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199 lines (138 loc) · 8.28 KB

<MapboxGL.MapView />

MapView backed by Mapbox Native GL


Prop Type Default Required Description
animated bool false false Animates changes between pitch and bearing
centerCoordinate arrayOf none false Initial center coordinate on map [lng, lat]
showUserLocation bool none false Shows the users location on the map
userTrackingMode number MapboxGL.UserTrackingModes.None false The mode used to track the user location on the map
contentInset union none false The distance from the edges of the map view’s frame to the edges of the map view’s logical viewport.
heading number 0 false Initial heading on map
pitch number 0 false Initial pitch on map
style any none false Style for wrapping React Native View
styleURL string MapboxGL.StyleURL.Street false Style URL for map
zoomLevel number 16 false Initial zoom level of map
minZoomLevel number none false Min zoom level of map
maxZoomLevel number none false Max zoom level of map
scrollEnabled bool true false Enable/Disable scroll on the map
pitchEnabled bool true false Enable/Disable pitch on map
rotateEnabled bool true false Enable/Disable rotation on map
attributionEnabled bool true false Enable/Disable attribution on map. For iOS you need to add MGLMapboxMetricsEnabledSettingShownInApp=YES
to your Info.plist
logoEnabled bool true false Enable/Disable the logo on the map.
compassEnabled bool none false Enable/Disable the compass from appearing on the map
onPress func none false Map press listener, gets called when a user presses the map
onLongPress func none false Map long press listener, gets called when a user long presses the map
onRegionWillChange func none false This event is triggered whenever the currently displayed map region is about to change.
onRegionIsChanging func none false This event is triggered whenever the currently displayed map region is changing.
onRegionDidChange func none false This event is triggered whenever the currently displayed map region finished changing
onWillStartLoadingMap func none false This event is triggered when the map is about to start loading a new map style.
onDidFinishLoadingMap func none false This is triggered when the map has successfully loaded a new map style.
onDidFailLoadingMap func none false This event is triggered when the map has failed to load a new map style.
onWillStartRenderingFrame func none false This event is triggered when the map will start rendering a frame.
onDidFinishRenderingFrame func none false This event is triggered when the map finished rendering a frame.
onDidFinishRenderingFrameFully func none false This event is triggered when the map fully finished rendering a frame.
onWillStartRenderingMap func none false This event is triggered when the map will start rendering the map.
onDidFinishRenderingMap func none false This event is triggered when the map finished rendering the map.
onDidFinishRenderingMapFully func none false This event is triggered when the map fully finished rendering the map.
onDidFinishLoadingStyle func none false This event is triggered when a style has finished loading.
onFlyToComplete func none false This event is triggered when a fly to animation is cancelled or completed after calling flyTo
onSetCameraComplete func none false This event is triggered once the camera is finished after calling setCamera



The coordinate bounds(ne, sw) visible in the users’s viewport.

Name Type Required Description
const visibleBounds = await this._map.getVisibleBounds();

queryRenderedFeaturesAtPoint(coordinate[, filter][, layerIDs])

Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with a given point.

Name Type Required Description
coordinate Array Yes A point expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
filter Array No A set of strings that correspond to the names of layers defined in the current style. Only the features contained in these layers are included in the returned array.
layerIDs Array No A array of layer id's to filter the features by
this._map.queryRenderedFeaturesAtPoint([30, 40], ['==', 'type', 'Point'], ['id1', 'id2'])

queryRenderedFeaturesInRect(bbox[, filter][, layerIDs])

Returns an array of rendered map features that intersect with the given rectangle,
restricted to the given style layers and filtered by the given predicate.

Name Type Required Description
bbox Array Yes A rectangle expressed in the map view’s coordinate system.
filter Array No A set of strings that correspond to the names of layers defined in the current style. Only the features contained in these layers are included in the returned array.
layerIDs Array No A array of layer id's to filter the features by
this._map.queryRenderedFeaturesInRect([30, 40, 20, 10], ['==', 'type', 'Point'], ['id1', 'id2'])

fitBounds(northEastCoordinates, southWestCoordinates[, padding][, duration])

Map camera transitions to fit provided bounds

Name Type Required Description
northEastCoordinates Array Yes North east coordinate of bound
southWestCoordinates Array Yes South west coordinate of bound
padding Number No Camera padding for bound
duration Number No Duration of camera animation[lng, lat], [lng, lat])[lng, lat], [lng, lat], 20, 1000) // padding for all sides[lng, lat], [lng, lat], [verticalPadding, horizontalPadding], 1000)[lng, lat], [lng, lat], [top, right, bottom, left], 1000)

flyTo(coordinates[, duration])

Map camera will fly to new coordinate

Name Type Required Description
coordinates Array Yes Coordinates that map camera will jump too
duration Number No Duration of camera animation[lng, lat])[lng, lat], 12000)

moveTo(coordinates[, duration])

Map camera will move to new coordinate at the same zoom level

Name Type Required Description
coordinates Array Yes Coordinates that map camera will move too
duration Number No Duration of camera animation[lng, lat], 200) // eases camera to new location based on duration[lng, lat]) // snaps camera to new location without any easing

zoomTo(zoomLevel[, duration])

Map camera will zoom to specified level

Name Type Required Description
zoomLevel Number Yes Zoom level that the map camera will animate too
duration Number No Duration of camera animation, 100)


Map camera will perform updates based on provided config. Advanced use only!

Name Type Required Description
config Object Yes Camera configuration{
  centerCoordinate: [lng, lat],
  zoomLevel: 16,
  duration: 2000,
  stops: [
    { pitch: 45, duration: 200 },
    { heading: 180, duration: 300 },