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The SuSLik web interface is here

Specifications Cheatsheet

Here are some representative examples of different SuSLik constructs:


bool, int, loc, set


  • Arithmetic: x + 1, y - 2, 5 * z
  • Sets: {}, {1, 2} + {3} (union), {1, 2} * {2, 3} (intersection), s - {x} (difference)
  • Relational: x == 1, x != 1, x <= 1, x < 1, x >= 1, x > 1
    • with sets: x in {1, 2}, {1} <= {1, 2}
  • Logical: true, false, not x, x && y, x || y, x ==> y

Spatial Formulas

  • Points-to: x :-> 5
  • Block: [x, 2]
  • Predicate instance: list(x, {1, 2, 3})
  • Separating conjunction: x :-> 5 ** (x + 1) :-> 7


{a > b ; x :-> a ** y :-> b}

Predicate Definitions

predicate list(loc x, set s) {
|  x == 0  => { s == {} ; emp }
|  x != 0  => { s == {v} + s1 ; [x, 2] ** x :-> v ** (x + 1) :-> nxt ** list(nxt, s1) }

Useful SSL rules

Emp Closes the derivation once the heaps are empty

            φ ⇒ ψ
------------------------------- [emp]
{φ ; emp} --> {ψ ; emp} | skip

Frame Removes identical heaplets from pre- and post-condition

     {φ ; P} --> {ψ ; Q} | c
------------------------------- [frame]
{φ ; P * R} --> {ψ ; Q * R} | c

Read Reads a ghost variable from the heap:

[y/a]{φ ; x -> a * P} --> [y/a]{ψ ; Q} | c
----------------------------------------------- [read]
{φ ; x -> a * P} --> {ψ ; Q} | let y := *x ; c

Write Writes a desired non-ghost exression into the heap:

{φ ; x -> e * P} --> {ψ ; x -> e * Q} | c
--------------------------------------------------- [write]
{φ ; x -> _ * P} --> {ψ ; x -> e * Q} | *x := e ; c

Free Frees a memory block we have in the pre

{φ ; P} --> {ψ ; x -> e * Q} | c
----------------------------------------------------------------------- [free]
{φ ; [x,n+1] * x -> _ * ... * (x,n) -> _ * P} --> {ψ ; Q} | free(x) ; c

Alloc Allocates a memory block that is needed in the post and starts at an existential

x is existential
{φ ; [x1,n+1] * x1 -> a1 * ... * (x1,n) -> an * P} --> {ψ ; [x1,n] * x1 -> e1 * ... * (x1,n) -> en * Q} | c
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [alloc]
{φ ; P} --> {ψ ; [x,n+1] * x -> e1 * ... * (x,n) -> en * Q} | x1 = malloc(n) ; c

Open Unfold predicate in precondition

{φ ; clause1(e) * P} --> {ψ ; Q} | c1   {φ ; clause2(e) * P} --> {ψ ; Q} | c1
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [open]
             {φ ; pred(e) * P} --> {ψ ; Q} | if (guard) {c1} else c2

Close Unfold predicate in postcondition

{φ ; P} --> {ψ ; clause_i(e) * Q} | c
-------------------------------------- [close]
   {φ ; P} --> {ψ ; pred(e) * Q} | c

Unify Unify a heaplet with existentials in post with some heaplet in pre

x is existential
{φ ; P * [e/x]R} --> {ψ ; Q * [e/x]R} | c
------------------------------------------ [unify]
   {φ ; P * [e/x]R} --> {ψ ; Q * R} | c

Pick Replace an existential with any variable in scope of the same type

x is existential
{φ ; P} --> {ψ ; [e/x]Q} | c
----------------------------- [pick]
  {φ ; P} --> {ψ ; Q} | c


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