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Date Decoding

Difficulty: easy

Problem Statement

You are given a JSON object with a single property date containing a timestamp in Epoch time.

    "date": 459125100

Your task is to decode such an object into an instance of a type that conforms to the protocol

protocol P {
    var date: Date { get }

The particular type you use is entirely arbitrary as long as it conforms to P.

Write a method that takes a Data instance representing a JSON object of the aforementioned format and decodes it into an instance conforming to P.

func decode(_ json: Data) throws -> P {
    // ?    

Further Instructions

To start working on this challenge open Challenge.swift and uncomment the code skeleton.

To run unit tests that validate your code, uncomment the body of the test method in ChallengeTests.swift and hit CMD + U in Xcode. On Linux you can run the tests by executing swift test in the package directory.

To view selected solutions open Solutions.swift.