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File metadata and controls

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Instructions for DEVELOPERs of ODK

This is intended for developers only, see README for the main docs.


For running locally without Docker you will need

  • robot
  • owltools
  • python3.6 or higher

See Dockerfile for details on how to obtain these

How it works

Previously ODK used a perl script to create a new repo. This iterated the template/ directory and used special magic for expanding into a target folder. This has been replaced by python code odk/ with makes used of Jinja2 templates.

For example, the file template/src/ontology/Makefile.jinja2 will compile to a file src/ontology/Makefile in the target/output directory.

Jinja2 templates should be fairly easy to grok for anyone familiar with templating systems. The syntax is very similar to Liquid templates, which are used extensively on the OBO site. We feed the template engine with a project object that is passed in by the user (more on that later).

Logic in the templates should be non-existent.

Dynamic File Names

Sometimes the odk needs to create a file whose name is based on an input setting or configuration; sometimes lists of such files need to be created.

For example, if the user specifies 3 external ontology dependencies, then we want to see the repo with 3 files imports/{{}}_import.owl

Rather than embed this logic in code, we include all dynamic files in a single "tar-esque" formated file: template/_dynamic_files.jinja2

This file is actually a specification for multiple files, each target file specified with ^^^. Because the parent file is interpreted using templates, we can have dynamic file names, and entire files created via looping constructs.

The Project object

Currently the datamodel is specified as python dataclasses, for now the best way to see the complete spec is to look at the classes annotated with @dataclass in the code.

There is a schema folder but this is incomplete as the dataclasses-scheme module doesn't appear to work (TODO)...

There are also example project.yaml files in the examples folder, and these also serve as rudimentary unit tests.

See for example examples/go-mini/project.yaml

The basic data model is:

  • An OntologyProject consists of various configuration settings, plus ProductGroups
  • These are:
    • An ImportProduct group which specifies how import files are generated
    • A SubsetProduct group which specifies how subset/slim files are generated
    • Other product groups for reports and templates

Many ontology projects need only specify a very minimal configuration: id of ontology, github/gitlab location, and list of ontology ids for imports. However, for projects that need to customize there are multiple options. E.g. for an import product you can optionally specific a particular URL that overrides the default PURL.

Note that for backwards compatibility, a project.yaml file is not required. A user can specify an entire repo by running seed with options such as -d for dependencies.

Note that in all cases a project.yaml file is generated.

ODK commands

$ ./odk/ --help

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  create-dynfile   For testing purposes
  create-makefile  For testing purposes
  dump-schema      Dumps the python schema as json schema.
  export-project   For testing purposes
  seed             Seeds an ontology project

The most common command is seed.

Updating a Makefile and/or repo

Previously with odk there was no path to either upgrading an existing project with new settings (i.e. adding an import) OR to take advantage of changes to the odk (e.g changes in the core Makefile).

This should now be easier with the new odk, although the implementation emphasis has been on the seed command. Some things that will make this easier:

  • Convention of using a second loaded Makefile for custom changes
  • Maintaining a project.yaml in root folder will allow easy regeneration

TODO: add a refresh command. This could run odk in place, but preserving protected files. TBD how to determine protected files. Obviously the edit file should not be touched. Could use git log to determine if any modifications have been made?

Setting up a new machine for ODK development

In order to build and publish ODK, you need the following:

  1. docker installed
  2. have git installed
  3. have a git and set

General SOP for ODK release and publication

  • There are three types of releases: major, minor and development snapshot.
    • Major versions include changes to the workflow system.
    • Minor versions include changes to tools, such as ROBOT or Python dependencies.
    • Development snapshots reflect the current state of the main (master) branch.
  • They all have slightly different procedures which we will detail below.

Major releases

Major releases contain changes to the workflow system of the ODK, e.g. changes to the Makefile and various supporting scripts (e.g., They require users to update their repository with sh make update_repo Major releases are typically incremented (a bit confusingly) on the "minor" version number of ODK, i.e. 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 etc. There are currently (2024) no plans to increment on the major version - this will likely be reserved to fundamental changes like switching from make to another workflow system or dropping docker (both are unlikely to happen in the midterm). There should be no more than 2 such version updates per year (ideally 1), to reduce the burden on users to maintain their repositories.

