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LateX/Python hybrid that symbolically solves equations on the fly.

Usage instructions

  1. Download and copy and symtex.sty to the folder where you have your LaTeX file.

  2. Load the package by using \usepackage{symtex.sty} anywhere before the \begin{document} declaration

  3. To evaluate an integral or derivative - for instance $\intop x^{-1}\exp{x} dx$, run,

$\intop{x^{-1}\exp{x} dx} = \eval{intop{x^{-1} exp{x} dx}}$

  1. Compile your LaTeX program with "pdflatex -shell-escape .tex"

Basic Syntax Rules

  1. Remove all slashes: For instance, \frac{d}{dx}{\frac{\sin{x}}{x}} would be passed to \eval as \eval{frac{d}{dx}{frac{sin{x}}{x}}}

  2. All independent variables and constants must be seperated by a whitespace. Thus, something like $xy$ is not allowed. You would write it as $x y$. Same goes for variables/constants multiplied to functions.

  3. Greek letters and subscripts are allowed, but are very limited. To the extent that we've tested, the following causes problems:

    3.1 Greek letter subscripts are NOT allowed. Subscripts can be exactly one character long.

    3.2 Subscripts that contain another variable name are not allowed. For instance, \intop{x_1 dx} is not allowed. However, \intop{x_1 dx_1} is fine.

  4. Integrals to multiple variables are allowed. However, only first derivatives wrt one variable is allowed.

What do I do if I find a bug and/or want some feature added?

Well, if you know Python/LaTeX, you are more than welcome to fix it - send me an email and I'd be happy to take a look at your changes! If not, send an email to and I'll try fixing it in the near future.