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Buildings and road segmentation

This repository fine tune SegFormer[2] (ViT model for semantic segmentation), on Camvid (CamSeq1) dataset.

Developed by Cherifi Imane; (Step by step documentation)



The dataset used in this repository is CamSeq01 Dataset[1]. It is a video sequence of high resolution images, that is designed specifically for the problem of autonomous driving. The sequence has been recorded in a moving vehicle in the city of Cambridge. You can find the link to the dataset here

The dataset has 101 images with size 960x720 pixels. Each pixel has been manually labelled to one of 32 classes. 32class_distribution

In this repository, the classes has been grouped to 12 classes, see data_handler/ 12class_distribution

Download the dataset

Run the following command in the root of this repository

python ./utils/ --savedir="./dataset/camvid/"

Repository structure

  • data_handler: has all the functions necessary for visualizing and processing the dataset
  • model_builder: Has necessary methods for creating and training the model
  • utils: Has utility functions for downloading the dataset and plotting metrics during training.
  • camseq_semantic_segmentation.ipynb: Notebook for training the model and evaluating the model.
  • requirements.txt: has the required packages for the project to run in colab.


This project was implemented using google colab. Thus it requires 1 GPU and 12GB memory.

To install the necessary packages, run :

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training and Evaluation

The required time to train SegFormer-B2 was 10 hours. training_plots

Validation: validation_b2




[1] Julien Fauqueur, Gabriel Brostow, Roberto Cipolla, Assisted Video Object Labeling By Joint Tracking of Regions and Keypoints, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'2007) Interactive Computer Vision Workshop. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2007

[2] XIE, Enze, WANG, Wenhai, YU, Zhiding, et al. SegFormer: Simple and efficient design for semantic segmentation with transformers. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021, vol. 34, p. 12077-12090.