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Changelog for rocFFT

Documentation for rocFFT is available at

rocFFT 1.0.32 (unreleased)


  • Improve MPI transform performance by using all-to-all communication for global transpose operations.
    Point-to-point communications are still used when all-to-all is not possible.


  • Building with the address sanitizer option sets xnack+ on relevant GPU architectures and address-sanitizer support is added to runtime-compiled kernels.

  • Remove ahead-of-time compiled kernels for gfx906, gfx940, gfx941. These architectures still function the same, but kernels for them are now compiled at runtime.

  • Consumer GPU architectures are removed from the precompiled kernel cache that ships with rocFFT. rocFFT continues to ship with a cache of precompiled RTC kernels for data-center and workstation architectures. As before, user-level caches can be enabled by setting the environment variable ROCFFT_RTC_CACHE_PATH to a writeable file location.


  • Fixed incorrect results from 2-kernel 3D FFT plans that used non-default output strides.
  • Allow plan descriptions to be reused with different strides for different plans.
  • Fixed client packages to depend on hipRAND, not rocRAND.

rocFFT 1.0.31 for ROCm 6.3.0


  • Implemented experimental APIs to allow computing FFTs on data distributed across multiple MPI ranks, enabled with the ROCFFT_MPI_ENABLE CMake option. This option defaults to OFF.


    • rocfft_plan_description_set_comm can be called to provide an MPI communicator to a plan description, which can then be passed to rocfft_plan_create. Each rank calls rocfft_field_add_brick to specify the layout of data bricks on that rank.

    • An MPI library with ROCm acceleration enabled is required at build time and at runtime.


  • Compile with amdclang++ instead of hipcc.
  • Add --smoketest option to rocfft-test.
  • Support gfx1151, gfx1200, and gfx1201 architectures.
  • Replace Boost Program Options with CLI11 as the command line parser for clients and samples.

rocFFT 1.0.30 for ROCm 6.2.2


  • Implemented 1D kernels for factorizable sizes > 1024 and < 2048.


  • Fixed plan creation failure on some even-length real-complex transforms that use Bluestein's algorithm.

rocFFT 1.0.29 for ROCm 6.2.1


  • Implemented 1D kernels for factorizable sizes < 1024

rocFFT 1.0.28 for ROCm 6.2.0


  • Implemented multi-device transform for 3D pencil decomposition. Contiguous dimensions on input and output bricks are transformed locally, with global transposes to make remaining dimensions contiguous.


  • Add option in dyna-bench to load the libs in forward and then reverse order for benchmark tests.
  • Randomly generated accuracy tests are now disabled by default; these can be enabled using the --nrand option (which defaults to 0).
  • Use Bonferroni multi-hypothesis testing framework by default for benchmark tests.

rocFFT 1.0.27 for ROCm 6.1.1


  • Fixed kernel launch failure on execute of very large odd-length real-complex transforms.


  • Enable multi-gpu testing on systems without direct GPU-interconnects

rocFFT 1.0.26 for ROCm 6.1.0


  • Multi-device FFTs now allow batch greater than 1
  • Multi-device, real-complex FFTs are now supported
  • rocFFT now statically links libstdc++ when only std::experimental::filesystem is available (to guard against ABI incompatibilities with newer libstdc++ libraries that include std::filesystem)

rocFFT 1.0.25 for ROCm 6.0.0


  • Implemented experimental APIs to allow computing FFTs on data distributed across multiple devices in a single process

    • rocfft_field is a new type that can be added to a plan description to describe the layout of FFT input or output
    • rocfft_field_add_brick can be called to describe the brick decomposition of an FFT field, where each brick can be assigned a different device

    These interfaces are still experimental and subject to change. We are interested in getting feedback. You can raise questions and concerns by opening issues in the rocFFT issue tracker.