SOP for creating a major release

  • Put the master branch in the state we want for release (i.e. merge any approved PR that we want included in that release, etc.).
  • Ensure your local master branch is up-to-date (git pull) and run a basic build (make build tests). This should not result in any surprises as this exact command is run every time we merge a change into the master branch by our CI system. However, as various dependencies of the system are still variable (in particular unix package versions), there are occassionally situations where the build fails or, less likely, the subsequent tests.
  • Do any amount of testing as needed to be confident we are ready for release. For major releases, it makes sense to test the ODK on at least 10 ontologies. In 2024 we typically test:
  • We suggest to have at least 1 other ODK core team member run 3 release pipelines to reduce the risk of operating system related differences.
  • Run docker login to ensure you are logged in. You must have access rights to obolibrary organisation to run the following.
  • Run docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use if you have not done so in the past. NOTE: This command needs to be run only once. Its effects are persistent, so it will never be needed again for any subsequent release — unless you completely reset your Docker installation in the meantime.
  • Run make publish-multiarch to publish the ODK in the obolibrary dockerhub organisation (see below for details).
  • OPTIONAL: If you want publish the multi-arch images under the obotools/ organisation, you need to run locally:
    $ docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use
    $ make publish-multiarch IM=obotools/odkfull IMLITE=obotools/odklite DEV=obotools/odkdev
  • Immediately when the release is finished, create and publish a GitHub release (check last major release on how to format correctly).
  • After the release is published, create a new PR updating the VERSION = "v1.X" variable in the Makefile to the next major version number.

Minor releases

Minor releases are normally releases that contain only changes about the tools provided by the ODK, and no changes about the workflows. As such, they do not require users to update their repositories. All users need to do to start using a new minor release is to pull the latest Docker image of the ODK (pull obolibrary/odkfull:latest).

Minor releases are only provided for the current major branch of the ODK. For example, if the latest major release is v1.5, we will provide (as needed) minor releases v1.5.1, v1.5.2, etc, but we will not provide minor releases for any version prior to 1.5; once v1.6 is released, we will likewise stop providing v1.5.x minor releases. In other words, only one major branch is actively supported at any time.

SOP for creating a minor release

  • As soon as a major branch (v1.X) has been released, create a BRANCH-1.X-MAINTENANCE branch forked from the v1.X release tag.
  • As development of the next major branch (v1.X+1) is ongoing, routinely backport tools-related changes to the BRANCH-1.X-MAINTENANCE branch.
  • By convention, changes to the next major branch that are introduced by a PR tagged with a hotfix label should also be backported to the maintenance branch.
  • To avoid cluttering the maintenance branch with multiple “Python constraints update” backport commits, it is recommended to backport all Python constraints at once, shortly before a minor release.
  • There are no strict guidelines about when a minor release should happen. The availability of a new version of ROBOT is usually reason enough to make such a release, but upgrades to other tools can also occasionally justify a minor release.

Once the decision to make a minor release has been made:

  • Make sure all tools-related updates (including Python tools) have been backported.
  • Do any amount of testing as needed to be confident we are ready for release. For minor releases, it makes sense to test the ODK on at least 5 ontologies. In 2024 we typically test:
    • Mondo (docs) (a lot of use of old tools, like owltools, interleaved with ROBOT, heavy dependencies on serialisations, perl scripts)
    • Mondo Ingest (a lot of use of sssom-py and OAK, interleaved with heavyweight ROBOT pipelines)
    • Uberon (ROBOT plugins, old tools like owltools)
    • Human Phenotype Ontology (uses of ontology translation system (babelon), otherwise pretty standard ODK, high impact ontology)
    • Cell Ontology (Relatively standard, high impact ODK setup)
  • Update the file.
  • Bump the version number to v1.X.Y in
    • the top-level Makefile,
    • the Makefile in the docker/odklite directory.
  • If the minor release includes a newer version of ROBOT, and if that has not already been done when ROBOT itself was updated, update the version number in docker/robot/Makefile so it matches the version of ROBOT that is used.
  • Push all last-minute changes (CHANGELOG and version number updates) to the BRANCH-1.X-MAINTENANCE branch.
  • Build and publish the images from the tip of the BRANCH-1.X-MAINTENANCE branch (same procedure as above to build and publish a major release).
  • Create a GitHub release from the tip of the BRANCH-1.X-MAINTENANCE branch, with a v1.X.Y tag.
  • Resume backporting changes to the BRANCH-1.X-MAINTENANCE until the time comes for the next minor release.

Development snapshot

Development snapshots reflect the current state of the main (master) branch. They do not undergo the same level of testing (or any testing at all) as the normal releases, and are intended to help trialing and debugging the changes that happen in the master branch.

Development snapshots should not be used in a production environment. Feel free to use them if you want to help us developing the next major release, but if you use them in your production pipelines, understand that you’re doing so at your own risk.

Development snapshots are tagged with the dev tag on docker, and with the -dev suffix in the Makefile pipeline (e.g. v1.6-dev to indicate that this is a snapshot of the ODK on the way towards a 1.6 release). Development snapshots can happen any time, but typically happen once every 1 to 4 weeks.

