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Cloud Security Suite (cs-suite) - Version 3.0


usage: [-h] -env {aws,gcp,azure,digitalocean} -aip AUDIT_IP -u USER_NAME -pem
             PEM_FILE [-p] [-pId PROJECT_ID] [-az_u AZURE_USER]
             [-az_p AZURE_PASS] [-o OUTPUT] [-w] [-n NUMBER]

this is to get IP address for lynis audit only

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -env {aws,gcp,azure,digitalocean}, --environment {aws,gcp,azure,digitalocean}
                        The cloud on which the test-suite is to be run
  -aip AUDIT_IP, --audit_ip AUDIT_IP
                        The IP for which lynis Audit needs to be done .... by
                        default tries root/Administrator if username not
  -u USER_NAME, --user_name USER_NAME
                        The username of the user to be logged in,for a
                        specific user
  -pem PEM_FILE, --pem_file PEM_FILE
                        The pem file to access to AWS instance
  -p, --password        hidden password prompt
  -pId PROJECT_ID, --project_id PROJECT_ID
                        Project ID for which GCP Audit needs to be run. Can be
                        retrivied using `gcloud projects list`
  -az_u AZURE_USER, --azure_user AZURE_USER
                        username of azure account, optionally used if you want
                        to run the azure audit with no user interaction.
  -az_p AZURE_PASS, --azure_pass AZURE_PASS
                        username of azure password, optionally used if you
                        want to run the azure audit with no user interaction.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        writes a log in JSON of an audit, ideal for
                        consumptions into SIEMS like ELK and Splunk. Defaults
                        to cs-audit.log
  -w, --wipe            rm -rf reports/ folder before executing an audit
  -n, --number          Retain number of report to store for a particular 
                        environment and user/project.


  • Operating System OSX or Linux only
  • python 2.7
  • pip
  • git
  • jq
  • gcc (for sshpass installation (OS Audit). Not a mandatory pre-requisite)
  • AWS Audit - AWS ReadOnly Keys
  • GCP Audit - gcloud setup
  • Azure Audit - Azure user read-only access
  • DigitalOcean Audit - DigitalOcean API key and SPACES access_key and access_secret


(in order to avoid missing with the already installed python libraries)

  • get project git clone && cd cs-suite/
  • install virtualenv pip install virtualenv
  • create a python 2.7 local enviroment virtualenv -p python2.7 venv
  • activate the virtual enviroment source venv/bin/activate
  • install project dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run the tool via python --help

AWS Configuration

  • In AWS create a IAM user with at least the following policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess
  • In your local install aws cli brew install awscli for OSX
  • Configure AWS cli aws configure

GCP Configuration

Azure Configuration

  • signup and have logged in already to
  • install azure CLI brew install az
  • authenticate the azure cli az login, you should see your subscription type if it was successful, simiarly to the response below:
    "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
    "id": "xxxxx-5595-4da5-bc27-xxxeeee",
    "isDefault": true,
    "name": "Free Trial",
    "state": "Enabled",
    "tenantId": "xxxxx-18e9-41a4-961b-xxxxx",
    "user": {
      "name": "",
      "type": "user"

DigitalOcean Configuration

  • create Personal Access Tokens and Spaces Access keys
  • set the credentials by running export

export DO_KEY=*********************

export DO_ACCESS_KEY=*******************

export DO_SECRET_KEY=****************************

Running cs-suite

To run AWS Audit - python -env aws
To run GCP Audit - python -env gcp -pId <project_name>
To run Azure Audit - python -env azure
To run DigitalOcean Audit - python -env digitalocean
  • The final report will be available in reports directory

  • The final AWS Audit report looks like below:

AWS Audit report

  • The final GCP Audit report looks like below:

GCP Audit report

Docker Setup

  • Create a local directory aws with credentials and config files

  • The config file looks like below

$ cat aws/config

output = json
region = us-east-1
  • The credentials file looks like below
$ cat aws/credentials

aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Note: This tool requires arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess IAM policy

  • Then run the follwing docker command to start (passing your specific enviroment)
docker run -v `pwd`/aws:/root/.aws -v `pwd`/reports:/app/reports securityftw/cs-suite -env aws

