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Lecture Notes of Linear Algebra MIT License

My study path towards Linear Algebra:

  • Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe, Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra
  • Strang, Linear Algebra online(MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra)

Since I am now resolved to incline to computational design rather than traditional architectural design, I feel compelled to review these knowledge. I am trying to revise the notes into digital format.

The following libraries are required among Jupyter Notebooks.

  • Matplotlib
  • NumPy
  • Python
  • SymPy


1.1 Definition

📌 vector

It is a sequence of finite numbers / values. Normally it looks something like this: $$ \begin{bmatrix}1\2\3\end{bmatrix} \text{or} \begin{pmatrix}1\2\3\end{pmatrix} $$

📌 elements/entries/coefficients/components

The above 4 names are the same. Naming, the individual element of a vector.


They are the same, naming how long is the vector.

📌scalar and vector

There are real scalar$\mathbb{R}$ and complex scalar$\mathbb{C}$. In most case, we refer real scalar as scalar.

Therefore, we also have real vector and complex vector. In most case, we refer real vector as vector.

📌block or stacked vector

Sometimes it is very convenient to concatenate or stack vectors.

e.g. $$ a=\begin{bmatrix}a_1\\vdots\a_m\end{bmatrix}, b=\begin{bmatrix}b_1\\vdots\b_n\end{bmatrix}, c=\begin{bmatrix}c_1\\vdots\c_p\end{bmatrix}, \\ A=\begin{bmatrix}a_1\\vdots\a_m\b_1\\vdots\b_n\c_1\\vdots\c_p\end{bmatrix} $$

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1],
b = np.array([[4],
c = np.array([[7],
A = np.vstack([a,b,c])


We call $a, b, c$ as the subvector / slice of matrix $A$.

📌 colon notation and index range

$a_{r:s}$ means slicing index $r$ to index $s$ elements in vector $a$. The size is $s-r+1$


when you see $a_i$ , there might be 2 different meaning.

  • the $i$-th vector in the collection of vectors.
  • the $i$-th element in the vector.

Therefore, for clarity. We use

  • $a_i$ as the $i$-th vector.
  • $(a_i)j$ as the $j$-th element of the $i$-th vector.

📌 zero vector

$0_n$ represents a $n$-vector with all 0.

📌 unit vector

One unit vector only has one nonzero element. $$ e_1 = \begin{bmatrix}1\0\0\end{bmatrix}, e_2 = \begin{bmatrix}0\1\0\end{bmatrix}, e_3 = \begin{bmatrix}0\0\1\end{bmatrix} $$

📌 Ones Vector

Size of $n$-vector with all $1$ inside.

📌 Sparsity

If there are many zero elements in one vector, then we can say this vector is sparse vector.

The number of nonzero elements in a vector $a$ can be denoted: $$ nnz(a) $$

1.1.2. Example

In machine learning or computer science, the vector is often saw as a list of value more than its mathematical meaning.

#include <vector>
std:vector<int> ListInt;

📌 Displacement and Location

A vector can either represents a location or a displacement.


📌 Colors

The colors can be represented as vectors.


📌 Quantities

A $n$-vector can represent amounts of different $n$ products.

📌 Value Across Population

A $n$-vector can represent body temperature of different $n$ people.

📌 Image

This is much more "machine learning" feel. If per pixel per vector $$ \text{Pixel}_{i,j}=\begin{bmatrix}0.8\0.2\0.3\end{bmatrix} $$ Then an $8\cross8$ pixels image can be flatten as: $$ V = \begin{bmatrix}v_1,\cdots,v_n\end{bmatrix}\ n = 8\cross8\cross3 $$

1.2. Vector Addition and Subtraction

Prerequisite: The vectors have to be same shape. $$ \begin{bmatrix}0\7\3\end{bmatrix}+ \begin{bmatrix}1\2\0\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix}1\9\3\end{bmatrix} $$

1.2.1. Properties

📌 commutative $$ a+b = b+a $$ :pushpin: associative

$$ (a+b)+c = a+(b+c) $$

1.2.2. Example

📌 Displacement


📌 Vector as a list of value

There are lots of example of these.

1.3. Scalar-vector multiplication

Nothing special. $$ (-2)\begin{bmatrix}0\7\3\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}0\-14\-6\end{bmatrix} $$

1.3.1. Property


$\beta,\gamma$ -vector

📌 commutative

$$ (\beta\gamma)\alpha = \beta(\gamma\alpha) $$ 📌 associative $$ (\beta+\gamma)\alpha = \beta\alpha+\gamma\alpha $$

1.3.2. Example

📌 Displacement

Scale the displacement.