    Note that multi-device FFTs currently have several limitations (we plan to address these in future releases):

    • Real-complex (forward or inverse) FFTs are not supported
    • Planar format fields are not supported
    • Batch (the number_of_transforms provided to rocfft_plan_create) must be 1
    • FFT input is gathered to the current device at run time, so all FFT data must fit on that device


  • Improved the performance of several 2D/3D real FFTs supported by 2D_SINGLE kernel. Offline tuning provides more optimization for fx90a
  • Removed an extra kernel launch from even-length, real-complex FFTs that use callbacks


  • Built kernels in a solution map to the library kernel cache

  • Real forward transforms (real-to-complex) no longer overwrite input; rocFFT may still overwrite real inverse (complex-to-real) input, as this allows for faster performance

  • rocfft-rider and dyna-rocfft-rider have been renamed to rocfft-bench and dyna-rocfft-bench; these are controlled by the BUILD_CLIENTS_BENCH CMake option

    • Links for the former file names are installed, and the former BUILD_CLIENTS_RIDER CMake option is accepted for compatibility, but both will be removed in a future release
  • Binaries in debug builds no longer have a -d suffix


  • rocFFT now correctly handles load callbacks that convert data from a smaller data type (e.g., 16-bit integers -> 32-bit float)

rocFFT 1.0.24 for ROCm 5.7.0


  • Improved the performance of complex forward/inverse 1D FFTs (2049 <= length <= 131071) that use Bluestein's algorithm


  • Implemented a solution map version converter and finished the first conversion from ver.0 to ver.1
    • Version 1 removes some incorrect kernels (sbrc/sbcr using half_lds)


  • Moved rocfft_rtc_helper executable to the lib/rocFFT directory on Linux
  • Moved library kernel cache to the lib/rocFFT directory

rocFFT 1.0.23 for ROCm 5.6.0


  • Implemented half-precision transforms; these can be requested by passing rocfft_precision_half to rocfft_plan_create
  • Implemented a hierarchical solution map that saves information on how to decompose a problem and the kernels that are used
  • Implemented a first version of offline-tuner to support tuning kernels for C2C and Z2Z problems


  • Replaced std::complex with hipComplex data types for the data generator
  • FFT plan dimensions are now sorted to be row-major internally where possible, which produces better plans if the dimensions were accidentally specified in a different order (column-major, for example)
  • Added the --precision argument to benchmark and test clients (--double is still accepted but is deprecated as a method to request a double-precision transform)
  • Improved performance test suite statistical framework


  • Fixed over-allocation of LDS in some real-complex kernels, which was resulting in kernel launch failure

rocFFT 1.0.22 for ROCm 5.5.0


  • Improved the performance of 1D lengths < 2048 that use Bluestein's algorithm
  • Reduced code generation time during plan creation
  • Optimized 3D R2C and C2R lengths 32, 84, 128
  • Optimized batched small 1D R2C and C2R cases


  • Added gfx1101 to default AMDGPU_TARGETS


  • Moved client programs to C++17
  • Moved planar kernels and infrequently used Stockham kernels to be runtime-compiled
  • Moved transpose, real-complex, Bluestein, and Stockham kernels to the library kernel cache


  • Removed zero-length twiddle table allocations, which fixes errors from hipMallocManaged
  • Fixed incorrect freeing of HIP stream handles during twiddle computation when multiple devices are present

rocFFT 1.0.21 for ROCm 5.4.3


  • Removed the source directory from rocm_install_targets to prevent the installation of rocfft.h in an unintended location

rocFFT 1.0.20 for ROCm 5.4.1


  • Fixed incorrect results on strided large 1D FFTs where batch size does not equal the stride

rocFFT 1.0.19 for ROCm 5.4.0


  • Optimized some strided large 1D plans


  • Added the rocfft_plan_description_set_scale_factor API to efficiently multiply each output element of an FFT by a given scaling factor
  • Created a rocfft_kernel_cache.db file next to the installed library; SBCC, CR, and RC kernels are moved to this file when built with the library, and are runtime-compiled for new GPU architectures
  • Added gfx1100 and gfx1102 to default AMDGPU_TARGETS


  • Moved the runtime compilation cache to in-memory by default
    • A default on-disk cache can encounter contention problems on multi-node clusters with a shared filesystem
    • rocFFT can still use an on-disk cache by setting the ROCFFT_RTC_CACHE_PATH environment variable

rocFFT 1.0.18 for ROCm 5.3.0


  • The runtime compilation cache now looks for environment variables XDG_CACHE_HOME (on Linux) and LOCALAPPDATA (on Windows) before falling back to HOME
  • Moved computation of the twiddle table from the host to the device


  • Optimized 2D R2C and C2R to use 2-kernel plans where possible
  • Improved performance of the Bluestein algorithm
  • Optimized sbcc-168 and 100 by using half-LDS
  • Optimized length-280 2D and 3D transforms
  • Added kernels for factorizable 1D lengths < 128


