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Releases: MADE-Apps/MADE.js


16 Apr 18:07
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v0.1.0-alpha.16 Pre-release

Packages available on npmjs

  • Added Shuffle collection extension for randomly sorting an enumerable
  • Added ToDaySuffix date extension to provide the st, nd, rd, or th day suffix
  • Added Truncate string extension for shortening a value with an ellipsis suffix (...)
  • Added IsLike string extension for validating a wildcard LIKE style query against a specified value (e.g. "He*")

What's Changed

  • Fixed ContainsValidator key name by @jamesmcroft in #13
  • Added new issue templates by @jamesmcroft in #23
  • Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /MADE.UI.Styling by @dependabot in #19
  • Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /MADE.Networking by @dependabot in #22
  • Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /MADE.Threading by @dependabot in #21
  • Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /MADE.Data.Converters by @dependabot in #20
  • Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /MADE.Data.Validation by @dependabot in #18
  • Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /MADE.Collections by @dependabot in #17
  • Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.4 to 1.14.8 in /MADE.Networking by @dependabot in #16
  • Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /MADE.Runtime by @dependabot in #15
  • Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 in /MADE.Diagnostics by @dependabot in #14
  • Added new functions and helpers across packages by @jamesmcroft in #32

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha.15...v0.1.0-alpha.16

Release 0.1.0-alpha.15

18 Jan 19:32
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Packages available on npmjs

What's Changed

Minor changes 🤏🏻

A minor change to support an Array based contains validator that verifies that an array of options contains a value.

Also provided a mechanism to create a string key value mapped ValidatorArray object.

More information

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha.14...v0.1.0-alpha.15

Release 0.1.0-alpha.14

11 Jan 21:41
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Packages available on npmjs

What's Changed

Added Validator implementation from MADE.NET 💻

Changes have been made to introduce the IValidator and all available data validators and validator array/collection from the MADE.NET library.

Support for:

  • RegexValidator, a generic validator for value validation with RegExp patterns
  • AlphaNumericValidator, a RegexValidator that validates alpha and numeric characters
  • AlphaValidator, a RegexValidator that validates alpha characters
  • BetweenValidator, a validator that checks whether a value is between a minimum and maximum
  • EmailValidator, a RegexValidator that validates a value is a valid email address
  • IpAddressValidator, a validator that checks whether a value is a valid IP address
  • MaxLengthValidator, a validator that checks that a value or array is less than a maximum length
  • MaxValueValidator, a validator that checks that a value is less than a maximum
  • MinLengthValidator, a validator that checks that a value or array is greater than a minimum length
  • MinValueValidator, a validator that checks that a value is greater than a minimum
  • RequiredValidator, a validator that checks that a value, object, array, or boolean is set
  • ValidatorArray, an extended Array for IValidator instances to provide functionality for running multiple validators over a single value

More information

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha.13...v0.1.0-alpha.14

Release 0.1.0-alpha.13

18 Oct 20:44
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Packages available on npmjs


Added TimeSpan component to Runtime library 💻

Changes have been made to introduce a TimeSpan component, like the .NET equivalent.

Supports constructing from days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

Has functions for retrieving each individual component of the TimeSpan, as well as a total value in days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.

Added Uri component to Runtime library 💻

Like its .NET equivalent, the Uri class provides the capability of defining a string URI as its individual components.

Supports retrieving the absolute path, authority, fragment part, host name, query string, scheme, and segments. Has additional functionality for retrieving the query parts as a dictionary, as well as retrieving a specific query part value by a specified key.

Introduced UI Styling library ⭐

A new addition to the project, the UI Styling library will be a place for any components that are specifically designed for UI based applications with styling in mind.

The introduced components of this library include a Color class, constructing a color based on red, green, blue, and alpha components.

Colors can also be constructed from a HEX string, as well as converted to a HEX string. It has additional support to lighten and darken the color by a factor, as well as get the brightness, hue, and saturation values.

The library also contains a static set of 140+ web colors defined in a Colors object. These are pre-defined colors that can be used anywhere across an application. The list is taken from the .NET defined Colors list (

More information

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha.12...v0.1.0-alpha.13

Release 0.1.0-alpha.12

07 Oct 19:07
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Packages available on npmjs


Added MROUND math function 💻

Changes have been made to introduce an MROUND math function to round to the nearest multiple of value, similar to the same function within Excel.