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Releases: JetBrains/kotlin


19 Oct 08:36
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1.2-Beta2 Pre-release



Multiplatform projects

New Features

  • KT-20616 Compiler options for KotlinCompileCommon task
  • KT-15522 Treat expect classes without explicit constructors as not having constructors at all
  • KT-16099 Do not require obvious override of super-interface methods in non-abstract expect class
  • KT-20618 Rename implement to expectedBy in gradle module dependency


  • KT-16926 'implement' dependency is not transitive when importing gradle project to IDEA
  • KT-20634 False error about platform project implementing non-common project
  • KT-19170 Forbid private expected declarations
  • KT-20431 Prohibit inheritance by delegation in 'expect' classes
  • KT-20540 Report errors about incompatible constructors of actual class
  • KT-20398 Do not highlight declarations with not implemented implementations with red during typing
  • KT-19937 Support "implement expect class" quickfix for nested classes
  • KT-20657 Actual annotation with all parameters that have default values doesn't match expected annotation with no-arg constructor
  • KT-20680 No actual class member: inconsistent modality check
  • KT-18756 multiplatform project: compilation error on implementation of extension property in javascript client module
  • KT-17374 Too many "expect declaration has no implementation" inspection in IDE in a multi-platform project
  • KT-18455 Multiplatform project: show gutter Navigate to implementation on expect side of method in the expect class
  • KT-19222 Useless tooltip on a gutter icon for expect declaration
  • KT-20043 multiplatform: No H gutter if a class has nested/inner classes inherited from it
  • KT-20164 expect/actual navigation does not work when actual is a typealias
  • KT-20254 multiplatform: there is no link between expect and actual classes, if implementation has a constructor when expect doesn't
  • KT-20309 multiplatform: ClassCastException on mouse hovering on the H gutter of the actual secondary constructor
  • KT-20638 Context menu in common module: NSEE: "Collection contains no element matching the predicate." at KotlinRunConfigurationProducerKt.findJvmImplementationModule()
  • KT-18919 multiplatform project: expect keyword is lost on converting to object
  • KT-20008 multiplatform: Create expect class implementation should add actual keyword at secondary constructors
  • KT-20044 multiplatform: Create expect class implementation should add actual constructor at primary constructor
  • KT-20135 "Create expect class implementation" should open created class in editor
  • KT-20163 multiplatform: it should be possible to create an implementation for overloaded method if for one method implementation is present already
  • KT-20243 multiplatform: quick fix Create expect interface implementation should add actual keyword at interface members
  • KT-20325 multiplatform: Quick fix Create actual ... should specify correct classifier name for object, enum class and annotation class


New Features

  • KT-16028 Allow to have different bodies of inline functions inlined depending on apiVersion

Performance Improvements

  • KT-20462 Don't create an array copy for '*(...)'


  • KT-13644 Information from explicit cast should be used for type inference
  • KT-14697 Use-site targeted annotation is not correctly loaded from class file
  • KT-17981 Type parameter for catch parameter possible when exception is nested in generic, but fails in runtime
  • KT-19251 Stack spilling in constructor arguments breaks Quasar
  • KT-20387 Wrong argument generated for accessor call of a protected generic 'operator fun get/set' from base class with primitive type as type parameter
  • KT-20491 Incorrect synthetic accessor generated for a generic base class function specialized with primitive type
  • KT-20651 "Don't know how to generate outer expression" for enum-values with non-trivial self-closures
  • KT-20752 Do not register new kinds of smart casts for unstable values


New Features

  • KT-19146 Parameter hints could be shown for annotation


  • KT-19207 "Configure Kotlin in project" should add "requires kotlin.stdlib" to module-info for Java 9 modules
  • KT-19213 Formatter/Code Style: space between type parameters and where is not inserted
  • KT-19216 Parameter name hints should not be shown for functional type invocation
  • KT-20448 Exception in UAST during reference search in J2K
  • KT-20543 java.lang.ClassCastException on usage of array literals in Spring annotation
  • KT-20709 Loop in parent structure when converting a LITERAL_STRING_TEMPLATE_ENTRY

