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This subgraph listens for the following smart contract events :

  • SubmitProposal(uint256 indexed index, address indexed applicant, address indexed memberAddress)

  • ProcessProposal(uint256 indexed index, address indexed applicant, address indexed proposer, bool didPass, uint256 shares)

  • SubmitVote(address indexed sender, address indexed memberAddress, uint256 indexed proposalIndex, uint8 uintVote)

  • Ragequit(address indexed memberAddress, uint256 sharesToBurn)

These events get save in to the following entities :

type Vote @entity {
  id: ID!
  sender: Bytes!
  memberAddress: Bytes!
  index: BigInt!
  uintVote: Int!

type Proposal @entity {
  id: ID!
  index: BigInt!
  applicant: Bytes!
  proposer: Bytes!
  shares: BigInt!
  votes: [Vote!]
  didPass: Int!

type Member @entity {
  id: ID!
  memberAddress: Bytes!
  shares: BigInt!
  isProcessed: Int!
  didPass: Int!
  didRagequit: Int!
  votes: [Vote!]

To create graph, run graph create moloch --node

After updating subgraph or schema, run yarn codegen

To deploy locally, run graph deploy jamesyoung/moloch --debug --ipfs http://localhost:5001/ --node