1.3.3. Linear combination

scalar: $\beta_1,\cdots,\beta_n$

vector: $a_1,\cdots,a_n$

linear combination: $\beta_1\alpha_1+\cdots+\beta_n\alpha_n$, where $\beta_1,\cdots,\beta_n$ called coefficients of this linear combination

📌 Linear combination of unit vectors

Nothing special, just a linear combination using unit vectors as bases.

📌 Special linear combinations

sum , when $\beta_1=\cdots=\beta_n=1$

mean , when $\beta_1=\cdots=\beta_n=\frac{1}{n}$

affine combination , when $\beta_1+\cdots+\beta_n=1$

convex combination / mixture / weighted average , when affine combination $\geq 0$

1.3.4. Example

📌 Displacement


📌 Line and Segment

This is a good example of affine combination.

Use $c$ to represent a point on a line formed by $a,b$. Where $\theta$ is a scalar $0\leq\theta\leq1$ $$ c = (1-\theta)a+\theta b $$ image-20210901224447023

1.4. Inner Product(dot product)

📌 Equation $$ a^Tb = a_1b_1+a_2b_2+\cdots+a_nb_n $$ There are other representation of dot product. $$ \langle a,b\rangle , \langle a|b\rangle , (a,b),a\cdot b $$

1.4.1. Properties

$$ \begin{align} a^Tb &= b^Ta\\ (\gamma a)^Tb &= \gamma(a^Tb)\\ (a+b)^Tc &= a^Tc+b^Tc \end{align} $$

$$ (a+b)^T(c+d) = a^Tc+a^Td+b^Tc+b^Td $$ in short, why the above would work? it is very easy to understand.

  • $(a+b)$ is a vector
  • $(c+d)$ is also a vector
  • $(a+b)$ has to transpose into $(a+b)^T$ , a.k.a. a row vector
  • $(a+b)^T(c+d)$ , row vector * column vector is a scalar. (if their dim are the same)

📌 $i$-th element

$e_i$ , $i$-th unit vector

$a$, $n$-vector

$e_{i}^{T}a=a_i$ , this can filter out the $i$-th element of vector $a$. Why? Because except $i$-th column of $e_{i}^{T}$ is $1$, others are all $0$.

📌 sum

$$ n\text{-dimension ones vector }\bold{1}\\ \bold{1}^Ta = a_1+\cdots+a_n $$

📌 average / mean

$$ (\bold{1}/n)^Ta = (a_1+\cdots+a_n)/n $$

📌 sum of squares

$$ a^Ta = a_1^2+\cdots+a_n^2 $$

1.4.2. Application

📌 co-occurrence

$a, b$ are $n$-vectors that describe occurrence. i.e. each of them is either 1 or 0.

Then the total sum of co-occurrence is: $$ a=(0,1,1,1,1,1,1)\quad b= (1,0,1,0,1,0,0)\ a^Tb = 2 $$ meaning, there are $2$ co-occurrence.


📌 weights / features / scores

$f$ , $n$-vector for features, like ages, income, etc.

$w$, $n$-vector for the weights for every feature, like the weight of income maybe 1.3, etc.

$s$ , scalar, the sum of as the credit score for a person. $$ s = w^Tf $$

📌 document sentiment analysis

$x, n$-vector, standing for $n$ words, each element records the appearance of the word in a book

$t, n$-vector are the corresponding type of the word. -1=negative, 0=neutral, 1=positive , e.g. "sad" is -1

Then the measure of the sentiment is: $$ t^Tx $$

1.5. Complexity of vector computation

📌 computer representation of numbers and vectors

The real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ are stored in floating point format. It is either 64-bits or 8-bytes. Therefore, there are $2^{64}$ real numbers in a x64 computer.

📌 floating point operation

When computer carries out arithmetic operation, the result is rounded to the nearest floating point number. The very small error is called round-off error. Now you understand why you can't compare the equality of float.

Because the left hand side and right hand side are not equal sometimes!! But the error between is extremely small.

📌 flop counts and complexity

flop = floating point operation per second

complexity , 2 meanings

1. In theoretical computer science, the term `complexity` is to mean the number of flops of the best method to carry out the computation. It always is denoted as $O$.
2. In this book, it means the number of flops required by a specific method.

📌 complexity of vector operation

  • $n$ times
    • scalar-vector multiplication and division of $n$-vector , e.g. $aV$
    • vector addition and subtraction $n$-vector, e.g. $P+V$
  • $2n$ times
    • inner product of $n$-vectors, e.g. $P^TV = P_1V_1+\cdots+P_nV_n$. Multiplication takes $n$ times, addition takes $n-1$ times. But for simplicity, we denote as $2n$ times.

