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639 lines (396 loc) · 27.7 KB

Release History

4.2.5 (2024-05-29)

New Features

  • Added a new Stop Action, which can take a Question and Resolution and will stop the test until that assertion is true (or a timeout is reached). Or just Stop() and it will wait until you press enter.

Bug Fixes

  • The typehint for the Matches Resolution now includes re.compile objects.
  • ..._to_log methods are now all property-ized, which fixes a few logging errors.

Development Niceties

  • Pruned the Sphinx directives because they don't need to be as long as i thought they did.
  • Slimmed down the documentation by noting method aliases in the method's docstring and excluding the aliases from the documentation (since thye're copies of the original method).

4.2.4 (2024-02-21)

Bug Fixes

  • MakeNote now correctly logs what key the Actor is jotting something down under.


  • We now make use of the Self type from typing_extensions, to better type-hint subclassed entites in ScreenPy.

Development Niceties

  • Did quite a lot of project standardization (big big thanks @bandophahita!).

4.2.3 (2024-02-02)


  • Updated all the dependencies to be more up-to-date!
  • Specifically updated Pydantic to use the new Pydantic-Settings module for settings management. Waaay slicker.

4.2.2 (2023-11-20)

New Features

  • A new Either Action! For those times where you might want to do one thing or a different thing depending on the current state of the application. Or any other way to use it you can think of!


  • Almost all the improvements this time were clerical: improved the docs setup, added linting to the tests, add ruff...q
  • Added some logic to better represent the values from the test in the Narrator's logs (thanks @bandophahita!).
  • Added support for Python 3.12!
  • Fixed several typing issues.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Silently wasn't correctly wrapping Describables, so the wrong message was being read by the Narrator (thanks @bandophahita!).
  • Fixed some cases where beat should be logging None but wasn't, and then fixed a bug with that where it was logging None too often if from __future__ import annotations was at the top of the file (thanks again, @bandophahita!).
  • Fixed an issue where Eventually would log multiple of the same exceptions. We actually completely reworked the logic here to make things much easier to read (thanks again again, @bandophahita!).

4.2.1 (2023-06-06)

Bug Fixes

  • ContainsTheEntry was still inheriting from BaseResolution, even after the deprecation (thanks for the issue, @jardilac91!). No longer!

4.2.0 (2023-06-01)


  • BaseResolution is now deprecated in favor of the new Resolvable protocol. No longer are Resolutions the odd-duck of ScreenPy, now they behave the same as Actions (Performable) and Questions (Answerable)! See the deprecations page entry for more information.
  • As foretold, the has_cleanup_tasks method of Actor has been removed. Er, what do you mean i forgot to mention it last year when it was deprecated?? Well hopefully you saw the warning! 😬

New Features

  • Actors are now callable, and-
  • There are now present-tense aliases for all Actions, so you can do the_actor(Sees(This(), IsCool()))! Well except that This is not a Question and IsCool is not a Resolution... unless you make them!
  • Added Silently "Action" (more of an Adverb, really). This wrapper silences all narration for the -ables contained within. No Actions, Questions, or Resolutions will be narrated inside of Silently!
  • Added Log Action to log the answer to a Question real quick. Could be useful during debugging.


  • Almost everything you could want from ScreenPy is now available from the top-level. Now instead of doing from screenpy.actions import ..., from screenpy.resolutions import..., you can just do it all using from screenpy import ... in one block! You can still do the old way if you want, but now you can do it this way, too!
  • SeeAnyOf and SeeAllOf now behave consistently with each other and consistently with how one might expect and and or to behave. They both accept 0 tests (and pass), they both allow 1 test, and they both short-circuit their testing. They also handle narrating plurals better!
  • Settings now use Pydantic, and are much, MUCH better! You can set settings for ScreenPy through environment variables, through pyproject.toml, or in a file. Checkout the updated Settings documentation for details!

