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729 lines (466 loc) · 18.9 KB

File metadata and controls

729 lines (466 loc) · 18.9 KB

Release notes

0.1.0 [Sep 23, 2021]

  • create inventory files
  • create master dark file
  • create master flat file
  • average data in science files with the same wavelength, gain mode, etc.
  • apply dark/flat correction
  • demodulation
  • apply distortion
  • continuum subtraction
  • combine cameras

0.1.1 [Sep 28, 2021]

  • promote issues in observing plan that prevent calibration to errors from warnings
  • C implementation of demodulation
  • handle epochs with no OCCLTR-{X,Y} values in FITS headers

0.1.2 [Oct 5, 2021]

  • option to write only center wavelength intensity or all extensions
  • use non-matching exposure time flats
  • fix hot pixels

0.1.3 [Oct 5, 2021]

  • fixes for hot pixel correction

0.1.4 [Oct 8, 2021]

  • ucomp cat --header option

0.1.5 [Oct 10, 2021]

  • fixes for hot pixel correction

0.1.6 [Oct 13, 2021]

  • fixes for large temperature values promoted to doubles

0.1.7 [Nov 1, 2021]

  • iquv image panels
  • normalizing by NUMSUM during averaging

0.1.8 [Nov 2, 2021]

  • end-of-day check for data/machine log

0.1.9 [Nov 5, 2021]

  • fix for crash when T_C{0,1}{ARR,PCB} are not present
  • normalize by NUMSUM by extension

0.1.10 [Nov 5, 2021]

  • fix typo

0.1.11 [Nov 5, 2021]

  • handle undefined temperatures in GBU checks

0.1.12 [Nov 5, 2021]

  • remove normalization by NUMSUM when creating darks and flats

0.2.0 [Nov 9, 2021]

  • fix bugs with calculating demodulation matrix
  • fix continuum subtraction step for wave regions that don't subtract continuum
  • adjust display parameters

0.2.1 [Nov 10, 2021]

  • typo

0.2.2 [Nov 11, 2021]

  • handle missing OCCLTR-{X,Y} values

0.2.3 [Dec 3, 2021]

0.2.4 [Dec 8, 2021]

  • handle no raw directory

0.2.5 [Dec 9, 2021]

  • new two-part method to find occulter
  • V crosstalk metric
  • adding/removing FITS keywords from level 0 to level 1

0.2.6 [Dec 15, 2021]

  • fixed logic of when to mark date as processed

0.2.7 [Dec 22, 2021]

  • basic metadata for ucomp_sci database table
  • consistency in database table for wave_region

0.2.8 [Dec 25, 2021]

  • handle odd science files with no center wavelength

0.2.9 [Jan 12, 2022]

  • fix sign error in Q
  • new all wavelengths, all polarization states plot for each science file

0.2.10 [Jan 21, 2022]

  • experimental NRGF product
  • compress level 0 .tgz files

0.2.11 [Jan 27, 2022]

  • creates level 0 tarball, not .tgz, for archive
  • new high gain hot pixel data
  • average flats over polarization state
  • save only averaged darks/flats in files

0.2.12 [Feb 3, 2022]

  • config option to not interpolate darks
  • fix for V crosstalk metric calculation
  • fix for intensity GIF colors
  • new demodulation matrix

0.2.13 [Feb 8, 2022]

  • fix for verify sub-command
  • fixes for weekly verification
  • changing order of hot pixel correction

0.2.14 [Feb 14, 2022]

  • add more geometry FITS keywords like [XY]OFFSET[01], POST_ANG
  • prepping for realtime processing launch

0.2.15 [Feb 22, 2022]

  • handle display of all wavelengths in files with many wavelengths
  • fixes for realtime processing launch
  • fix for BUNIT value, actually 1.0E-6 B/Bsun units
  • V crosstalk plot by wave region
  • log memory usage
  • initial implementation of verification

0.2.16 [Feb 22, 2022]

  • fix for crashing in memory plot creation routine

0.2.17 [Feb 22, 2022]

