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I Think I've Found a Bug

tngreene edited this page Nov 17, 2020 · 1 revision

If you encounter anything that seems like a bug, please report it! I do read all bug reports, even if I don't get to them right away!

Where to report

Report all bugs on the github issues page. If your issue is related to installation, see the Installation]( instructions first. Search for your bug first, it may have been solved by someone else.

Do not report bugs to the forums, the developer blog, or by e-mail as those get lost quickly.

What to include

For fastest help please include

  • Your OS (Windows, Mac, Linux Distro) and version
  • Blender version used
  • The full XPlane2Blender version (see it in the Scene properties)
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the problem
  • Screenshots if applicable
  • A minimal .blend file that reproduces the problem is highly valued!

What is a minimal .blend?

A minimal (preferably ready to export if possible) .blend file is a .blend file that shows the problem with as little other datablocks as possible. If you have a door animation that isn't working, please just send the door mesh and any armatures/other objects needed to show the animation not working. Please remove all other objects, collections, scenes, materials removed. This greatly helps narrow down the issues quickly!

Private and payware files

You can e-mail sensitive files to ted at I don't show any part, including screenshots, to any other LR employees, even screenshots, without your permission and files are deleted whenever you say or when the bug is finished. I am not an artist for the company and will never use your work for private projects or any other purpose than to fix your bug. A minimal .blend file is still requested to speed things up (and also decrease liability.)

Anything shared in GitHub's issues, or openly in a link to some other file service is not considered private.

Bug, Improvement, or Feature?

We have 4 categories of bug reports:

Type Description
Bug When a part of XPlane2Blender crashes when used, is unusable, or doesn't produce the correct results
Improvement A new part of an an existing feature
Feature A new part of XPlane2Blender. Feature requests are slow to get filled and many are rejected for not being applicable to the majority of artists. Remember, you can script Blender yourself using XPlane2Blender functions to support your preferred workflow! Don't be scared to submit your ideas, XPlane2Blender is the fantastic addon it is because of the fantastic suggestions we've gotten! This is an addon for the artists!
Not a bug/will not implement Somethings are not a problem or not needed: the feature is working as intended or you'll be given instructions on how to use a feature that exists or other options

XPlane2Blender only gets better by the user's suggestions and willingness to report problems with it - I always appreciate bug reports and always read them!