📌 complexity of sparse vector operation

$x,y$ are sparse vectors.

$ax$ takes $nnz(x)$ times.

$x+y$ takes

  1. less than $\min{\bold{nnz}(x),\bold{nnz}(y)}$ times
  2. 0 times if $x$ and $y$ have zero overlapped.

$x^Ty$ takes

  1. less than $2\min{\bold{nnz}(x),\bold{nnz}(y)}$
  2. 0 times if they are not overlapped.

2.Linear Function

This chapter is mainly on Linear Function and Affine Function.

2.1. Basics of Linear Function

2.1.1. Function Notation

📌The symbol

Use $f$ to denote a function.

📌 What is a function?

$f$ is a function that maps real $n$-vectors to real numbers.

Therefore, $f(x)$ is a scalar which is the value of such function at $x$(param). Hence, function sometimes is called real-valued function or scalar-valued function.

2.1.2. Inner Product Function

📌 What is it?

An inner product function is like: $$ f(x)=a^Tx = a_1x_1+a_2x_2+\cdots+a_nx_n $$ $a$: is a $n$-vector

$x$: is also a $n$-vector

Since it is an inner product function, $f(x)$ therefore can be seen as a weighted sum function where $a$​ is the weight vector.

📌 Superposition叠加性 & Linearity线性性

Suppose $f$ is an inner product function, $f$ can therefore be written as $a^T$. We have: $$ \begin{align} f(\alpha x+\beta y)&=a^T(\alpha x+ \beta y)\ &=a^T(\alpha x)+a^T(\beta y)\ &=\alpha(a^Tx)+\beta(a^Ty)\ &=\alpha f(x)+\beta f(y) \end{align} $$ $x, y$ are $n$-vector. $\alpha,\beta$​ are scalar. The property above is called superposition. A function is linear if it satisfies this property.

📌 Super Formal Definition on Linear

The function $f: \mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ is linear which it MUST satisfy following 2 property:

  • homogeneity齐次性. $f(\alpha x)=\alpha f(x)$ emphasize on scaling
  • Additivity可加性. $f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)$ emphasize on adding

📌Inner Product Representation of a Linear Function

The logic can be back and forth.

Hypothesis/Conclusion Relation Hypothesis/Conclusion
A function defined as the inner product of its argument with some fixed vector. 🔁 A function is linear.

We therefore say $a^Tx$ the inner product representation of $f$.

2.1.3. Example

📌 Average

The average of a $n$-vector can be defined as: $$ f(x)=(x_1+x_2+\cdots+x_n)/n $$ It can be denoted as avg($x$) . It also can be written as: $$ f(x)=a^Tx,\text{ st. }\a=(\frac{1}{n},\frac{1}{n},\cdots,\frac{1}{n})^T=\bold{1}/n $$ meaning times $1/n$​ for every elements.

📌 Maximum

The maximum of a $n$-vector can be expressed as followed: $$ f(x)=\text{max}{x_1,\cdots,x_n} $$ Obviously, it is not a linear function.

2.1.4. Affine Function

📌 What is it?

Affine function is (linear function) + (a CONSTANT). $$ f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R} \f(x)=a^Tx+b $$ $a$: a $n$-vector

$x$: a $n$-vector

$b$: a scalar, normally called offset

📌 Constraint on Superposition

For linear function, no constraint on superposition.

For affine function, there IS constraint on superposition ⚠️where the coefficients have to be 1 in total.

Because superposition is: $$ f(\alpha x+\beta y)=\alpha f(x)+\beta f(y) $$ And affine function is: $$ f(x)=a^Tx+b $$ Therefore there are 2 in both sides: $$ b=\alpha b_1+\beta b_2 $$ So the only chance they are the same is that $$ \alpha+\beta=1 $$ :thinking: What can we take advantage of this property?

OK, an affine function can satisfy superposition if and only if $\alpha+\beta=1$. Therefore, we can think another way around: if we set $\alpha+\beta=1$, and the function does NOT satisfy superposition, then it is NOT an affine function.

2.2. Taylor Approximation

📌 What for?

🎯 Application on scalar-valued functions of $n$ variables, or relations between $n$ variables and a scalar. $$ \begin{bmatrix} x_1\x_2\\vdots\x_n \end{bmatrix} \to a $$ Normally, this relation is approximated by either 1️⃣ linear function or 2️⃣ affine function. Sometime these 2 functions are called model.

📌 What is Taylor Approximation?