IDE. Completion

  • KT-17165 Support array literals in annotations in completion

IDE. Debugger

  • KT-18775 Evaluate expression doesn't allow access to properties of private nested objects, including companion

IDE. Inspections and Intentions

New Features

  • KT-20108 Support "add requires directive to" quick fix on usages of non-required modules in Kotlin sources
  • KT-20410 Add inspection for listOf().filterNotNull() to replace it with listOfNotNull()


  • KT-16636 Remove parentheses after deleting the last unused constructor parameter
  • KT-18549 "Add type" quick fix adds non-primitive Array type for annotation parameters
  • KT-18631 Inspection to convert emptyArray() to empty literal does not work
  • KT-18773 Disable "Replace camel-case name with spaces" intention for JS and common projects
  • KT-20183 AE “Classifier descriptor of a type should be of type ClassDescriptor” on adding element to generic collection in function
  • KT-20315 "call chain on collection type may be simplified" generates code that does not compile



  • KT-8285 JS: don't generate tmp when only need one component
  • KT-8374 JS: some Double values converts to Int differently on JS and JVM
  • KT-14549 JS: Non-local returns from secondary constructors don't work
  • KT-15294 JS: parse error in js() function
  • KT-17629 JS: Equals function (==) returns true for all primitive numeric types
  • KT-17760 JS: Nothing::class throws error
  • KT-17933 JS: toString, hashCode method and simplename property of KClass return senseless results for some classes
  • KT-18010 JS: JsName annotation in interfaces can cause runtime exception
  • KT-18063 Inlining does not work properly in JS for suspend functions from another module
  • KT-18548 JS: wrong string interpolation with generic or Any parameters
  • KT-19772 JS: wrong boxing behavior for...
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29 Sep 15:13
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1.2-Beta Pre-release


New Features


  • KT-19747 Android extensions + Parcelable: VerifyError in case of RawValue annotation on a type when it's unknown how to parcel it
  • KT-19899 Parcelize: Building with ProGuard enabled
  • KT-19988 [Android Extensions] inner class LayoutContainer causes NoSuchMethodError
  • KT-20002 Parcelize explodes on LongArray
  • KT-20019 Parcelize does not propogate flags argument when writing nested Parcelable
  • KT-20020 Parcelize does not use primitive array read/write methods on Parcel
  • KT-20021 Parcelize does not serialize Parcelable enum as Parcelable
  • KT-20022 Parcelize should dispatch directly to java.lang.Enum when writing an enum.
  • KT-20034 Application installation failed (INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT) in Android 4.3 devices if I use Parcelize
  • KT-20057 Parcelize should use specialized write/create methods where available.
  • KT-20062 Parceler should allow otherwise un-parcelable property types in enclosing class.
  • KT-20170 UAST: Getting the location of a UIdentifier is tricky


  • KT-4565 Support smart casting of safe cast's subject (and also safe call's receiver)
  • KT-8492 Null check should work after save call with elvis in condition
  • KT-9327 Need a way to check whether a lateinit property was assigned
  • KT-14138 Allow lateinit local variables
  • KT-15461 Allow lateinit top level properties
  • KT-7257 NPE when accessing properties of enum from inner lambda on initialization
  • KT-9580 Report an error if 'setparam' target does not make sense for a parameter declaration
  • KT-16310 Nested classes inside enum entries capturing outer members
  • KT-20155 Confusing diagnostics on a nested interface in inner class


  • KT-14175 Surround with try ... catch (... finally) doesn't work for expressions
  • KT-20308 New Gradle with Kotlin DSL project wizard
  • KT-18353 Support UAST for .kts files
  • KT-19823 Kotlin Gradle project import into IntelliJ: import kapt generated classes into classpath
  • KT-20185 Stub and PSI element type mismatch for "var nullableSuspend: (suspend (P) -> Unit)? = null"

