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Custom programming language built for scripting plugins in my engine.


0. Hello, World!

import;"Hello, World!");

1. Basic syntax

Variables are defined using the let keyword. An initializer is required, from which the type of the variable is inferred. Once declared, a variable cannot change type.

let x = 1;
let y = "abc";

There is an exception to this rule. Re-declaring a variable with a new type will shadow the old variable in the current scope.

let x = 1;
let x = "abc"; // x is now a string.

Basic control sequences are supported using if, while, for and else with similar syntax to C and C++.

if (condition) {
    // statements
} else if (other_condition) {
    // other statements
} else {
    // final statements
while(true) {
    // do something
for(let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    // do something

2. Types

The following builtin types are available:

  • int
  • uint
  • float
  • bool
  • str
  • list
  • any
  • void

any refers to any posible type and is useful for passing generic arguments or external types around (see later). A string is created by wrapping text inside quotes ("abc"). A list can be created by using square braces:

let my_list = [1, 2, 3];
let empty_list = [];


Additionally, new types can be defined using structs (see later).

3. Functions

A function is declared using the fn keyword, followed by its name, parameters and a return type.

fn foo() -> int {
    // execute foo()

fn bar(a: int, b: any) -> void {
    // do something with parameters a and b.

A function can then easily be called using standard function call syntax:

bar(a, "xyz"); // since the type of b was 'any', we can pass any type.

4. Structures

A struct allows for creating new types that can be used anywhere after the struct was declared. A struct declaration starts with the struct keyword and is followed by a block with member declarations. Note that like in C and C++, the struct declaration must end with a semicolon.

struct MyStruct {
    x: int = 0;
    y: str = "abc";

Similar to variables, the initializer for struct members is required and must be convertible to the member type. An instance of a struct can be created as follows:

let s = MyStruct { 42, "The meaning of life" };
let s2 = MyStruct { 42 }; // 'y' is initialized to "abc"

The initializers are assigned to the members in order. You can pass fewer initializers to use the default values for those members. To access a struct member, use the -> operator.

let s_x = s->x;

5. Type casting

Sometimes types do not match exactly. When this happens, the interpreter will try to cast to the type the called function, variable or struct initializer expects. If this is not possible, a TypeError will be reported. You can also cast between compatible types manually by using the same syntax as struct construction:

let x = float { 5 };
let y = uint { 6 };

Because this syntax for creating unsigned integers is cumbersome, a literal suffix u is also provided that does the same thing.

let x = 6u;

6. Modules

Importing code from other files (like the standard library) is made possible through modules. A module can be imported using the import statement.


This will look in the provided module path (by default only includes the standard pscript_modules/ folder) for a file std/ and import it. After the import, functions, types and variables from the imported file can be accessed by prefixing their names with the module name.

import;"Hello, World!");

7. External objects

Through the C++ API, external functions and variables can be accessed inside a PScript program. To do this, the function or variable must be declared using the extern keyword.

extern fn foo(x: int) -> str;
extern let bar: int;

After that, hook up the names to your C++ objects using the ps::extern_library class.

ps::string_type foo(int x) {
    return ps::string_type { std::to_string(x) };

int bar = 42;

ps::context ctx(memsize);

ps::extern_library lib {};
lib.add_function(ctx, "foo", &foo);
lib.add_variable("bar", &bar);

ps::execution_context exec {};
exec.externs = &lib;

ctx.execute(my_script, lib);

These external functions and variables can now be used like normal PScript objects.

8. Reference types

Sometimes it is useful to pass objects to functions by reference. This means no copy is made, and changes to the parameter are also visible to the caller. By default, lists, strings and structures are always reference types. To create a reference to another type, prefix its name using an ampersand &.

fn foo(x: int&, a: int, b: int) -> void {
    a = a + 1;
    x = a + b;

let result = 0;
let a = 10;
let b = 9;
foo(result, a, b); // will set result to 20, but leave a unmodified.

9. Standard library reference

WIP. for now, please refer to the source code in modules/std.

10. C++ API

PScript programs can be executed through the C++ API implemented in this repository. Everything is available with a single #include <pscript/context.hpp>. To execute a script, first load it into a ps::script object.

ps::script source { "let x = 0; let y = 10;", ctx };

To run scripts, you must create a ps::context object. This object signifies a single execution context. Variables created in scripts are created in their context, imported modules are imported for the entire context, etc. Each context has a memory pool, whose size must be specified at creation (in bytes).

static constexpr std::size_t mem_size = 1024 * 1024; // 1 MiB of memory.
ps::context ctx { mem_size };

To execute a script on a context, simply call context.execute(script);. This function has an additional optional parameter of type ps::execution_context. This parameter allows specifying various options to control execution.

  • Control standard input and output streams by setting in, out and err.
  • Provide an extern library by building a chain of ps::extern_library objects (see also the provided ps::extern_library_chain_builder). This chain structure allows linking multiple extern libraries to the same context.
  • Provide additional paths to search for modules by adding paths to module_paths. Note that this also allows removing the path to the standard pscript_modules/ folder.

11. Advanced functionality

a) Variadics

Functions can be made to accept any number of arguments by passing in a variadic parameter. This parameter must always be the last parameter declared. In the function call, the variable will behave as if it is a list<any>.

fn print_all(x...) {
  for (let i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {[i]);

print_all(1, 2.2, 3, "abc");

As you can see, a variadic parameter can store different types. Variadics can be passed around to other functions or constructors by expanding them.

fn printf(fmt: str, args...) {
	// pass all elements of args... through to the builtin format() function;