Bug Fixes

  • Eventually now preserves the order of the errors it encounters, which will make debugging much easier.
  • Eventually now correctly sets both poll rate and timeout in the same call, if you want to do that sort of thing.

4.1.2 (2023-02-03)


  • Gravitas can now be found in its own module, narration.gravitas, or imported directly from screenpy.narration (e.g. from screenpy.narration import AIRY`). It was a little weird for them to live in the Narrator file.

Bug Fixes

  • Turns out that the aside function didn't take gravitas, even though the Adapter itself did. That's fixed, and also the Narrator and all the tests are updated to fix that as well, and the Adapter Protocol definition, too.

4.1.1 (2023-02-03)

Bug Fixes

  • Er, the convenient imports from the previous build caused some circular imports. screenpy.actions and screenpy.resolutions still need you to import them through the full path.
  • Python <3.10 don't like the | typehint union; switch back to Union for those.

4.1.0 (2023-02-02)


  • Dropping support for Python 3.7. ScreenPy will probably still work in Python 3.7, but we're no longer making sure it does.

New Features

  • Added a lot of new Resolutions for text and number comparisons:
    • StartsWith
    • EndsWith
    • Matches for you regex-speakers
    • ContainsItemMatching for strings-in-lists regex assertions
    • IsLessThan and IsLessThanOrEqualTo
    • IsGreaterThan and IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo
    • IsInRange


  • Added convenience imports, so you can import everything directly from screenpy (from screenpy import Actor, given, See...)
  • StdOutAdapter (now also called LoggingAdapter for clarity) can now accept gravitas, AIRY being equivalent to logging.DEBUG.
  • All staticmethods on Actor, Action, and Resolution classes (maybe more? All of them!) are now classmethods and appropriately typed, which should make it much easier (and possible at all) to subclass, if you need to. Big big thanks to @bandophahita for that huge effort!

4.0.2 (2022-09-18)

New Features

  • Added an ErrorKeeper protocol, currently only for Questions that encounter an error while being answered. This is now used by MakeNote to mention the exception, which will help debug some confusing test states. (h/t @bandophahita!)
  • Added official "extras" support for screenpy_playwright, install with pip install screenpy[playwright]!


  • A significant improvement on test coverage via unit tests! (h/t @bandophahita!)

4.0.1 (2022-05-13)

New Features

  • Added new aliases for IsCloseTo and HasLength to use in their negated cases: CloseTo and HaveLength.
  • Added official "extras" support for screenpy_appium, install with pip install screenpy[appium]!


  • Tons of typing improvements thanks to @bandophahita, especially with Resolutions! Things should be a lot nicer in your IDEs.
  • Added a count to Eventually that mentions how many times Eventually looped before failing. This should be helpful in the case where the performable that should eventually complete takes longer than the timeout set for Eventually.

4.0.0 (2022-02-22)

2day is 2sday, by the way. Also I pushed this up at 22:22!

Breaking Changes

  • ScreenPy is now broken up in2 its core (this repository), screenpy_selenium, screenpy_requests, screenpy_pyotp, and screenpy_adapter_allure. This will cause some big, big breakages in your suites, and i'm very sorry about it. To help get you back up and running, see the changes at
  • Those deprecated methods mentioned on that same deprecations page are also finally removed.


  • Yet another rewrite of the documentation! This time it's much more focused, since the documentation is only for the base module.
  • The rewrite includes a new Complete Example section, which shows a fictional example of a ScreenPy test file and breaks down each part of it.


  • Eventually now also tells you how many times it attempted its performable, which could be useful for debugging in certain situations.


  • If See was given a value to compare against a Resolution, the value is now properly printed to the log instead of just the string "{value}". 🤦

3.2.9 (2021-12-23)


  • Added .of_the_first_of_the aliases to several Actions and Questions, to allow for clearer readings of tests.
  • Added an aside of the actual value when See is about to compare a pre-baked value instead of asking a Question.
  • Fixed IsNot's descriptions, especially when they were describing when the negative (... of the negative).