Language design

  • KT-14486 Allow smart cast in closure if a local variable is modified only before it (and not after or inside)
  • KT-15667 Support "::foo" as a short-hand syntax for bound callable reference to "this::foo"
  • KT-16681 kotlin allows mutating the field of read-only property


  • KT-19258 Java 9: with requires kotlin.stdlib causes compiler to fail: "module reads package from both kotlin.reflect and kotlin.stdlib"


  • KT-19692 kotlin-jpa plugin doesn't support @MappedSuperclass annotation
  • KT-20030 Parcelize can directly reference writeToParcel and CREATOR for final, non-Parcelize Parcelable types in same compilation unit.
  • KT-19742 [Android extensions] Calling clearFindViewByIdCache causes NPE
  • KT-19749 Android extensions + Parcelable: NoSuchMethodError on attempt to pack into parcel a serializable object
  • KT-20026 Parcelize overrides describeContents despite being already implemented.
  • KT-20027 Parcelize uses wrong classloader when reading parcelable type.
  • KT-20029 Parcelize should not directly reference parcel methods on types outside compilation unit
  • KT-20032 Parcelize does not respect type nullability in case of Parcelize parcelables

Tools. CLI

  • KT-10563 Support a command line argument -Werror to treat warnings as errors

Tools. Gradle

  • KT-20212 Cannot access internal components from test code

Tools. kapt

  • KT-17923 Reference to Dagger generated class is highlighted red
  • KT-18923 Kapt: Do not use the Kotlin error message collector to issue errors from kapt
  • KT-19097 Request: Decent support of kapt.kotlin.generated on Intellij/Android Studio
  • KT-20001 kapt generate stubs Gradle task does not depend on the compilation of sub-project kapt dependencies


29 Sep 11:23
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  • KT-19901 KotlinLanguageInjector#getLanguagesToInject can cancel any progress in which it was invoked
  • KT-20411 JSR 305 meta-annotations support is broken with Kotlin 1.1.50


22 Sep 13:07
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  • KT-14800 Kotlin Lint: @SuppressLint annotation on local variable is ignored
  • KT-16600 False positive "For methods, permission annotation should specify one of value, anyOf or allOf"
  • KT-16834 Android Lint: Bogus warning on @SetParam:StringRes
  • KT-17785 Kotlin Lint: "Incorrect support annotation usage" does not pick the value of const val
  • KT-18837 Android Lint: Collection.removeIf is not flagged when used on RealmList
  • KT-18893 Android support annotations (ColorInt, etc) cannot be used on properties: "does not apply for type void"
  • KT-18997 KLint: False positive "Could not find property setter method setLevel on java.lang.Object" if using elvis with return on RHS
  • KT-19671 UAST: Parameter annotations not provided for val parameters


Performance Improvements

  • KT-17963 Unnecessary boxing in case of primitive comparison to object
  • KT-18589 'Equality check can be used instead of elvis' produces code that causes boxing
  • KT-18693 Optimize in-expression with optimizable range in RHS
  • KT-18721 Improve code generation for if-in-primitive-literal expression ('if (expr in low .. high)')
  • KT-18818 Optimize null cases in when statement to avoid Intrinsics usage
  • KT-18834 Do not create ranges for 'x in low..high' where type of x doesn't match range element type
  • KT-19029 Use specialized equality implementations for 'when'
  • KT-19149 Use 'for-in-until' loop in intrinsic array constructors
  • KT-19252 Use 'for-in-until' loop for 'for-in-rangeTo' loops with constant upper bounds when possible
  • KT-19256 Destructuring assignment generates redundant code for temporary variable nullification
  • KT-19457 Extremely slow analysis for file with deeply nested lambdas


