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File metadata and controls

205 lines (158 loc) · 7.6 KB

The TDengine connector connects Pulsar and TDengine.


The configuration of TDengine source connector has the following properties.


TDengine Source

Name Required Default Description
jdbcUrl true None The JDBC url of the database this connector connects to.
username true None Username used to connect to the database specified by jdbcUrl.
password true None Password used to connect to the database specified by jdbcUrl.
restart false false If restart is true, all data will be read, otherwise only the latest data will be read.
sql true None This statement can only be a select statement, only the original data should be queried, and the data can only be queried in the positive order of time.
database true None Database used to connect TDengine.
tableName true None Table name used to connect TDengine.
stableName false None Super table name used to connect TDengine.

TDengine Sink

Name Type Required Default Description
username String true None Username used to connect to the database specified by jdbcUrl.
password String true None Password used to connect to the database specified by jdbcUrl.
driver String true None The key name of the Cassandra column family.

The column is used for storing Pulsar message keys.

If a Pulsar message doesn't have any key associated, the message value is used as the key.
jdbcUrl String true None TThe JDBC url of the database this connector connects to.
timezone String true GMT+8 Default timezone of the JVM instance.


Before using the TDengine connector, you can create a configuration file through one of the following methods.

TDengine Source Configuration

  • JSON

    "sql":"select * from meters",
    "database": "power_2",
    "tableName": "d1001",
    "stableName": "meters"
  • YAML

    You can create a YAML file and copy the contents below to your YAML file.

        jdbcUrl: "jdbc:TAOS://tdengine-"
        username: "root"
        password: "taosdata"
        sql: "select * from meters"
        database: "power_2"
        tableName: "d1001"
        stableName: "meters"

TDengine Sink Configuration

  • JSON

  • YAML

        driver: "com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver",
        jdbcUrl: "jdbc:TAOS://tdengine-",
        username: "root",
        password: "taosdata"


This example shows how to change the data of a TDengine table using the Pulsar TDengine connector.

Tips: We use docker for simulation testing. If you already have docker's TDengine and Pulsar containers,you can skip step 1,2,3,4

  1. Initialize docker cluster.
docker swarm init
  1. Create new docker network
docker network create --attachable --driver overlay --subnet --ip-range tools
  1. Start the TDengine container
docker run -d --name tdengine- --network tools tdengine/tdengine:
  1. Start the Pulsar container
 docker run -d --name pulsar-2.8.0 --network tools -m 3g -p 6650:6660 -p 6680:8080 --restart unless-stopped -v  pulsar-data:/pulsar/data -v pulsar-conf:/pulsar/conf apachepulsar/pulsar:2.8.0 ./bin/pulsar standalone
  1. Enter the TDengine container
docker exec -it tdengine- /bin/bash
  1. Initialize the data.
$ taos
taos> create database power;
taos> use power;
taos> create table meters(ts timestamp, current float, voltage int, phase int) tags(location binary(64), groupId int);
taos> create table d1001 using meters tags ("Beijing.Chaoyang", 2);
taos> create table d1002 using meters tags ("Beijing.Haidian", 2);

taos> create database power_2;
taos> use power_2;
taos> create table meters(ts timestamp, current float, voltage int, phase int) tags(location binary(64), groupId int);
taos> create table d1001 using meters tags ("Beijing.Chaoyang", 2);
taos> create table d1002 using meters tags ("Beijing.Haidian", 2);
  1. Download TDengine-client from TDengine official website

Tips: Choose the TDengine version you need

  1. Enter the Pulsar container
docker exec -it pulsar-2.8.0 /bin/bash 
  1. Upload TDengine-client- to the Pulsar container and unzip.
$ tar -zxvf TDengine-client-
$ cd TDengine-client-
$ ./
$  Start to install TDengine client...
$  TDengine client is installed successfully!
  1. Start the Pulsar TDengine source connector in local run mode using one of the following methods.

Tips: Make sure the nar file is available at connectors/pulsar-io-tdengine-source-2.8.0.nar

  • Use the JSON configuration file as shown previously.
$ bin/pulsar-admin source localrun --destination-topic-name tdengine-source-topic --tenant public --namespace default --name pulsar-tdengine-source --archive connectors/pulsar-io-tdengine-source-2.8.0.nar --parallelism 1 --source-config '{ "jdbcUrl":"jdbc:TAOS://tdengine-", "username":"root", "password":"taosdata", "sql":"select * from meters", "database": "power_2", "tableName": "d1001", "stableName": "meters" }'
  • Use the YAML configuration file as shown previously.
$ bin/pulsar-admin source localrun --source-config-file io-tdengine-source-config.yaml
  1. Start the Pulsar TDengine sink connector in local run mode using one of the following methods.

Tips: Make sure the nar file is available at connectors/pulsar-io-tdengine-sink-2.8.0.nar

  • Use the JSON configuration file as shown previously.
$ bin/pulsar-admin sinks localrun --name pulsar-tdengine-sink --tenant public --namespace default --inputs public/default/tdengine-source-topic --archive connectors/pulsar-io-tdengine-sink-2.8.0.nar --sink-config '{"driver":"com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver","jdbcUrl":"jdbc:TAOS://tdengine-","username":"root","password":"taosdata"}'
  • Use the YAML configuration file as shown previously.
$ bin/pulsar-admin sinks localrun --sink-config-file io-tdengine-sink-config.yaml
  1. Insert data in TDengine.
taos> use power;
taos> insert into d1001 values("2020-08-15 12:00:00.000", 12, 220, 1),("2020-08-15 12:10:00.000", 12.3, 220, 2),("2020-08-15 12:20:00.000", 12.2, 220, 1);

taos> use power_2;
taos> select * from meters;

           ts            |       current        |   voltage   |    phase    |            location            |   groupid   |
 2020-08-15 12:00:00.000 |             12.00000 |         220 |           1 | Beijing.Chaoyang               |           2 |
 2020-08-15 12:10:00.000 |             12.30000 |         220 |           2 | Beijing.Chaoyang               |           2 |
 2020-08-15 12:20:00.000 |             12.20000 |         220 |           1 | Beijing.Chaoyang               |           2 |
Query OK, 3 row(s) in set (0.009826s)