3.2.8 (2021-11-11)


  • Fixes the Narrator skipping narrations if they occurred within a double-kinked cable. In fact, completely rewrote how the Narrator handles multiple cable kinks in a much more understandable way (h/t @bandophahita).

3.2.7 (2021-10-21)


  • Another bugfix for the Narrator when reporting errors -- if the user isn't using Allure, an error in the script would cause a StopIteration error to be raised aftewards. Pretty annoying when debugging!
  • Speaking of errors being raised, if an error were raised while the Narrator's mic cable was kinked or while the Narrator was off the air, the Narrator would never narrate again (until the next script ran anyway). That's fixed!


  • Fixed up the quick hackjob for narrating errors to put it in a much more elegant spot.

3.2.6 (2021-10-15)


  • Kind of critical bugfix for the Narrator's new ability to report errors -- the Narrator now only reports errors if their mic cable is not kinked and they are on air. This was causing some pretty unfortunate interactions with Eventually...

3.2.5 (2021-10-14)


  • The clean_up method that all Actors use to clean up after themselves was mutating the cleanup task list as it was iterating through it. This was not good! Actors have been reminded of proper looping etiquette.


  • Eventually now raises a DeliveryError to bring it in line with Wait and all other Actions which raise errors.
  • Eventually now mentions all of the exceptions it encountered when it raises DeliveryError.
  • Several Actions have less-awkwardly-worded beats!

3.2.4 (2021-09-30)


  • MakeNote and See both relied on catching an AttributeError to figure out if they had been passed a value or a Question. But if the Question itself encountered an AttributeError while being answered, a very confusing situation would arise that was very annoying to debug. Now these two Actions use hasattr instead!
  • The AllureAdapter is no longer falsely marking steps which failed as having passed! Bringin' back them reds and yellows.

New Features

  • The Adapter protocol now supports an error method, which allows adapters to report exceptions in their own way.

3.2.3 (2021-09-27)


  • Toned down the aggressive pruning by get_additive_description. It was cutting off closing quotes!
  • Fixed the incorrect method being called when attaching in the AllureAdapter.

New Features

  • Added some nice new Actions for reporting: AttachTheFile, SaveScreenshot, and SaveConsoleLog!

3.2.2 (2021-09-26)

New Features

  • Eventually and See now have beats! They try their best to make a natural-sounding English statement about what your Actor is doing, but if you need to tweak the message...
  • Performables and Answerables may now have a describe function, which Eventually and See both directly use.
  • Narrators can now attach files! Calling Narrator's attach method will broadcast the filepath to all the adapters plugged into their microphone. Adapters can look for specific keywords, if needed—all other adapters will ignore those keywords.

Known Issues

  • I was not able to figure out how to fix the problem with the Allure reporting, #74. :( (Edit: This is Perry from the Future! I figured it out!)

3.2.1 (2021-08-29)


  • Updated See and MakeNote typehints now that they allow for bare values and Questions.

3.2.0 (2021-08-23)

Breaking Changes

  • The gravitas levels have moved from screenpy.pacing to screenpy.narration.narrator, and they've also changed terminology. The updated terminology is more generic, describing how serious the gravitas is. The gravitas level is passed along to the adapters to be used or ignored as needed.

New Features

  • Added a Narrator class, who handles all the reporting! The Narrator's microphone can be outfitted with different adapters to report to whatever reporting service you want. Included are the new AllureAdapter and StdOutAdapter, which will maintain existing behavior.
  • (h/t @langgaibo) Added an IsCloseTo resolution!
  • (h/t @bandophahita) Added an Eventually action!


  • Part of the above Narrator addition is that there is now a way for you to manually control logging, either by putting the narrator off_the_air or by making their microphone_cable_kinked. It was immediately handy for Eventually, maybe you'll find it useful, too!
  • Better typehints for Target!
  • Better beat for MakeNote!
  • See and MakeNote can now both accept values and Questions!