Suppose that $f: \mathbb{R^n} \to \mathbb{R}$ is differentiable, which means that its partial derivatives exist. Let $z$ be an $n$-vector. The (first-order) Taylor Approximation of $f$ near (or at) the point $z$ is the function $\hat{f}(x)$ of $x$ defined as: $$ \hat{f}(x)=f(z)+\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1}(z)(x_1-z_1)+\cdots+\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_n}(z)(x_n-z_n) $$

  • $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}(z)$ , denotes the partial derivative of $f$ with respect to its $i$th argument, evaluated at the $n$-vector $z$.

  • $\hat{f}$ , the hat is a hint that it is an approximation of the function $f$.

  • $\hat{f}(x;z)$ , is written with 2nd argument to show the point $z$ at which the approximation is developed.

  • $f(z)$ , the first item of Taylor is constant, while others can be seen as the contributions to the change(from $f(z)$) due to the changes in the component of $x$ (from $z$).

📌Affine Function

Apparently, since there is always a $f(z)$ ,which is a constant, in the beginning, $\hat{f}(x)$ is therefore an affine function. It could be written as followed: $$ \hat{f}(x)=f(z)+\grad f(z)^T(x-z) $$

  • $f(z)$, it is a constant which is the value of this function when $x=z$

  • $\grad f(z)$ , is a $n$-vector, the gradient of $f$ at the point $z$ is:

$$ \grad f(z)=\begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1}(z)\\vdots\\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_n}(z)\end{bmatrix} $$

  • $(x-z)$, the deviation/perturbation(偏差/扰动) of $x$ respect to $z$

📌 What does it mean by approximation?

A simple example, for $n = 1$, is shown in the following figure. Over the full $x$-axis scale shown, the Taylor approximation $\hat{f}$ does not give a good approximation of the function $f$. But for $x$ near $z$, the Taylor approximation is very good.


A function f of one variable, and the first-order Taylor approximation $\hat{f}(x)=f(z)+f'(z)(x-z)$

📌 Example

Consider the function $f : \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ given by $f(x) = x_1 + \text{exp}(x_2 − x_1 )$ , which is not linear or affine. The assignment is to find the Taylor Approximation $\hat{f}$ near the point $z=(1,2)$.

  • first, take the partial derivative of this function:

$$ \grad f(z)= \begin{bmatrix} 1-\text{exp}(z_2-z_1)\\ \text{exp}(z_2-z_1) \end{bmatrix} $$

  • two, place $z_2=2, z_1=1$ in it
  • $\text{exp}=e,\quad e^1=2.7183$, therefore $\grad f(z)$ at $z=(1,2)$ is:

$$ \grad f(z)= \begin{bmatrix} 1-e^1\ e^1 \end{bmatrix}

\begin{bmatrix} -1.7183\ 2.7183 \end{bmatrix} $$

  • $f(z)$ at $z=(1,2)$ is:

$$ f(z)=x_1 + \text{exp}(x_2 − x_1 )=1+e^{2-1}=3.7183 $$

  • the Taylor approximation therefore is:

$$ \begin{align} \hat{f}(x)&=f(z)+\grad f(z)^T(x-z)\\ &=3.7183+\begin{bmatrix}-1.7183& 2.7183\end{bmatrix}^T(x-\begin{bmatrix}1\2\end{bmatrix})\\ &=3.7183+\begin{bmatrix}-1.7183& 2.7183\end{bmatrix}^T(\begin{bmatrix}x_1\x_2\end{bmatrix}-\begin{bmatrix}1\2\end{bmatrix})\\ &=3.7183-1.7183(x_1 -1)+2.7183(x_2-2) \end{align} $$

How to measure it is a good approximation:

$x$ $f(x)$ $\hat{f}(x)$ $\abs{\hat{f}(x)-f(x)}$
(1.00, 2.00) 3.7183 3.7183 0.000
(0.96, 1.98) 3.7332 3.7326 0.0005
(1 .10, 2.11) 3.8456 3.8455 0.0001
(0.85, 2.05) 4.1701 4.1119 0.0582
(1.25, 2.41) 4.4399 4.4032 0.0367

2.3. Regression Model

📌 What is it? $$ \hat{y} = x^T\beta+v $$

  • $x$, a $n$-vector a.k.a. feature vector
    • $x_1,x_2,...,x_n$ are regressor
  • $\beta$, a $n$-vector, weight vector / coefficient vector
  • $v$, a scalar, offset / intercept
  • $\hat{y}$, the $\hat{}$ symbol indicating it is an estimate / prediction
  • $y$, dependent variable, output labels

Special Indication:

  • $\beta, v$ are both parameters tuning this regression model.
  • $\beta$ is a weight vector which indicates the dependence between input and the performance of model.
    • e.g. $\beta_{13}$ is bigger, $x_{13}$ has more significant effect on the model
    • e.g. $\beta_{27}$ is smaller, $x_{27}$ has less effect on the model

📌 Simplified Regression Model Notation

Although I think this notation is kind of useless, the following is its equation. $$ \hat{y}=x^T\beta+v=\begin{bmatrix}1\x\end{bmatrix}^T\begin{bmatrix}v\\beta\end{bmatrix} $$ The dimension of $1,v$ are 1.