  • fix for crashing in SGS plot creation routine

0.2.18 [Feb 22, 2022]

  • fix for crashing in V crosstalk plot creation routine

0.2.19 [Feb 24, 2022]

  • cyan-pink color table for polarization image display
  • email notification handles files that don't pass quality
  • fix GBU conditions listed in notification email
  • full implementation of verification

0.2.20 [Feb 25, 2022]

  • fix bugs in quality check

0.2.21 [Mar 1, 2022]

  • intensity and IQUV movies
  • quality logs
  • better listing of quality/GBU issues in notification email
  • fix verification bug examining scripts/ directory

0.2.22 [Mar 1, 2022]

  • handle days with no raw files in verification

0.2.23 [Mar 2, 2022]

  • make mp4 creation optional

0.2.24 [Mar 7, 2022]

  • add IMAGESCL and MED_BACK FITS keywords
  • updated display min/max values
  • adding more information to ucomp_sci table and creating rolling synoptic maps

0.2.25 [Mar 8, 2022]

  • add library dependency

0.2.26 [Mar 8, 2022]

  • add library dependencies

0.2.27 [Mar 8, 2022]

  • add ssw dependencies

0.2.28 [Mar 10, 2022]

  • handle selecting files to put into ucomp_sci if there are no OK files
  • plot centering information

0.2.29 [Mar 11, 2022]

  • use processed flag for a file to determine if OK to use

0.2.30 [Mar 11, 2022]

  • typo in processed flag

0.2.31 [Mar 11, 2022]

  • linear polarization synoptic maps
  • synoptic maps at 1.08 Rsun

0.2.32 [Mar 12, 2022]

  • typo in synoptic map database field name

0.2.33 [Mar 14, 2022]

  • radial azimuth and doppler velocity synoptic maps
  • plot centering information by wave region

0.2.34 [Mar 21, 2022]

  • improved performance for distortion correction
  • make sure files to include in movies were fully processed

0.2.35 [Apr 5, 2022]

  • fix for post angle reporting
  • fix SGS plot colors/formatting
  • using custom FITS writer to control keyword comments better
  • allow flats in the future to be used

0.2.36 [Apr 11, 2022]

  • slightly more general method for doppler calculation

0.2.37 [Apr 11, 2022]

  • fix for database adding when no V crosstalk or doppler velocity

0.2.38 [Apr 11, 2022]

  • add ability to inherit options in another config file

0.2.39 [May 18, 2022]

  • add wind speed/direction to ucomp_file database table
  • check for extra files, allow up to verification/max_missing missing files in verification, if they are not on the collection server
  • flat interpolation option (default ON)
  • creating partial level 2 dynamics files
  • level 1 header updates: promoting common keywords to primary header

0.2.40 [May 27, 2022]

  • write intensity only FITS files
  • create dynamics and polarizations FITS and PNG files

0.2.41 [May 29, 2022]

  • fix for creating dynamics/polarization files from less than 3 wavelengths
  • handle masking files when post angle was not found

0.2.42 [May 30, 2022]

  • fix for images where the post angle is not found

0.2.43 [Jun 3, 2022]

  • better display of level 2 products

0.2.44 [Jun 14, 2022]

  • handle no center wavelengths in a level 1 file
  • put NULL for out-of-range V crosstalk metric values in the database

0.2.45 [Jun 16, 2022]

  • handle raw files with no extensions

0.2.46 [Jul 7, 2022]

  • allow quality to be turned off
  • check cal quality: flats must have occulter out and diffuser in
  • create enhanced intensity GIFs
  • colorbars on all GIFs and PNGs except the all wavelength IQUV PNG

0.2.47 [Jul 9, 2022]

  • handle missing SGS FITS keywords

0.2.48 [Jul 10, 2022]

  • handle quality check for before 20210726
  • handle missing T_ and TU_ FITS keywords

0.2.49 [Jul 11, 2022]

  • fix for handling occulter ID of NONE
  • handle file for ucomp_sci database table which does not have center wavelength

0.2.50 [Jul 13, 2022]