  • KT-10754 Bogus unresolved extension function
  • KT-11739 Incorrect error message on getValue operator with KProperty parameter
  • KT-11834 INAPPLICABLE_LATEINIT_MODIFIER is confusing for a generic type parameter with nullable (default) upper bound
  • KT-11963 Exception: recursive call in a lazy value under LockBasedStorageManager
  • KT-12737 Confusing error message when calling extension function with an implicit receiver, passing value parameter of wrong type
  • KT-12767 Too much unnecessary information in "N type arguments expected" error message
  • KT-12796 IllegalArgumentException on referencing inner class constructor on an outer class instance
  • KT-12899 Platform null escapes if passed as an extension receiver to an inline function
  • KT-13665 Generic componentN() functions should provide better diagnostics when type cannot be inferred
  • KT-16223 Confusing diagnostic for local inline functions
  • KT-16246 CompilationException caused by intersection type overload and wrong type parameter
  • KT-16746 DslMarker doesn't work with typealiases
  • KT-17444 Accessors generated for private file functions should respect @JvmName
  • KT-17464 Calling super constructor with generic function call in arguments fails at runtime
  • KT-17725 java.lang.VerifyError when both dispatch receiver and extension receiver have smart casts
  • KT-17745 Unfriendly error message on creating an instance of interface via typealias
  • KT-17748 Equality for class literals of primitive types is not preserved by reification
  • KT-17879 Comparing T::class from a reified generic with a Class<> and KClass<> variable in when statement is broken
  • KT-18356 Argument reordering in super class constructor call for anonymous object fails with VerifyError
  • KT-18819 JVM BE treats 'if (a in low .. high)' as 'if (a >= low && a <= high)', so 'high' can be non-evaluated
  • KT-18855 Convert "Remove at from annotation argument" inspection into compiler error & quick-fix
  • KT-18858 Exception within typealias expansion with dynamic used as one of type arguments
  • KT-18902 NullPointerException when using provideDelegate with properties of the base class at runtime
  • KT-18940 REPEATED_ANNOTATION is reported on wrong location for typealias arguments
  • KT-18944 Type annotations are lost for dynamic type
  • KT-18966 Report full package FQ name in compilation errors related to visibility
  • KT-18971 Missing non-null assertion for platform type passed as a receiver to the member extension function
  • KT-18982 NoSuchFieldError on access to imported object property from the declaring object itself
  • KT-18985 Too large highlighting range for UNCHECKED_CAST
  • KT-19058 VerifyError: no CHECKAST on dispatch receiver of the synthetic property defined in Java interface
  • KT-19100 VerifyError: missing CHECKCAST on extension receiver of the extension property
  • KT-19115 Report warnings on usages of JSR 305-annotated declarations which rely on incorrect or missing nullability information
  • KT-19128 java.lang.VerifyError with smart cast to String from Any
  • KT-19180 Bad SAM conversion of Java interface causing ClassCastException: [...] cannot be cast to kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1
  • KT-19205 Poor diagnostic message for deprecated class referenced through typealias
  • KT-19367 NSFE if property with name matching companion object property name is referenced within lambda
  • KT-19434 Object inheriting generic class with a reified type parameter looses method annotations
  • KT-19475 AnalyserException in case of combination of while (true) + stack-spilling (coroutines/try-catch expressions)
  • KT-19528 Compiler exception on inline suspend function inside a generic class
  • KT-19575 Deprecated typealias is not marked as such in access to companion object
  • KT-19601 UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED reported on type alias expansion in a recursive upper bound on a type parameter
  • KT-19814 Runtime annotations for open suspend function are not generated correctly
  • KT-19892 Overriding remove method on inheritance from TreeSet
  • KT-19910 Nullability assertions removed when inlining an anonymous object in crossinline lambda
  • KT-19985 JSR 305: nullability qualifier of Java function return type detected incorrectly in case of using annotation nickname