  • Fixed occasional failures to parallelize runtime compilation of kernels (failures would be retried serially and ultimately succeed, but this would take extra time)
  • Fixed failures of some R2C 3D transforms that use the unsupported TILE_UNALGNED SBRC kernels (an example is 98^3 R2C out-of-place)
  • Fixed bugs in the SBRC_ERC type

rocFFT 1.0.17 for ROCm 5.2.0


  • Packages for test and benchmark executables on all supported operating systems using CPack
  • Added file and folder reorganization changes, with backward compatibility support, using rocm-cmake wrapper functions


  • Improved reuse of twiddle memory between plans
  • Set a default load/store callback when only one callback type is set via the API (for improved performance)
  • Updated the GoogleTest dependency to version 1.11


  • Introduced a new access pattern of LDS (non-linear) and applied it on sbcc kernels len 64 and 81 for a performance improvement
  • Applied lds-non-linear, direct-load-to-register, and direct-store-from-register on sbcr kernels for a performance improvement


  • Correctness of certain transforms with unusual strides
  • Incorrect handling of user-specified stream for runtime-compiled kernels
  • Incorrect buffer allocation in rocfft-test on in-place transforms with different input and output sizes

rocFFT 1.0.16 for ROCm 5.1.0


  • Supported unaligned tile dimension for SBRC_2D kernels
  • Improved test and benchmark infrastructure by adding RAII
  • Enabled runtime compilation of length-2304 FFT kernel during plan creation
  • Added tokenizer for test suite
  • Reduce twiddle memory requirements for even-length, real-complex transforms
  • Clients can now be built separately from the main library


  • Optimized more large 1D cases by using L1D_CC plan
  • Optimized the 3D 200^3 C2R case
  • Optimized the 1D 2^30 double precision on MI200
  • Added padding to work buffer sizes to improve performance in many cases


  • Fixed the correctness of some R2C transforms with unusual strides


  • The hipFFT API (header) has been removed; use the hipFFT package or repository to obtain the API

rocFFT 1.0.15 for ROCm 5.0.0


  • Enabled runtime compilation of single FFT kernels > length 1024
  • Re-aligned the split device library into four roughly equal libraries
  • Implemented the FuseShim framework to replace the original OptimizePlan
  • Implemented the generic buffer-assignment framework
    • The buffer assignment is no longer performed by each node--we designed a generic algorithm to test and pick the best assignment path
    • With the help of FuseShim, we can achieve the most kernel-fusions possible
  • Don't read the imaginary part of the DC and Nyquist modes for even-length complex-to-real transforms


  • Optimized twiddle conjugation; complex-to-complex inverse transforms should now have similar performance to forward transforms
  • Improved performance of single-kernel, small 2D transforms

rocFFT 1.0.14 for ROCm 4.5.0


  • Optimized SBCC kernels of lengths 52, 60, 72, 80, 84, 96, 104, 108, 112, 160, 168, 208, 216, 224, and 240 with a new kernel generator


  • Added support for Windows 10 as a build target


  • Packaging has been split into a runtime package (rocfft) and a development package (rocfft-devel): The development package depends on the runtime package. When installing the runtime package, the package manager will suggest the installation of the development package to aid users transitioning from the previous version's combined package. This suggestion by package manager is for all supported operating systems (except CentOS 7) to aid in the transition. The suggestion feature in the runtime package is introduced as a deprecated feature and will be removed in a future ROCm release.


  • Fixed validation failures for even-length R2C inplace 2D and 3D cubics sizes, such as 100^2 (or ^3), 200^2 (or ^3), and 256^2 (or ^3)
    • We combine two kernels (r2c-transpose) instead of combining the three kernels (stockham-r2c-transpose)


  • Split 2D device code into separate libraries

rocFFT 1.0.13 for ROCm 4.4.0


  • Improved plans by removing unnecessary transpose steps
  • Optimized scheme selection for 3D problems
    • Imposed fewer restrictions on 3D_BLOCK_RC selection (more problems can use 3D_BLOCK_RC and have performance gains)
    • Enabled 3D_RC; some 3D problems with SBCC-supported z-dim can use fewer kernels to get benefits
    • Forced --length 336 336 56 (dp) to use faster 3D_RC to prevent it from being skipped by a conservative threshold test
  • Optimized some even-length R2C/C2R cases by doing more in-place operations and combining pre- and post-processing into Stockham kernels
  • Added radix-17