  • handle NaN values for total I, Q, U in ucomp_sci database table

0.2.51 [Jul 21, 2022]

  • fix bugs in dark count/temperature engineering plots
  • verification fixes

0.2.52 [Jul 27, 2022]

  • new hot pixel file for high gain mode
  • level 2 individual images
  • level 2 movies

0.2.53 [Aug 2, 2022]

  • flat engineering plots

0.2.54 [Aug 2, 2022]

  • adding missing file

0.2.55 [Aug 3, 2022]

  • fix bug if no flats for a given wavelength/onband combination

0.2.56 [Aug 4, 2022]

  • add median line center and continuum values to database
  • make plots of dark and flat medians over time from the database

0.2.57 [Aug 8, 2022]

  • fix for graphics issue with dark/flat median plots over time from database
  • storing median background of each file in database

0.2.58 [Aug 9, 2022]

  • fix minor issues with dark/flat plots
  • make plot of median backgrounds over mission
  • use wave region display options to display synoptic maps

0.2.59 [Aug 12, 2022]

  • minor changes to title of rolling dark plot
  • change to epoch based wave region options

0.2.60 [Aug 15, 2022]

  • fix for cal file quality check
  • add check for consistent data types for cal file extensions
  • combine MFLTEXT{1,2} keyword values for subtracted continuum extensions

0.2.61 [Aug 16, 2022]

  • better messages for verification log

0.2.62 [Aug 23, 2022]

  • allow flat/cal combined datatype files
  • quality check on median dark value
  • add occulter and quality fields to ucomp_cal database table
  • adjust ranges in dark plots
  • all quality check for any extension being identically zero
  • add in/out quality check for cal files
  • making mp4s in /tmp directory
  • fix for missing ssh key in checking for missing files in verification
  • potential fix for low background values (sum over pol state instead of mean)
  • new demodulation coefficients

0.2.63 [Aug 24, 2022]

  • fix for bug in previous fix for low background values

0.2.64 [Aug 24, 2022]

  • change valid dark value range by epoch

0.2.65 [Aug 31, 2022]

  • create averages of level 1 files
  • adjust background plot ranges for some wave regions
  • updated ranges for rolling dark and flat plots
  • archive and distribute level 1 and 2 data
  • use background I instead of sum of pol states for backgrounds
  • fix error in display of synoptic maps

0.2.66 [Sep 1, 2022]

  • fix for log message when not archiving level 0 data

0.2.67 [Sep 1, 2022]

  • fix for typo in module name in ucomp script

0.2.68 [Sep 12, 2022]

  • fix for creating quick invert of non-existent average file

0.2.69 [Sep 22, 2022]

  • rolling flat plot annotation improvements
  • check for level 1 files before using them in creating averages
  • change enhanced intensity parameters
  • additions to rolling dark plots

0.2.70 [Sep 26, 2022]

  • display adjustments for intensity

0.2.71 [Sep 27, 2022]

  • fixes for averaging

0.2.72 [Sep 30, 2022]

  • fix for no OK files to average rolling plot of dark corrected flats

0.2.73 [Nov 3, 2022]

  • added O1ID entry to ucomp_eng database table
  • added new lines: 670, 761, 802, 991

0.2.74 [Nov 14, 2022]

  • a fix for the new wave regions added this week

0.2.75 [Nov 16, 2022]

  • fix reversed XOFFSET{0,1} FITS keyword
  • add DEMOD FITS keyword
  • new demodulation coefficient file with temporary 670, 761, 802, 991 values

0.2.76 [Nov 18, 2022]

  • change DEMOD to DEMOD_C including a better date format in comment

0.2.77 [Nov 20, 2022]

  • fix for handling rolling background plot with only a single value
  • skipping trying to make movies with only a single frame

0.2.78 [Nov 23, 2022]

  • new display ranges for new lines

0.2.79 [Nov 23, 2022]

  • fix center wavelength for 991 wave region

0.2.80 [Nov 25, 2022]

  • fix center wavelength for more new wave regions: 670, 802, 991
  • fix for typo in machine log validation that caused crashes

