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File metadata and controls

192 lines (143 loc) · 6.74 KB

BigQuery Connector

This connector extracts technical metadata from a BigQuery project using Python Client for Google BigQuery.


We recommend creating a dedicated GCP service account with limited permissions for the connector:

  1. Go to Roles in Google Cloud Console. Make sure the appropriate project is selected from the project dropdown.
  2. Click Create Role and use the following settings to create a new custom role for running metadata jobs and fetching logs:
    • Enter a role title, e.g. Metaphor Job.
    • Enter a description, e.g. Metadata collection job role for metaphor app.
    • Choose role stage General Availability.
    • Click ADD PERMISSIONS and add: bigquery.config.get,,
    • Click CREATE to create the custom role.
  3. Go to Service Accounts in Google Cloud Console. Make sure the appropriate project is selected from the project dropdown.
  4. Click Create Service Account and use the following settings to create a new account:
    • Enter a service account name, e.g., metaphor-bigquery.
    • Enter a description, e.g. Metadata collection for Metaphor app
    • Select BigQuery Metadata Viewer, Private Logs Viewer and Metaphor Job as the roles and click CONTINUE.
    • Click DONE to complete the process as there's no need to grant user access to the service account.

Alternatively, if one prefer to avoid predefined roles and use custom role only, here is the complete list of permissions needed:

  • bigquery.config.get
  • bigquery.datasets.get
  • bigquery.datasets.getIamPolicy
  • bigquery.models.getMetadata
  • bigquery.models.list
  • bigquery.routines.get
  • bigquery.routines.list
  • bigquery.tables.get
  • bigquery.tables.getIamPolicy
  • bigquery.tables.list
  • logging.logEntries.list
  • logging.logs.list
  • logging.privateLogEntries.list
  • resourcemanager.projects.get

Once the service account is created, you need to create a service account key for authentication:

  1. Click the newly created account from Service Accounts, then choose KEYS tab.
  2. Click ADD KEY > Create new key.
  3. Select JSON key type and click CREATE.
  4. Save the generated key file to a secure location.

Your key file may look like:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "<project_id>",
  "private_key_id": "<key_id>",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n<key>\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
  "client_email": "<email>@<project_id>",
  "client_id": "<client_id>",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "<client_cert_url>"

Config File

Create a YAML config file based on the following template.

Required Configurations

  - <bigquery_project_id>

To connect to BigQuery, either the keyfile path or credentials from the JSON keyfile must be set in the config as following:

key_path: <path_to_JSON_key_file>


  project_id: <project_id>
  private_key_id: <private_key_id>
  private_key: <private_key_value>
  client_email: <client_email>
  client_id: <client_id>

Note: private_key is a multi-line string and must be specified using YAML's literal style, i.e. using a pipe (|). You can use this command to extract and format the value from the JSON key:

cat <JSON_key_file> | jq -r '.private_key' | sed 's/^/    /' 

Copy & paste the value into the config file as such:

  private_key: |
    <paste here>

Optional Configurations

Output Destination

See Output Config for more information.


See Filter Config for more information on the optional filter config.

Tag Assignment

See Tag Matcher Config for more information on the optional tag_matcher config.

BigQuery Job Project ID

By default, all BigQuery API calls are made using the project ID specified in the credentials. However, sometimes you may wish to run BigQuery jobs using a different project ID, e.g. when querying the DDLs for tables & views. You can do so by specifying the job_project_id config as follows,

job_project_id: <project_id>


The max number of concurrent requests to the google cloud API can be configured as follows,

max_concurrency: <max_number_of_queries> # Default to 5

Query Logs

By default, the BigQuery connector will fetch a full day's query logs (AuditMetadata) from yesterday, to be analyzed for additional metadata, such as dataset usage and lineage information. To backfill log data, one can set lookback_days to the desired value. To turn off query log fetching, set lookback_days to 0.

  # (Optional) Number of days of query logs to fetch. Default to 1. If 0, the no query logs will be fetched.
  lookback_days: <days>
  # (Optional) A list of users whose queries will be excluded from the log fetching.
    - <user_name1>
    - <user_name2>

  # (Optional) Exclude queries issued by service accounts. Default to false.
  exclude_service_accounts: <boolean>

  # (Optional) The number of query logs to fetch from BigQuery in one batch. Max 1000, default to 1000.
  fetch_size: <number_of_logs>

  # (Optional) Fetch the full query SQL from job API if it's truncated in the audit metadata log, default True.
  fetch_job_query_if_truncated: <boolean>
Process Query Config

See Process Query for more information on the optional process_query_config config.


Make sure to use BigQuery project ID when setting the database field in the filter configuration. For example:

  - <bigquery_project_id>
        - table1


Follow the Installation instructions to install metaphor-connectors in your environment (or virtualenv). Make sure to include either all or bigquery extra.

Run the following command to test the connector locally:

metaphor bigquery <config_file>

Manually verify the output after the run finishes.