  • XPATH locators which begin with a parenthesis are now correctly recognized as XPATH locators.

3.1.2 (2021-04-13)


  • I'm on a tear, eh?
  • Added a more useful test in screenpy-quickstart that shows off more actions.
  • Adjusted the return type of the noted_under direction from object to Any. I think it could be something more specific, but Any is the best i've got for now.

3.1.1 (2021-04-12)


  • Added .of_all method to the Attribute Question because that is, incidentally, the way i needed to be able to use it. Woops!

3.1.0 (2021-04-11)

New Features

  • (h/t @langgaibo and @sramdas-dod) Actors can now clean up after themselves! Give 'em a task with .has_cleanup_task(CleanUpTask()) and they'll do the CleanUpTask() task as they exit. Or sooner, if you call Actor.cleans_up() yourself! (CleanUpTask not included.)
  • (h/t @langgaibo) Actors can now take notes and use them... anywhere. The new MakeNote Action allows you to save the answer to a Question under a handy key, which can then be recalled later using the noted_under direction! Which brings me to...
  • The Director! The Director is omnipresent and singular. They are always watching, waiting to take or give a needed note. Ask for one by using a the_noted(key) or noted_under(key) direction, wherever you need the information they hold. 🔺👁🔺
  • Added the See, SeeAllOf, and SeeAnyOf Actions, to relieve Actors of the burden of asserting. Take a look at the new Deprecations docs page to learn more.
  • Added the Attribute Question, to ask about an element's attributes. Like "value", which is the one i'll be asking about.


  • (h/t @WandyYing and @bandophahita) SOLIDified Actors a little bit more by deprecating their asserting responsibility. This was part of adding the new See etc. Actions mentioned above. Actors now have a should method, which is really just an alias for was_able_to and attempts_to, but is meant to be used with that See Action. Or not, it's really up to you.
  • Targets can now be used as if they themselves were locator tuples. You can do target[0] and pass in *targets. It's wild! And cleans up a really gross list comprehension from the Wait source code.
  • As ever, another huge documentation update. Things should be more consistent now. Maybe. (I'll probably find more things to smooth out as soon as i commit this.) (Edit: i did.)


  • Deprecated Actor.should_see_the and Actor.should_see_any_of in favor of using Actor.should with the new See, SeeAllOf, and SeeAnyOf Actions. These methods will be removed in 4.0.0. Instructions for modifying your tests can be found in the 3.1.0 Deprecations documentation

3.0.4 (2021-03-09)

Bug Fixes

  • Missed a from typing import Protocol, that's fixed now. Woops!

3.0.3 (2021-03-09)


  • (h/t @bandophahita) CLI logging now has indentation levels to help show which statements are encapsulated by Questions, tasks, Actions, etc.!
  • Reverted the Protocol import from typing back to typing_extensions for better compatibility. This will be revisited when Python 4 is released, probably.

New Features

  • (h/t @bandophahita) New IsClickable Resolution to check if an element is clickable!

3.0.2 (2021-02-28)


  • Wait now only puts one "..." at the end of its messages. :eye_roll:
  • mypy will now be looking at the examples/ directory as well, so it can catch errors like...


  • (h/t @bandophahita) Removed the BaseAction, BaseAbility, and BaseQuestion classes, for sure this time.
  • mypy should no longer complain whenever you use any of the SendMETHODRequest API request Actions (e.g. SendGETRequest, SendPOSTRequest, etc.).

3.0.1 (2021-02-18)


  • Wait can do custom log messages again, to make the reports look nicer.

Bug Fixes

  • Element now catches the correct exception type, now that Target's the one doing the finding.
  • Wait now formats its custom exception correctly.
  • What's a release without some same-day bug fixes, right?

