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Oracle Connector

This connector extracts technical metadata from an Oracle database using oracledb library.


We recommend you to create a role to manage privileges for Metaphor Oracle connector.

-- Step 1: Create the role
CREATE ROLE metaphor;

-- Grant necessary privileges to the role
GRANT CREATE SESSION TO metaphor; -- Allows login
GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO metaphor; -- Allows getting DDL

-- Step 2: Create the user
CREATE USER metaphor_user IDENTIFIED BY my_password;

-- Step 3: Assign the role to the user
GRANT metaphor TO metaphor_user;

We also need SELECT privileges on tables, materialized views and views you care about to list them and get the metadata of them.

    FOR t IN (SELECT table_name, owner
              FROM all_tables 
              WHERE owner = 'TARGET_SCHEMA') 
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || t.owner || '.' || t.table_name || ' TO metaphor';

Config File

Create a YAML config file based on the following template.

Required Configurations

If using user password authentication:

host: <hostname>  # the host the crawler will connect to
user: <username>
password: <password>
database: <default_database_for_connections>

Optional Configurations

By default, the connector will connect using the default Oracle port 1521. You can change it using the following config:

port: <port_number>

When connecting to the database indirectly, such as through a tunnel, it's important to configure the alternative_host parameter. This ensures that a stable hostname is used to construct unique identifiers for tables, regardless of the connection method.

For example, if you connect to the database using the IP and port host:, you should also set the alternative_host parameter to a stable hostname like This hostname will be used for table identification and consistency.

alternative_host: <hostname>

See Filter Configurations for more information on the optional filter config.

Output Destination

See Output Config for more information on the optional output config.


Follow the Installation instructions to install metaphor-connectors in your environment (or virtualenv). Make sure to include either all or oracle extra.

Run the following command to test the connector locally:

metaphor oracle <config_file>

Manually verify the output after the run finishes.