations, and components, in that priority order to see if they can fill your needs.

Typescript is configured for absolute imports from the css and ts directories. To setup absolute imports for any other directories you may add, follow the format in the compilerOptions.paths setting of tsconfig.json and the resolver.alias setting of vite.config.ts, or reference this guide.


This project is setup to use tailwindcss, so you should always use utility classes over writing css if possible.


All you need to do is drop a few specific files into the src/public/favicon directory. The build process and templates will take care of the rest. See this guide for details on creating various icons formats (an svg should always be the master image from which all others are generated).

  • favicon.ico, a 32x32 image in ico format
  • favicon.svg, an svg configured for both light and dark contexts
  • favicon-180.png, a 180x180 png for apple touch icon, preferably with a background color and 20px of padding
  • favicon-192.png, a 192x192 png for andorid home screen links
  • favicon-512.png, a 512x512 png for android splash screens

Add the project's brand icon and logo to the storage/rebrand/icon and storage/rebrand/logo directories, respectively, to customize the control panel. Make sure it is configured for light and dark contexts.


Google fonts is recommended, and just involves pasting a couple lines into wrapper.twig. Variable fonts are highly recommended, and you can limit your search to them on google, though you have to manually compose the link. If you need to use a custom font, ensure it is in woff2 format for best performance, place the files in src/fonts, and put your corresponding @font-face rules in src/styles/font.css.


oklch colors are automatically handled in the build process to have a fallback for browsers and displays that don't support them. Read about the benefits of this approach. The main benefits of using this color model are wider color gamut and more predictable pallete generation. Just use the oklch() function in your tailwind config:

colors: {
  primary: {
    100: "oklch(90% 0.3 17)",
    200: "oklch(80% 0.3 17)",

Upstream updates

If a website's needs would apply to the majority of webstites, make them on the boilerplate repo and then merge them into your site. This way, we can take advantage of your improvement for all derivative sites. To merge changes from the boilerplate into your site:

  • git remote add boilerplate (only needs to be done once)
  • checkout new branch
  • git fetch boilerplate
  • git merge boilerplate/master
  • deal with any merge conflicts and commit