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189 lines (145 loc) · 9.58 KB

File metadata and controls

189 lines (145 loc) · 9.58 KB


Add an Aligned marker trait to core::marker, and the prelude, as a supertrait of the Sized trait. Aligned is implemented for all types with an alignment determined at compile time. This includes all Sized types, as well as slices and records containing them. Relax core::mem::align_of<T>()'s trait bound from T: Sized to T: ?Sized + Aligned.


Some data structures and containers can store unsized types only if their alignment can be known at compile-time. Additionally, compile-time known alignment can enable more efficient algorithms and additional APIs. A built-in Aligned trait allows Rust code to implement APIs that that are fully usable with all aligned types.

In addition, this RFC allows implementing certain object-safe traits for slices, in a more complete fashion than was possible before.

Case study: rustc Aligned trait

In rustc, a manually-implemented version of the Aligned trait is used to support pointer tagging. A pointer to a type with known alignment has log2(alignment) low bits available for a tag. Because rustc uses pointer tagging with unsized types, including custom DSTs, it needs to use a custom trait, along with potentially error-prone unsafe impls.

Case study: unsized-vec

The unsized-vec crate provides an analogue of the standard library Vec<T> that permits T: ?Sized. The layout of the UnsizedVec<T> differs depending on whether T's size or alignment can be known at compile-time:

T: Sized

If T: Sized, UnsizedVec<T> is a thin wrapper around alloc::vec::Vec<T>.

T: ?Sized, alignment known at compile-time

In this case, UnsizedVec<T> contains two allocations. One allocation contains the values of the vector, laid out end-to-end, aligned to T's alignment. The other allocation is an alloc::vec::Vec, of (ptr_metadata, offset_of_end_of_element_from_start_of_allocation) pairs (one for each element of the UnsizedVec). For example, an UnsizedVec<[u8]> might look like this:

Layout of `unsize_vec![[1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [], [6]]`

Main allocation (1 block = 1 byte)
⮦Address 0xDEADBEEF
│ 0x01   0x02 │ 0x03   0x04   0x05 ║ 0x06 │

Metadata allocation (1 block = 1 word, "meta" = pointer metadata, "ofst" = offset)
│meta 2 ofst 2│meta 3 ofst 5│meta 0 ofst 5│meta 1 ofst 6│

To retrieve a reference to the element at index i of the UnsizedVec, we first index into the pairs Vec: once at index i to get the pointer metadata, and once at index i - 1 to get the offset of the start of element (if i = 0, this offset is just 0). We then offset the pointer to the main allocation by the offset we just retrieved, and reconstruct the fat pointer to the UnsizedVec element from that result + the pointer metadata. For example, to retrieve element 1 (0-indexed) of the vec above, we would:

  1. Retrieve the 2nd metadata entry from the metadata allocation (value is 3);
  2. Retrieve the 2-1=1st offset entry from the metadata allocation (value is 2);
  3. Offset the address of the main allocation (0xDEADBEEF) by the result of step 2 to get the pointer to the element (address 0xDEADBEF1);
  4. Combine that with the metadata from step 1 to construct the full fat pointer (pointer = 0xDEADBEF1, metadata = 3).

T: ?Sized, aligment known only at runtime

When T's alignment is not known at compile-time, UnsizedVec<T>'s elements can't just be placed end-to-end, as that would lead to them being improperly aligned. To account for the varing alignments, we keep track of the largest required alignment out of all the elements in the UnsizedVec, and ensure every that every element is padded to that maximum. For example, consider this UnsizedVec<dyn Debug>:

Layout of `unsize_vec![3_u32, "hello", 42_u128]`

Maximum alignment: 16 bytes

Main allocation (1 block = 4 bytes)
⮦Address 0xDEADBEEF
│ 3u32 │      padding       │ 64-bit ptr  │   padding   │          42_u128          │

Metadata allocation (1 block = 1 word, "vp" = vtable pointer, ofst = "offset")
│vp u32 ofst16│vp&str ofst32│vpu128 ofst48│

Compared to the unsized+aligned case, we must add introduce an extra field to our UnsizedVec in order to track alignment, and also need additional code to manage the padding. We would prefer to pay that cost only when truly necessary; only an Aligned trait provided by the compiler can make that possible.

Guide-level explanation

Aligned is a marker trait defined in core::marker, and re-exported in the prelude. It's automatically implemented for all types with an alignment determined at compile time. This includes all Sized types (Aligned is a supertrait of Sized), as well as slices and records containing them. Trait objects are not Aligned.

You can't implement Aligned yourself.

To get the alignment of a type that implements Aligned, call core::mem::align_of<T>().

Implied Sized bounds also imply Aligned, because Aligned is a supertrait of Sized. To bound a type parameter by Aligned only, write ?Sized + Aligned.

Reference-level explanation

Aligned is not object-safe. Trait methods bounded by Self: Aligned can't be called from a vtable, but don't affect the object safety of the trait as a whole, just like Self: Sized currently. Relaxing Self: Sized bounds to Self: Aligned allows implementing those methods for more Self types, while preserving the trait's object safety.

core::mem::offset_of! supports any Aligned field.


  • Slightly complicates situation around implied Sized bounds.
  • May make certain object safety diagnostics more confusing, as they will now refer to the new, lesser-known Aligned trait instead of Sized.

Rationale and alternatives

  • core::mem::align_of<T>() for slices could be implemented with a library. However, a library would be unable to support records that contain a slice as the last field. Also, relaxing the trait dyn safety requirements can only be done with a language feature.
  • ?Aligned could be accepted as new syntax, equivalent to ?Sized. However, I don't think it's worth it to have two ways to spell the exact same concept in the same edition.
  • There may be a use-case for types that are Sized but not Aligned. However, I don't know of such, and allowing it would likely cause backward-compatibility issues.

Prior art

In libraries:

Unresolved questions

  • Should Aligned be #[fundamental]? (Sized is.)

Future possibilities

  • Relaxing NonNull::<T>::dangling()'s trait bound from T: Sized to T: ?Sized + Aligned + Pointee<Metadata: ~const Default> may be desirable once the necessary library and language features are stabilized.
  • extern types may want to be able to implement Aligned.
  • In a future edition, ?Sized could be replaced with ?Aligned, with ?Sized then meaning "opt out of Sized bound only, not Aligned."
  • Certain Self: Sized bounds in the standard library could be relaxed to Self: Aligned. However, this might cause backward-compatibility issues.
    • IRLO topic on how the issues could be addressed.
  • There has been discussion about adding other traits into the Sized hierarchy, like DynSized. If both Aligned and these other traits are integrated into Rust, their relative positions in the trait hierarchy will need to be determined.