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How to write a file Headline

Headline show your project name. And some basic information about this file.Like, These are the release notes for ***. Read them carefully, as they tell you what this is all about, explain how to install the ***, and what to do if something goes wrong.


Title usually show important items, such as the definition of your project, the hardware demand and os requirement.


attentaion: there is a backspace between # and subtitle

Multi-line text

Use Linux tool indent to format code style: indent -npro -nip -nlp -npsl -i4 -ts4 -sob -l200 -ss -bl -bli 0

We also can write code in this file, let's do a HelloWorld in Java

public class HelloWorld {

  * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {




1.A hyperlink for

text surrounded by signals

You know

you can let the text surround by signals

when you put > and a backspace before text. Else, you can put > and a backspace without text following for a space line.

text can be multiple surrounded.

It is a start

you can make it by using > and two backspace or several backspace


Maybe you will find the law how to use it.

If you want to use some special signals

Just input an escape character before special signals. Such as \

  • if you want to put a mark at the beginning.
  • you can input a mark character following a backspace.