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Releases: Shopify/polaris


10 Sep 15:37
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  • Updated date filter labels in resource list
  • Changed placeholder prop in Select to be the default selection
  • Added a loading prop to ResourceList that places a spinner overtop items and disables bulk actions


  • Clarified when and how to use icons in the banner component
  • Updated footer help component guidelines to include content instructions for app developers

Bug fixes

  • Fixed resource list component to correctly handle inclusive filter keys
  • Fixed date field in DateSelector to not render an error when date is added by the date picker and field is blurred
  • Fixed pagination from firing keypress events while focus is inside inputs or contenteditables
  • Fixed EmptyState horizontally scrolling when fully condensed
  • Fixed the bottom margin of elements inside Page being ignored in some browsers
  • Added required url prop to breadcrumbs in Page component examples
  • Fixed ActionList wrapping text within a Popover
  • Fixed Banner spacing when inside of a section
  • Fixed Stack so it doesn't add extra spacing between items in Safari


30 Aug 21:24
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Bug fixes

  • Reverted a change that caused the built embedded.js bundle to be way larger than it should be due to broad imports


  • Added support for boolean type on Choice error prop


  • Updated banner guidelines to make it clearer when success banners should be used vs success toasts.
  • Updated display text documentation to have a separate example for medium and large display


27 Aug 21:01
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Bug fixes

  • Reverted a change adding Windows high contrast support to popover components that caused items in a popover not to be clickable


27 Aug 19:16
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  • Fixed paths to images in the “Attention badge” example

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the page component's primary action to support LoadableActions and DisableableActions


27 Aug 16:55
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  • Adjusted spacing for ChoiceChildren in choice list for readability
  • Made Card.Header a seperate publically accessible component
  • Added support for complex operators in ResourceList component
  • Updated the page component's primary action to support Button props.
  • Added validation for non-numeric input in a type="number" TextField
  • Added support for Windows High Contrast mode in the popover component
  • Added circle information icon


  • Updated banner guidelines to make it clearer when success banners should be used vs success toasts.
  • Added documentation for iOS and Android section header


21 Aug 22:31
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2.6.1 - 2018-08-21

Development workflow

  • Moved pa11y and object-hash from dependencies to devDependencies

Bug fixes

  • Fixed inconsistent drop zone error styling

2.6.0 - 2018-08-21

Development workflow

  • Added a test:coverage script to gather and display test coverage results
  • Added Codecov test coverage checks to pull requests
  • Added automated a11y testing to CI


  • Added support for FilterType.DateSelector in ResourceList component
  • Added code as an accepted variation of the text style component to provide support for accessible markup and styling of inline code snippets and code-like text
  • Added new border-width SCSS function
  • Added support for fullWidth and connectedTop props on ButtonGroup
  • Added label prop to DropZone for better accessibility
  • Added support for radio buttons to accept a block as a label
  • Added a singleColumn prop to the skeleton page component
  • Updated the transition on large modals to match the default transition
  • Added nextKeys, previousKeys, nextTooltip, and previousTooltip props to the pagination component to support keypress handling and tooltips in pagination buttons.
  • Added examples to the layout component documentation for two and three column grid layouts
  • Added an export for the Progress type to support downstream typechecking of the badge component progress prop
  • Added an iFrameName prop to the modal component to support named iframe children
  • Added a ScrollTo subcomponent to the scrollable component to support scrolling to a child node programmatically
  • Added support for the button component to accept an array of strings as children
  • Changed the primary focus target of an activated popover from the first focusable child to the popover itself
  • Added an improved error message when the child of an embedded alert component is not a string(thanks @superwhykz for the original issue)
  • Added a minimum width to tab items to improve touch target sizing and account for smaller tab titles
  • Added support for additional accessibility attributes to the text field and option list components
  • Added support for option list with avatars, icons, and thumbnails when options descriptors have a media property
  • Added support for destructive action list items
  • Added support for option list options descriptors to accept a block for the label property
  • Added $page-max-width variable to capture page calculated max-width value and page-when-not-max-width mixin to trigger when page is resized horizontally
  • Added support for select error messages to be optional
  • Updated the breadcrumbs component to support the CallbackAction type as a prop(thanks @dylan for the current issue and everyone who identified this.)
  • Added support for text field error messages to be optional
  • Added a disabled prop to the choice component. Checkbox and radio labels are now styled to reflect their disabled state
  • Added support for Windows High Contrast mode in the select, checkbox and radio components

Bug fixes

  • Fixed text field resizer rendering when multiline was false
  • Fixed modal header condensing
  • Fixed tooltip so active prop activates on initial render
  • Fixed popover border radius and left and right alignment
  • Fixed visibility of the hidden implicit submit button in form (thanks @cgenevier for the original issue)
  • Fixed alignment of wrapped empty state actions
  • Swapped the import and export icons
  • Fixed incorrect data table column count and content skipping in assistive technologies
  • Fixed unintended form submittal by action list items enclosed in a form
  • Fixed text alignment of multiline option list option text
  • Fixed an issue where the stack component would render incorrectly nested items
  • Fixed spacing above annotated sections on smaller screens
  • Fixed an issue that cause problems for some build tools
  • Fixed the word-break of long text in labels and banners on small screens


  • Added examples for iOS and Android radio buttons
  • Added examples for iOS and Android banners
  • Added toast component
  • Added examples for iOS and Android buttons
  • Added examples for iOS and Android button groups
  • Added examples for iOS and Android badge
  • Added stepper component

New components


Use inline errors to describe custom form inputs or form groups when invalid.


20 Jul 19:51
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  • Added weekStartsOn prop to Datepicker

Bug fixes

  • Remove stickyManager from app provider props interface


  • Added iOS and Android examples for the card component

Development workflow

  • Renamed yarn start:vrt to yarn tophat and updated the folder name to match
  • Improved yarn tophat’s design, and added a /all-components route


13 Jul 14:09
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  • Changed Form to submit a form by default when the Enter key is pressed, and added the prop implicitSubmit to disable this default

Bug fixes

  • Fixed text field padding when a prefix or suffix is included


05 Jul 20:23
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2.3.1 - 2018-07-05


  • Removed the min-width of 320px from Resource list

Bug fixes

  • Resolve issue with RangeSlider not accepting 0 as a max value
  • Slightly reduce RangeSlider's prefix/suffix spacing
  • Fixed spacing for prefix and suffix on the text field component
  • Fixed a bug which caused data tables not rendered on first page load to have skewed cell heights (thanks @flewid for the original issue)
  • Fixed DatePicker month styling for previous years

UI Kit

  • Added OptionList component


03 Jul 18:14
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2.3.0 - 2018-07-03

New components

Option list

Use Option list to present a group of selectable items outside of the context of a form.


  • Fixed Form examples


  • Added prefix and suffix props to RangeSlider for better layout control
  • Added testing documentation and examples in AppProvider
  • Performance: optimized avatar SVG files
  • Updated yarn optimize to add new line at the end of SVG files

Bug fixes

  • Adjusted padding on text field to work with Chrome’s autofill
  • Fixed a regression where the version of Polaris wasn’t globally available anymore
  • Updated the interaction state visuals for ActionList
  • Fixed z-index on resource list header with sorting options (thanks @janklimo for the original issue)
  • Fixed an issue where Radio Buttons were not focusable in Safari
  • Fixed spacing for annotated section descriptions
  • Fixed a bug in EASDK action transforms that prevented external urls in embedded apps from opening (thanks @dansundy for the original issue)

Dependency updates