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Vadim Dyachenko edited this page Dec 30, 2020 · 10 revisions

An [as of yet] unique feature of GMEdit is in being able to provide contextual syntax completion and syntax highlighting for variables and (2.3) methods.

This works for the following syntactic constructs:

  • obj_name.field:
    As this would find you the first instance of an object type, automatically presents you with associated variables.
  • self.field:
    Automatically inside objects and 2.3 constructors, or by tagging through @self.
    (note: can also be summoned without self-prefix by typing a period . out-of-context)
  • a_macro.field and a_globalvar.field:
    If fields were outlined using @hint.
  • a_local_var.field:
    If local variable type was specified via var name:Type syntax.

Variables are collected as following:

  • GMEdit will pick up normal variable assignments (name = value) that are not nested inside curly brackets {}.
  • For objects, Create events are indexed automatically.
  • Scripts are indexed if they are marked with @interface.
  • Parent (be it object parent or struct parent) variables are included automatically.
  • Non-parent relationships can be indicated via @implements.
  • Given multiple variable defintions, GMEdit will display information about "nearest" one
    (own variables > variables from interfaces > variables from parent > variables from parent's interfaces)
  • Anything that is not picked up automatically can be indicated via @hint.


Object basics

Suppose you have obj_enemy with the following Create event:

maxhealth = 10;
my_health = maxhealth;
my_target = noone;
// attack = function(target) {} // 2.3 method

After saving, if you were to type self. anywhere in the object, you would only get the variables defined in Create event and the built-in variables rather than everything that you have in your project.

Similarly, if you were to type obj_enemy. anywhere in the project, you would only get those same variables.

Local types

With above setup, if you were to write

var e:obj_enemy = instance_nearest(x, y, obj_enemy);

After saving, typing e. would show you only the variables from obj_enemy.


2.2: Suppose you had scr_enemy_ai that would be called by obj_enemy with the following

/// @self {obj_enemy}
self.my_target = instance_nearest(x, y, obj_player);

After saving, typing self. would show you only the variables from obj_enemy.

2.3 version (much the same, but JSDoc tags sit outside the functions now):

/// @self {obj_enemy}
function scr_enemy_ai() {
	self.my_target = instance_nearest(x, y, obj_player);


Suppose you had a pair of functions that represent things that you might assign into constructors/objects:

/// @interface {IHorsable}
function scr_init_horsable() {
	neigh = function(magnitude) { throw "not implemented!" }

/// @interface
function scr_twovars() {
	oneVar = 1;
	twoVar = 2;

(in 2.2, make that two scripts with /// @interface inside the script and replace function(){} by another script)

You would then be able to mark them for inclusion in auto-completion and highlighting by doing the following in Create event of an object:

/// @implements {IHorsable}
scr_twovars(); /// @implements
myVar = "hi!";

Or, for constructors,

/// @implements {IHorsable}
function Some() constructor {
	// ...
	scr_twovars(); /// @implements
	myVar = "hi!";

which would then show you myVar, oneVar, twoVar, and neigh(magnitude) when typing self..

Notes and limitations:

  • Like with most GMEdit features, you'll need to save (Ctrl+S) when adding/changing code that specifies types.
  • GMEdit currently does not handle self inside with-loops being a different type and will highlight it as per outer type if you use self.field.
    This may be changed in future, but would most likely unnecessarily stress the syntax highlighter with re-parsing parts of the source code on changes.

Better workflow:

Syntax extensions:

  • `vals: $v1 $v2` (template strings)
  • #args (pre-2.3 named arguments)
  • ??= (for pre-GM2022 optional arguments)
  • ?? ?. ?[ (pre-GM2022 null-conditional operators)
  • #lambda (pre-2.3 function literals)
  • => (2.3+ function shorthands)
  • #import (namespaces and aliases)
  • v:Type (local variable types)
  • #mfunc (macros with arguments)
  • #gmcr (coroutines)




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