  • Added a new kernel generator for select fused 2D transforms


  • Improved large 1D transform decompositions

rocFFT 1.0.12 for ROCm 4.3.0


  • Re-split device code into single-precision, double-precision, and miscellaneous kernels


  • Fixed potential crashes in double-precision planar->planar transpose
  • Fixed potential crashes in 3D transforms with unusual strides for SBCC-optimized sizes
  • Improved buffer placement logic


  • Added a new kernel generator for select lengths; new kernels have improved performance
  • Added public rocfft_execution_info_set_load_callback androcfft_execution_info_set_store_callback API functions to allow running extra logic when loading data from and storing data to global memory during a transform


  • Removed R2C pair schemes and kernels


  • Optimized 2D and 3D R2C 100 and 1D Z2Z 2500
  • Reduced number of kernels for 2D/3D sizes where higher dimension is 64, 128, 256


  • Fixed potential crashes in 3D transforms with unusual strides, for SBCC-optimized sizes

rocFFT 1.0.11 for ROCm 4.2.0


  • Move device code into the main library


  • Improved performance for single-precision kernels exercising all except radix-2/7 butterfly ops
  • Minor optimization for C2R 3D 100 and 200 cube sizes
  • Optimized some C2C and R2C 3D 64, 81, 100, 128, 200, and 256 rectangular sizes
  • When factoring, test to see if the remaining length is explicitly supported
  • Explicitly added radix-7 lengths 14, 21, and 224 to list of supported lengths
  • Optimized R2C 2D and 3D 128, 200, and 256 cube sizes

Known issues

  • Fixed potential crashes in small 3D transforms with unusual strides (issue 311)
  • Fixed potential crashes when running transforms on multiple devices (issue 310)

rocFFT 1.0.10 for ROCm 4.1.0


  • Explicitly specify MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK through __launch_bounds_ for all kernels
  • Switched to a new syntax for specifying AMD GPU architecture names and features


  • Optimized C2C and R2C 3D 64, 81, 100, 128, 200, and 256 cube sizes
  • Improved the performance of the standalone out-of-place transpose kernel
  • Optimized the 1D length 40000 C2C case
  • Enabled radix-7 for size 336
  • New radix-11 and radix-13 kernels; used in length 11 and 13 (and some of their multiples) transforms


  • rocFFT now automatically allocates a work buffer if the plan requires one and none is provided
  • An explicit rocfft_status_invalid_work_buffer error is now returned when a work buffer of insufficient size is provided
  • Updated online documentation
  • Updated Debian package name version with separated underscore ( _ )
  • Adjusted accuracy test tolerances and how they are compared


  • Fixed a 4x4x8192 accuracy failure

rocFFT 1.0.8 for ROCm 3.10.0


  • Optimized the 1D length 10000 C2C case


  • Added the BUILD_CLIENTS_ALL CMake option


  • Fixed the correctness of SBCC and SBRC kernels with non-unit strides
  • Fixed fused C2R kernel when a Bluestein transform follows it

rocFFT 1.0.7 for ROCm 3.9.0


  • New R2C and C2R fused kernels to combine pre- and post-processing steps with transpose
  • Enabled diagonal transpose for 1D and 2D power-of-2 cases
  • New single kernels for small power-of-2, 3, and 5 sizes
  • Added more radix-7 kernels


  • Explicitly disabled XNACK and SRAM-ECC features on AMDGPU hardware


  • Fixed 2D C2R transform with length 1 on one dimension
  • Fixed a potential thread unsafety in logging

rocFFT 1.0.6 for ROCm 3.8.0


  • Improved the performance of 1D batch-paired R2C transforms of odd length
  • Added some radix-7 kernels
  • Improved the performance for 1D length 6561 and 10000
  • Improved the performance for certain 2D transform sizes


  • Allowed a static library build with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF CMake option
  • Updated GoogleTest dependency to version 1.10


  • Correctness of certain large 2D sizes

rocFFT 1.0.5 for ROCM 3.7.0


  • Optimized C2C power-of-2 middle sizes


  • Parallelized work in unit tests and eliminated duplicate cases


  • Correctness of certain large 1D, and 2D power-of-3 and 5 sizes
  • Incorrect buffer assignment for some even-length R2C transforms
  • <cstddef> inclusion on C compilers
  • Incorrect results on non-unit strides with SBCC/SBRC kernels