SOP for creating a development snapshot

  • Put the master branch in the state we want for release (i.e. merge any approved PR that we want included in that release, etc.).
  • Ensure your local master branch is up-to-date (git pull) and run a basic build (make build tests) (see comments in Major release section for details about the rationale).
  • We do not typically do any additional testing for the development snapshot.
  • Run docker login to ensure you are logged in. You must have access rights to obolibrary organisation to run the following.
  • Run docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use if you have not done so in the past. NOTE: This command needs to be run only once. Its effects are persistent, so it will never be needed again for any subsequent release — unless you completely reset your Docker installation in the meantime.
  • Run make publish-multiarch-dev to publish the ODK in the obolibrary dockerhub organisation (see below for details).
  • Do NOT create a GitHub release!
  • Your build has been successful when the dev image appears as updated on Dockerhub.


Note that with v1.2 the main odkfull Dockerfile is at the root level. We now use a base alpine image for compactness, and selectively add in unix tools like make and rsync.

Note also that we include and the template folders in the image. This means that odk seed can now be run from anywhere!

To build the Docker image from the top level:

make build

Note that this means local invocations to use obolibrary/odkfull will use the version you built.

To test:

make tests

To publish on Dockerhub:

make publish

Multi-arch images

To build multi-arch images that will work seemleassly on several platforms, you need to have buildx enabled on your Docker installation. On MacOS with Docker Desktop, buildx should already be enabled. For other systems, refer to Docker's documentation.

Create a builder instance for multi-arch builds (this only needs to be done once):

docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use

You can then build and push multi-arch images by running:

make publish-multiarch

Use the variable PLATFORMS to specify the architectures for which an image should be built. The default is linux/amd64,linux/arm64, for images that work on both x86_64 and arm64 machines.

To publish only the development version:

make publish-multiarch-dev

Sometimes, it may be necessary to delete the multiarch and redo it (roughly once per month):

docker buildx rm multiarch
docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use

Some notes on templating and logic

There is a potential for some confusion as to responsibility for logic. On the one hand we have dependency logic in the Makefile. But we also have minimal logic in deciding what to put in the Makefile.

For example, we could move some logic from the Makefile by using for/endfor Jinja constructs and unfolding every product in a group and have an explicit non-pattern target in the Makefile. Or we can continue to write targets with patterns. Or we can do a mixture of both.

Additionally there is some minimal logic in the python odk code, but this is kept to an absolute minimum; the role of the python code is to run template expansions.

In general the decision is to keep the templating as simple as possible, which leads to a slight mixed two level system.

One gotcha is the two levels of comments. The {# .. #} comments are template comments for the eyes of developers only. These are ignored when compiling down to the target file. Then we also have Makefile comments # which remain in the target file, and are intended for advanced ontology maintainers who need to debug their workflows. These are intermingled in Makefile.jinja2

Unit Tests

To run:

make test

These will seed a few example repos in the target/ folder, some from command line opts, others from a project.yaml

These are pseudo-tests as the output is not examined, however they do serve to guard against multiple kinds of errors as the seed script will often fail if things are not set up correctly.

The examples folder serves for both unit test and documentation purposes.

Migration System


Pull request rules

  1. One PR per feature.
  2. Each PR must link to one or more existing issues.
  3. There should be one commit per logical change. This is important so we can be more effective at cherry picking for patch releases.
  4. Every commit should have an appropriate title and description.

Major minor system

  • Once a release is done, we work on the master branch towards the next major release
  • The minor release steward cherry picks certain kinds of changes for minor releases, including
    • ROBOT updates
    • Python tool version updates
    • Critical bug fixes

Adding new programs or Python modules to the ODK

How and where to add a component to the ODK depends on the nature of the component and whether it is to be added to odkfull or odklite.

As a general rule, new components should probably be added to odkfull, as odklite is intended to be kept small. Components should only be added to odklite if they are required in rules from the ODK-generated standard Makefile. Note that any component added to odklite will automatically be part of odkfull.

Is the component available as a standard Ubuntu package? Then add it to the list of packages in the apt-get install invocation in the main Dockerfile (for inclusion into odkfull) or in the Dockerfile for odklite.

Is the component available as a pre-built binary? Be careful that many projets only provide pre-built binaries for the x86 architecture. Using such a binary would result in the component being unusable in the arm64 version of the ODK (notably used on Apple computers equipped with M1 CPUs, aka "Apple Silicon").

Java programs available as pre-built jars can be installed by adding new RUN commands at the end of either the main Dockerfile (for odkfull) or the Dockerfile for odklite.

If the component needs to be built from source, do so in the Dockerfile for odkbuild, and install the compiled file(s) in either the /staging/full tree or the /staging/lite tree, for inclusion in odkfull or odklite respectively.

If the component is a Python package, adds it to the requirements.txt file, and also in the requirements.txt.lite file if it is to be part of odklite. Please try to avoid version constraints unless you can explain why you need one.

Python packages are "frozen" before a release by installing all the packages listed in requirements.txt into a virtual environment and running python -m pip freeze > constraints.txt from within that environment.