3.0.0 (2021-02-18)

Breaking Changes

  • BrowseTheWeb no longer has .to_find() or .to_wait_for(). I realized these methods actually break the S in SOLID, and these methods were limiting Actions from really doing what they're supposed to do. See the Improvements section below for the direct benefit of this change!


  • Wait can now use strategies that don't use a Target, or have multiple arguments. You can now use any of Selenium's URL-monitoring expected conditions or any other custom strategies through Wait().using(strategy).with_("any", "number", "of", "args")!
  • AddHeader can now accept new forms of header-setting arguments, like a dict or just alternating pairs. Now AddHeader(Cookie="yes=please") == AddHeader({"Cookie": "yes=please"}) == AddHeader("Cookie", "yes=please")!
  • Added SetHeaders Action, if you want to set the headers exactly (and remove all unmentioned headers).
  • AddHeader, SetHeaders, and Send[METHOD]Request Actions now all have a way to mark their contents as secret, so they won't be logged. Add a .which_should_be_kept_secret() or .secretly() to the end and the log won't mention the unmentionables.
  • I did another docs overhaul, this time making them read in a way that might please Hemingway.

Bug Fixes

  • Click is now able to be chained without a Target to click. This was preventing clicking at an offset, which annoyed me at least.

2.2.0 (2020-11-29)


  • Updated all the dependencies to support Python 3.9! Kind of a boring update.
  • Made the reported Actions more consistently worded.

2.1.0 (2020-09-03)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed on_top method from SwitchToTab, it wasn't consistent under certain circumstances and that could be misleading.
  • Removed the BaseAction, BaseAbility, and BaseQuestion classes in favor of Protocols.

New Features

  • Added API testing support!
    • Added MakeAPIRequests Ability.
    • Added SendGETRequest, SendPOSTRequest, SendPATCHRequest, SendPUTRequest, SendOPTIONSRequest, SendHEADRequest, SendDELETERequest, and SendAPIRequest Actions.
    • Added AddHeader/AddHeaders Action.
    • Added Cookies, CookiesOnTheWebSession, CookiesOnTheAPISession Questions.
    • Added StatusCodeOfTheLastResponse Question.
    • Added BodyOfTheLastResponse Question.
    • Added HeadersOfTheLastResponse Question.
    • Added ContainsTheKey, ContainsTheValue, ContainsTheEntry Resolutions.
  • Added should_see_any_of assertion method to Actors, which is similar to should_see_the but passes if at least one of its tests are true, instead of all of them.
  • Added HasLength Resolution, for fun.
  • Added a "cookbook" section to the docs to give examples of common use-cases.


  • Huge docs overhaul, aimed at reducing word count and increasing word value.
  • Switched to using Protocols for type hinting instead of base classes.
  • IsVisible Resolution now has a nicer mismatch message.


  • Fixed a timing issue with has_method_with_return_value where the return value could change by the time the mismatch message was being written to the log, which made it look like a passing test was failing.
  • Fixed SwitchTo.default() logging a very metaphysical "{The Actor} switches to the None".
  • Fixed Enter's logging when then_hits is used to hit a key without a nice text representation (like "Return").
  • Fixed a small collection of copy/paste errors in documentation and logged strings.

2.0.1 (2020-05-10)


  • Added try/except to the Element Question so it will return None if the element doesn't exist, which enables IsNot(Visible()) or IsNot(EqualTo(None)) to test for non-visibility/presence of an element.
  • Moved BrowsingError to screenpy.exceptions too, missed that one!

2.0.0 (2020-05-05)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed .then_wait_for methods from Enter and Click.
  • Removed all to_switch_to... methods from BrowseTheWeb, preferring to use the browser directly. Also removed to_visit and to_get from BrowseTheWeb for the same reason.
  • Changed UnableToPerformError and UnableToActError to UnableToPerform and UnableToAct.
  • Moved DeliveryError and TargetingError to screenpy.exceptions (though you can still technically import them from and
  • Removed several syntactic sugar options that, upon retrospect, aren't really grammatically possible in this module.