The dimension of $x,\beta$ are $n$.

Literally no difference from the left hand side.

📌 House price regression model


  • $y$, the actual selling price of the house
  • $x_1$, the house area
  • $x_2$, the number of bedrooms
  • $\hat{y}$, the estimate price

Then we have: $$ \hat{y}=x^T\beta+v=\beta_1x_1+\beta_2x_2+v $$ As a specific numerical example, consider the regression model parameters: $$ \beta=(148.73,-18.85), \quad v=54.40 $$

  • $\beta_1&gt;0$, it is easy to understand, house area:arrow_up_small:, price:arrow_up_small:
  • $\beta_2&lt;0$, this is hard to understand, maybe because increasing the number of rooms with same area will be considered as a public house?..(公租房)
  • $v&gt;0$, considering when $x_1=0,x_2=0$, then $v=54.40$, that is the value of the lot.(土地价格)

3.Norm and Distance

3.1. Norm

3.1.1. Definition and Properties

📌 Euclidean Norm(L-2 Norm)


  • $x$ is a $n$-vector
  • $\norm{x}$, is denoted as its norm.

$$ \norm{x}=\sqrt{x_1^2+x_2^2+\cdots+x_n^2+} $$

Since it is no difference as the squareroot of the inner product of the vector with itself, we can write as: $$ \norm{x}=\sqrt{x^Tx} $$ Another notation of Euclidean Norm: $$ \norm{x}_2 $$ The subscript $2$ indicates that the entries of $x$ are raised to the second power. That's why we call it L-2 Norm.

📌 Why we use $\norm{ }$ to wrap Euclidean Norm?

​ :star:For measuring magnitude

The double bar notation indicates the norm of a vector is a (numerical) measure of its magnitude(not considering orientation). Therefore, we can say a vector is small if its norm is a small number, and large is with a large number.

📌 Properties of Norm

​ :one:nonnegative homogeneity非负齐次性

$$ \norm{\beta x} = \abs{\beta}\norm{x} $$

​ :two:Triangle Inequality (subadditivity次可加性)

$$ \norm{x+y}\leq\norm{x}+\norm{y} $$

​ :three:Nonnegativity

$$ \norm{x}\geq0 $$

​ :four:Definiteness

$$ \norm{x}=0, \text{only if }x=0 $$

📌 general norm

Any real-valued function of an $n$-vector that satisfies the 4 properties listed above is called a (general) norm. But usually, when talking about norm, we refer to Euclidean norm.

3.1.2. Descendant of Norm(衍生物)

There are a lot of concepts closely related to norm.

📌RMS(root-mean-square) $$ \bold{rms}(x)=\sqrt{\frac{x_1^2+\cdots+x_n^2}{n}}=\frac{\norm{x}}{\sqrt{n}} $$

The key idea of RMS is to compare norms of vectors with different dimensions.🌟

📌 Norm of a sum

Suppose you have 2 vectors, $x$ and $y$. The norm of $x+y$ is: $$ \norm{x+y}=\sqrt{\norm{x}^2+2x^Ty+\norm{y}^2} $$

📌 Norm of a block vectors

Suppose you have a block vectors $d$ which is composed by $a,b,c$: $$ d=\begin{matrix}a_1\\vdots\a_n\b_1\\vdots\b_n\c_1\\vdots\c_n\end{matrix} $$ The norm-squared of a stacked vector is the sum of the norm-squared values of its subvectors: $$ \norm{d}^2=d^Td=a^Ta+b^Tb+c^Tc=\norm{a}^2+\norm{b}^2+\norm{c}^2 $$

This philosophy always is treated as its reverse: the norm of a stacked vector is the norm of the vector formed from the norms of the subvectors. $$ \norm{(a,b,c)}=\sqrt{\norm{a}^2+\norm{b}^2+\norm{c}^2}=\norm{(\norm{a},\norm{b},\norm{c})} $$

📌 Chebyshev Inequality

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