0.2.81 [Nov 28, 2022]

  • change center wavelength by epoch for new lines

0.2.82 [Nov 28, 2022]

  • fix typo

0.2.83 [Mar 22, 2023]

  • add backgrounds to level 1 FITS files
  • fix MED_BACK FITS keyword calculation
  • subtract rest wavelength in velocity calculation
  • fix for RAWEXTS, FLTFILE{1,2}, and MFLTEXT{1,2} keywords
  • improved center finding
    • ignore data under post for radial derivative
    • better initial guesses for center and radius
    • find mean over polarization state of background used for center finding
  • center and rotate in a single interpolation
  • add "vectorized" option for demodulation
  • add CONFIG_DIR CMake variable
  • allow config files to inherit from another config file
  • fix for finding dark when not interpolating (find nearest instead of previous)
  • move the dark correction to before the camera correction
  • change extension names from "sci [WWWW.WW nm]" to "Stokes IQUV [WWWW.WW nm]"
  • add scheme to convert cookbook names to better user names for average files
  • updating radial azimuth color table to match CoMP
  • report eccentricity/angle in FITS header, database, and daily plot

0.2.84 [Mar 23, 2023]

  • handle missing files for composite images

0.2.85 [Mar 23, 2023]

  • handle missing files for composite images

0.2.86 [Apr 11, 2023]

  • using CIRCFIT for occulter center finding
  • fix for finding configuration file for verification script
  • fix for finding post
  • horizontal debanding

0.2.87 [May 23, 2023]

  • change display min/max for radial azimuth to +/- 50.0
  • improved GBU
  • ability to remove bad frames
  • creating quick invert FITS and PNGs
  • adding backgrounds to average files
  • fixed post finding
  • adding mean/median and quick invert files to ucomp_file database table
  • can specify dates in options/dates in config file for eod, rt, cal, clearday, reprocess, regression, script, and archive sub-commands
  • fixed temperature composite images
  • produce image scale plot for evaluating changes in plate scale
  • updating FITS keywords

0.3.0 [May 25, 2023]

  • change quality conditions checked in early mission
  • option to not perform noise masking in level 2 products

0.3.1 [Jun 6, 2023]

  • handle extra files in the raw directory with ".fts" in the filename

0.3.2 [Jun 7, 2023]

  • report correct quality in ucomp_raw database table

0.3.3 [Jun 12, 2023]

  • FITS header changes

0.4.0 [Jul 20, 2023]

  • FITS header changes
  • change filenames to full words
  • updated image annotations/display parameters
  • remove threshold masking in enhanced intensity
  • polarization/dynamics and quicklook distribution
  • mask 706 nm level 1 quicklook images
  • scale radial azimuth from -90 to 90 degrees with band on Van Vleck angle
  • create individual quicklook images from quick invert extensions
  • change Q, U, and V color table to linear black/white
  • option to do centering before the gain correction
  • track saturated pixels and pixels in the non-linear region of the camera
  • update engineering plot filenames to include "mission" if over entire mission
  • option to create engineering difference images when combining cameras

0.4.1 [Jul 22, 2023]

  • publish individual mean/median and quick invert FITS files along with tarballs
  • publish quick invert line width and velocity individual quicklook images
  • fix bugs in temperature map creation and publishing
  • change quality condition for non-dark corrected pixels in non-linear regime to 3200 DN (normalized by NUMSUM)

0.4.2 [Jul 24, 2023]

  • fix crash with saturated pixel check when only a single extension for a given camera
  • scale velocity images for all wave regions to -5 to 5
  • publish azimuth PNGs/mp4s from polarization files
  • update num_ucomp field in mlso_numfiles database
  • update display parameters for temperature maps

0.4.3 [Jul 25, 2023]

  • fix azimuth image from polarization file
  • put Q, U, L not Q/I, U/I, and L/I in quick invert FITS file

0.4.4 [Jul 30, 2023]

  • pipeline control command infrastructure
  • ucomp versions reports days in progress
  • fix L / I annotation for quick invert quicklook
  • fix for crash in rolling flat plot with exactly one day