New Features

  • KT-6676 Show enum constant ordinal in quick doc like in Java
  • KT-12246 Kotlin source files are not highlighted in Gradle build output in IntelliJ

Performance Improvements

  • KT-19670 When computing argument hints, don't resolve call if none of the arguments are unclear expressions


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30 Aug 08:58
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  • KT-18062 SamWithReceiver compiler plugin not used by IntelliJ for .kt files
  • KT-18497 Gradle Kotlin Plugin does not work with the gradle java-library plugin
  • KT-19276 Console spam when opening idea-community project in debug IDEA
  • KT-19433 [Coroutines + Kapt3] Assertion failed in ClassClsStubBuilder.createNestedClassStub
  • KT-19680 kapt3 & Parcelize: Compilation error
  • KT-19687 Kotlin 1.1.4 noarg plugin breaks with sealed classes
  • KT-19700 Kapt error after updating to 1.1.4 - stub adds type parameters where there are none
  • KT-19713 Mocking of final named suspend methods with mockito fails
  • KT-19729 kapt3: not always including argument to @javax.inject.Named in generated stubs
  • KT-19759 "Convert to expression body" is not shown in 162 / AS23 branches for multi-liners
  • KT-19767 NPE caused by Map<String, Boolean>?.get
  • KT-19769 PerModulePackageCacheService calls getOrderEntriesForFile() for every file, even those that can't affect Kotlin resolve
  • KT-19774 Provide an opt-out flag for separate classes directories (Gradle 4.0+)
  • KT-19847 if an imported library already exists it should be redetected during gradle import


18 Aug 15:06
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  • KT-19679 CompilationException: Couldn't inline method call 'methodName' into...
  • KT-19690 Lazy field in interface default method leads to ClassFormatError
  • KT-19716 Quickdoc Ctrl+Q broken while browsing code completion list Ctrl-Space
  • KT-19717 Library kind incorrectly detected for vertx-web in Kotlin project
  • KT-19723 "Insufficient maximum stack size" during compilation


15 Aug 06:21
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New Features

  • KT-11048 Android Extensions: cannot evaluate expression containing generated properties

Performance Improvements

  • KT-10542 Android Extensions: No cache for Views
  • KT-18250 Android Extensions: Allow to use SparseArray as a View cache


  • KT-11051 Android Extensions: completion of generated properties is unclear for ambiguous ids
  • KT-14086 Android-extensions not generated using flavors dimension
  • KT-14912 Lint: "Code contains STOPSHIP marker" ignores suppress annotation
  • KT-15164 Kotlin Lint: problems in delegate expression are not reported
  • KT-16934 Android Extensions fails to compile when importing synthetic properties for layouts in other modules
  • KT-17641 Problem with Kotlin Android Extensions and Gradle syntax
  • KT-17783 Kotlin Lint: quick fixes to add inapplicable @RequiresApi and @SuppressLint make code incompilable
  • KT-17786 Kotlin Lint: "Surround with if()" quick fix is not suggested for single expression get()
  • KT-17787 Kotlin Lint: "Add @TargetApi" quick fix is not suggested for top level property accessor
  • KT-17788 Kotlin Lint: "Surround with if()" quick fix corrupts code in case of destructuring declaration
  • KT-17890 [kotlin-android-extensions] Renaming layout file does not rename import
  • KT-18012 Kotlin Android Extensions generates @NotNull properties for views present in a configuration and potentially missing in another
  • KT-18545 Accessing to synthetic properties on smart casted Android components crashed compiler


New Features

  • KT-10942 Support meta-annotations from JSR 305 for nullability qualifiers
  • KT-14187 Redundant "is" check is not detected
  • KT-16603 Support inline suspend function
  • KT-17585 Generate state machine for named functions in their bodies

