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File metadata and controls

43 lines (32 loc) · 2.04 KB


This module is a working example for building a YARP device that exploits the iMotor YARP interfaces to interact with the motion control module.

Module description

Specifically to this example, we are defining a PolyDriver device that interacts with the pointer to the iMotor yarp interface and prints the motor temperatures to an output port. Those temperatures value can be obtained exploiting the interface method getTemperatures() and saved to a c-array of doubles.

General code architecture

Considering that a properly built yarp module should derive from the public interface yarp::os::RFModule, whose complete explanation is available at this link, the following methods should be overridden:

  • configure()
  • getPeriod()
  • updateModule()
  • close()

Usage of the application module

In order to use this module, whose final target is to print at the port called: /5-setup/motor_temperatures:o the temperatures of the motors connected, the following steps should be done:

  • create inside the project the build directory

  • run the commands in order:

    cd build
    ccmake ../
    make install
  • supposed to have the correct setup running on the yarpserver sending data to state ports, this module can be run with the following command:

    ./build/TemperatureManager --from app/conf/config.ini 

    This will instantiate the aformentioned port, where with a frequence of _updatePeriod time, the following values will be streamed on the port:|

    timeStamp | temperature_motor_0 | ... | temperature_motor_N | boolean_limit_overcame_0 | ... | boolean_limit_overcame_N
    • the config.ini file should be filled in with the following data:
      • robotname: name of the robot as set in the configuration files
      • period: times used for streaming the data to the port
      • listofjoints: joints, as list a list, i.e. (0 1 2), which you wanna get the temperatures