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Custom SSL certificates

Ariel Richtman edited this page Aug 31, 2024 · 9 revisions


  • SmallStep CLI

Certificate Generation


	"subject": {
		"country": {{ toJson }},
		"organization": {{ toJson .Insecure.User.organization }},
		"organizationalUnit": {{ toJson .Insecure.User.organizationalUnit }},
		"commonName": {{toJson .Subject.CommonName }}
	"sans": {{ toJson .SANs }},
	"extKeyUsage": ["serverAuth"],
	"basicConstraints": {
		"isCA": false


  "country": "US",
  "organization": <ORGANIZATION>,
  "organizationalUnit": <ORG_UNIT>
step certificate create router router.pem router.key \
  --ca root-ca.pem --ca-key root-ca-key.pem --ca-password-file root-ca-pass.txt \
  --template granular-dn-leaf.tpl --set-file dn-defaults.json \
  --not-after 2160h --bundle \
  --insecure --no-password \
  --san <ROUTER_IP> --san <ROUTER_DNS_NAME>

## Certificate Installation

1. Head to WAN -> DDNS
1. Select _Import Your Own Certificate_ and upload.

## Notes

You do need the extension specifying it's not a CA otherwise you get an error:
`httpd: Can't get basic constrain`.
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