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An Android library for picking location in Bangladesh

Example Screenshot :

Implement Library

The library is available on JitPack, for implementing, just go to your project-level or root level build.gradle file and add the below code if not added already :

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' } // Add This Line

Then go to your app level build.gradle file and add this line :

dependencies {
	  implementation 'com.github.SharifRafid:BDLocationPicker:1.0.0' //Add this line in the dependencies

Usage Of Library

Java :

 new BdLocationChooser.Create(this)
                .setPickerTitle("Choose a location")
                .setLanguage("english")     // Default Bangla
                .setListener(new LocationChooseListener() {
                    public void onLocationChoose(@NonNull Division division, @NonNull District district, @NonNull Upazila upazila) {
                        Toast.makeText(JavaActivity.this, division.getName()+","+district.getName()+","+upazila.getName(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                    public void onCancelled() {

Kotlin :

        .setPickerTitle("Choose a location")
        .setLanguage("english")     // Default Bangla
        .setListener(object : LocationChooseListener{
            override fun onLocationChoose(division: Division,district: District,upazila: Upazila) {

            override fun onCancelled() {


Or you can also use the library to get the lists of the divisions/districts/upazilas and make your own custom picker with the data :

Example :

Java :

// Get All the upazilas
ArrayList<Upazila> upazilasList = new BdLocationChooser.Create(this).getUpazilasList();

// Get All the districts
ArrayList<District> districtsList = new BdLocationChooser.Create(this).getDistrictsList();

// Get All the divisions
ArrayList<Division> divisionsList = new BdLocationChooser.Create(this).getDivisionsList();


// Get All the upazilas
val upazilaList = BdLocationChooser.Create(this).upazilasList as ArrayList<Upazila>

// Get All the districts
val districtList = BdLocationChooser.Create(this).districtsList as ArrayList<District>

// Get All the divisions
val divisionList = BdLocationChooser.Create(this).divisionsList as ArrayList<Division>

The json formatted data of the divisions/districts/upazillas are collected from fahimxyz and his awesome repo : .

Thanks A Lot to fahimxyz for his hardwork.