0.4.5 [Jul 30, 2023]

  • epoch file additions

0.4.6 [Aug 2, 2023]

  • check that wavelengths in science file match the wave region of the file
  • fix in cal quality check for days where many flats don't pass quality

0.4.7 [Aug 4, 2023]

  • fix for intensity FITS file extension names
  • add intensity FITS files to ucomp_file database table
  • categorizing program names into synoptic, waves, and do-not-use
  • better program name construction
  • fix bugs in filtering bad level 1 files out of level 2
  • fixes for level 1 publishing only good files

0.5.0 [Aug 18, 2023]

  • put number of good level 1 FITS files in num_ucomp field of mlso_numfiles
  • put only written level 1 FITS files into ucomp_file database table
  • put only good level 1 FITS files into ucomp_sci database table
  • make daily engineering plots more consistent
  • create new mission length engineering plots
  • implement median difference GBU check
  • update all level 1 and 2 image annotations
  • change masking thresholds
  • change line width display min/max
  • updated method to compute enhanced peak intensity

1.0.0 [Nov 22, 2023]

  • added --tail option to log sub-command
  • fix for mysterious hang when process finished
  • new level 2 file format and filenames
  • change to FWHM for line width
  • better averaging criteria (no gap larger than 30 min)
  • new tarball/zip file organization for distribution to website
  • split ucomp_sci into dynamics and polarization tables
  • rest wavelength model for 1074 nm data
  • complete set of WCS FITS keywords specifying location
  • user documentation

1.0.1 [Nov 29, 2023]

  • fixed bug in "image" rest wavelength calculation method
  • use "image" rest wavelength calculation method for 1074 nm files
  • fix display for 789 nm enhanced intensity quicklook images
  • over mask occulter for pixels used in rest wavelength calculation
  • fix script updating database plots that removed UCoMP entry in mlso_numfiles
  • fix display of 706 nm IQUV (all wavelengths) quicklook images

1.0.2 [Apr 10, 2024]

  • hot pixel list for new camera
  • improved hot pixel list and more generic application
  • distortion for new camera
  • move distortion files to directory specified by config file
  • improved ordering of level 1 FITS keywords
  • config file options to turn off distortion/hot pixel corrections
  • handle SGSDIMV value of 0.0

1.0.3 [Apr 11, 2024]

  • display 3 decimal points for wavelengths in IQUV all images

1.0.4 [Apr 11, 2024]

  • fix for hot pixel correction

1.0.5 [Apr 15, 2024]

  • more epoch updates for the eclipse data
  • new program synonym names

1.0.6 [May 6, 2024]

  • more epoch updates for the eclipse data
  • thumbnails for the website

1.0.7 [May 6, 2024]

  • update display min for 637 nm enhanced intensity

1.0.8 [May 7, 2024]

  • change OBS_PLAN to a synoptic program for a 20240330 1074 nm file

1.0.9 [May 7, 2024]

  • fix for creating temperature map on 20240330

1.0.10 [July 22, 2024]

  • added angle grid on quicklooks
  • adding DISTORTF and HOTPIXF FITS keywords
  • improved post finding
  • improved quality check for too many missing frames
  • option to perform Gaussian fit to calculate peak intensity, LOS velocity, and line width
  • use reference wavelengths for 3-point analytic Gaussian calculation
  • added quality thresholds for flats
  • updated distortion and hot pixels
  • changes for new wave regions

1.0.11 [July 22, 2024]

  • fix for crash in creating mission image scale plot

1.0.12 [July 22, 2024]

  • fix for crash in creating mission image scale plot

1.0.13 [July 23, 2024]

  • update documentation
  • fix for days with unprocessed, ambiguous wave region level 0 files
  • log messages about files that fail inventory

1.0.14 [July 24, 2024]

  • check if wave region is published for number of good files for a day

1.0.15 [July 24, 2024]

  • fix for unknown wave region of file

1.0.16 [Aug 27, 2024]

  • fix for weekly verification