Performance Improvements

  • KT-3098 Generate efficient comparisons
  • KT-6247 Optimization for 'in' and '..'
  • KT-7571 Don't box Double instance to call hashCode on Java 8
  • KT-9900 Optimize range operations for 'until' extension from stdlib
  • KT-11959 Unnceessary boxing/unboxing due to Comparable.compareTo
  • KT-12158 Optimize away boxing when comparing nullable primitive type value to primitive value
  • KT-13682 Reuse StringBuilder for concatenation and string interpolation
  • KT-14323 IntelliJ lockup when using Apache Spark UDF
  • KT-14375 Kotlin compiler failure with spark when creating a flexible type for scala.Function22
  • KT-15235 Escaped characters in template strings are generating inefficient implementations
  • KT-17280 Inline constant expressions in string templates
  • KT-17903 Generate 'for-in-indices' as a precondition loop
  • KT-18157 Optimize out trivial INSTANCEOF checks
  • KT-18162 Do not check nullability assertions twice for effectively same value
  • KT-18164 Do not check nullability for values that have been already checked with !!
  • KT-18478 Unnecessary nullification of bound variables
  • KT-18558 Flatten nested string concatenation
  • KT-18777 Unnecessary boolean negation generated for 'if (expr !in range)'


  • KT-1809 Confusing diagnostics when wrong number of type arguments are specified and there are several callee candiates
  • KT-2007 Improve diagnostics when + in not resolved on a pair of nullable ints
  • KT-5066 Bad diagnostic message for ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for (companion) object
  • KT-5511 Inconsistent handling of inner enum
  • KT-7773 Disallow to explicitly extend Enum class
  • KT-7975 Unclear error message when redundant type arguments supplied
  • KT-8340 vararg in a property setter must be an error
  • KT-8612 Incorrect error message for var extension property without getter or setter
  • KT-8829 Type parameter of a class is not resolved in the constructor parameter's default value
  • KT-8845 Bogus diagnostic on infix operation "in"
  • KT-9282 Improve diagnostic on overload resolution ambiguity when a nullable argument is passed to non-null parameter
  • KT-10045 Not specific enough compiler error message in case of trying to call overloaded private methods
  • KT-10164 Incorrect error message for external inline method
  • KT-10248 Smart casts: Misleading error on overloaded function call
  • KT-10657 Confusing diagnostic when trying to invoke value as a function
  • KT-10839 Weird diagnostics on callable reference of unresolved class
  • KT-11119 Confusing error message when overloaded method is called on nullable receiver
  • KT-12408 Generic information lost for override values
  • KT-12551 Report "unused expression" on unused bound double colon expressions
  • KT-13749 Error highlighting range for no 'override' modifier is bigger than needed
  • KT-14598 Do not report "member is final and cannot be overridden" when overriding something from final class
  • KT-14633 "If must have both main and else branches" diagnostic range is too high
  • KT-14647 Confusing error message "'@receiver:' annotations could be applied only to extension function or extension property declarations"
  • KT-14927 TCE in QualifiedExpressionResolver
  • KT-15243 Report deprecation on usages of type alias expanded to a deprecated class
  • KT-15804 Prohibit having duplicate parameter names in functional types
  • KT-15810 destructuring declarations don't work in scripts on the top level
  • KT-15931 IllegalStateException: ClassDescriptor of superType should not be null: T by a
  • KT-16016 Compiler failure with NO_EXPECTED_TYPE
  • KT-16448 Inline suspend functions with inlined suspend invocations are miscompiled (VerifyError, ClassNotFound)
  • KT-16576 Wrong code generated with skynet benchmark
  • KT-17007 Kotlin is not optimizing away unreachable code based on const vals
  • KT-17188 Do not propose to specify constructor invocation for classes without an accessible constructor
  • KT-17611 Unnecessary "Name shadowed" warning on parameter of local function or local class member
  • KT-17692 NPE in compiler when calling on function result of type Unit
  • KT-17820 False "useless cast" when target type is flexible
  • KT-17972 Anonymous class generated from lambda captures its outer and tries to set nonexistent this$0 field.
  • [KT-18029](https:...
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09 Aug 13:38
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Breaking change: Java-default method calls