New Features

  • Added so many new Actions!
    • Added RefreshPage Action.
    • Added GoBack Action.
    • Added GoForward Action.
    • Added SwitchToTab Action. (It turns out SwitchTo didn't quite switch to all the things you needed to switch to.)
    • Added Chain Action, to do chained Actions! Such as these:
      • Added DoubleClick Action.
      • Added RightClick Action.
      • Added MoveMouse/Hover Action.
      • Added HoldDown Action.
      • Added Release Action.
  • Enabled several existing Actions to be chained with the new Chain Action:
    • Click
    • Enter
    • Enter2FAToken
    • Pause
  • Added Element Question, to test things about a specific element, such as...
  • Added IsVisible Resolution, to test if an element is visible!
  • You can now see the same detailed logs without the Allure report if you wish! All the Action is now logged at INFO level. Try adding --log-cli-level=INFO to your pytest run, for example!


  • Cleaned up a lot of documentation.
  • Updated the screenpy-quickstart script to better reflect the current state and recommendations.


  • Fixed a strange issue that prevented Allure from properly naming the acts and scenes in the Behavior view.

1.0.1 (2020-02-25)


  • "Properly" typed ScreenPy. It could probably be done a little better, though.

1.0.0 (2020-02-17)

New Features

  • Added IOS and Android browser support! 🎉 (Will add full Appium support later!)
  • Added Pause Action, for those times you really need it.
  • Added Debug Action, to drop a debugger in the middle of a chain of Actions/tasks.
  • Added SwitchTo Action, to switch to iframes, back to the default frame, and whatever else you need to switch to.
  • Added AcceptAlert/DismissAlert/RespondToPrompt to support any javascript alert Actions you could want.


  • Added a bunch of new syntactic sugar and default options.
  • Added a new method to Target that will allow you to pass in your own locator tuple, like Target.located((By.LINK_TEXT, "click me"))
  • Added additional logging to improve debugging experience.
  • Added custom exceptions with exception chaining to provide more context when tests break.
  • HUGE documentation improvement.
  • Typed ScreenPy, and marked ScreenPy as being typed!


  • Fixed strange grammar in logged Resolution lines.


  • Deprecated the then_wait_for methods on Click and Enter now that we have a Wait Action. These methods will be removed in 2.0.0. Instructions for modifying your tests can be found in the 1.0.0 Deprecations documentation

0.4.0 (2019-11-04)

New Features

  • Added the Wait Action, which enables the Actor to wait for a Target to be visible, invisible, or contain expected text.
  • Added the Clear Action, which enables the Actor to clear text from an input field.

0.3.0 (2019-08-18)


  • Added import magic to make importing Actions, Resolutions, Targets, ... everything! easier.
  • Added some natural-language-enabling syntactic sugar to Resolutions.
  • Added some extra flavor to Actors being created because i can't help myself.

0.2.0 (2019-04-13)

New Features

  • Added "the-internet" example
  • Added Selected Question


  • Adjusted strategy for multi-Target Text Question
  • Added more consistency in coding style


  • Fixed issues with Select Actions

0.1.4 (2019-03-28)


  • Fixed a lot of issues with documentation. I think i understand reStructured Text now. Mostly.

0.1.3 (2019-03-09)


  • Fixed call to old keyword argument. Woops.

0.1.2 (2019-03-09)

New Features

  • Added more Resolutions.
  • Added List Question.


  • Added more syntactic sugar.
  • May have gone overboard with additional theming.


  • Added Sphinx documentation!
  • Added docstrings and type hints across the board.
  • Reorganized method lists to be more consistent.


  • Fixed missing requirements installation in

0.1.0 (2019-03-08)


  • Upload to personal git repository
  • Publish to PyPI
  • Too little sleep

0.0.1 (2016-11-23)


  • Conception
  • Demo to coworkers