Kotlin interface members overriding Java-default methods while targeting JVM 1.6 now produce an error on super calls requiring to be compiled with -jvm-target 1.8 option

Standard library

Revised windowed/pairwise operations

  • windowed function now has its step parameter defaulting to 1.
    It also gets an additional optional parameter partialWindows, which controls what to do with incomplete windows in the end. By default it is false, which means incomplete windows are dropped.
  • pairwise function name was too confusing, it was unclear how it paired the elements together. Now it is called zipWithNext, so it is more clear that each element is zipped with the next element in a collection.

Common math operations in the standard library

There was a longstanding request to support math operations in the standard library KT-4900. Until now one had to resort to math functions and constants from java.lang.Math class in JVM platform and to kotlin.js.Math which exposed native JS Math functions to Kotlin code in JS platform.
But now we're introducing the following groups of API in the kotlin.math package:

  • constants: PI and E;
  • trigonometric: cos, sin, tan and inverse of them: acos, asin, atan, atan2;
  • hyperbolic: cosh, sinh, tahn;
  • exponentation: pow (an extension function), sqrt, hypot, exp, expm1;
  • logarithms: log, log2, log10, ln, ln1p;
  • rounding:
    - ceil, floor, truncate, round (half to even) functions;
    - roundToInt, roundToLong (half to integer) extension functions;
  • sign and absolute value:
    - abs and sign functions;
    - absoluteValue and sign extension properties;
    - withSign extension function;
  • max and min of two values;
  • binary representation:
    - ulp extension property;
    - nextUp, nextDown, nextTowards extension functions;
    - toBits, toRawBits, Double.fromBits (these are in the kotlin package).

Previous releases

This release also includes fixes and improvements from 1.2-M1 and 1.1.4-eap-54 releases


04 Jul 17:02
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  • Noarg compiler plugin reverted to 1.1.2 behavior: by default, it will not run any initialization code
    from the generated default constructor. If you want to run initializers, you need to enable
    the corresponding option as described in the documentation.
    Note that if a @noarg class has initializers that depend on constructor parameters, you will get incorrect
    compiler behavior, so you shouldn't enable this option if you have such classes in your project.
    This resolves KT-18667 and KT-18668.
  • KT-18689 Incorrect bytecode generated when passing a bound member reference to an inline function with default argument values
  • KT-18377 Syntax error while generating kapt stubs
  • KT-18411 Slow debugger step-in into inlined function
  • KT-18687 Deadlock in resolve with Kotlin 1.1.3
  • KT-18726 Frequent UI hangs in 2017.2 EAPs


27 Jun 17:06
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1.2-M1 Pre-release


Language changes

  • Array literals, which can be used in annotation arguments


  • KT-6884 KT-17910 Support default values for functional parameters in inline functions
  • KT-15894 Change the way how singleton objects are initialized in order not to contradict JVM spec
  • KT-17929 Illegal smart cast was allowed after assignment in try block

Standard Library

  • KT-8823 MutableList.fill extension

  • KT-9010 MutableList.shuffle and List.shuffled extensions

  • KEEP-11 KT-9151 KT-10021 KT-11026
    chunked and windowed: extension functions to support
    partitioning collections into blocks of the given size and
    taking a window of the given size and moving it along the collection with the given step.

    pairwise extension to get all subsequent pairs in collection

  • KEEP-49 Additional operations and conversion extensions for BigInteger and BigDecimal

  • KT-16447 Make kotlin.text.Regex class serializable


  • KT-17164 Intention to convert *arrayOf() functions to array literals in annotations


  • Typed arrays are turned on by default

Previous releases

This release also includes the fixes and improvements from
1.1.3 release.