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544 lines (370 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

544 lines (370 loc) · 12.1 KB


Lightweight application containers containing app + all dependencies.

Key Points

  • Docker Stable - quarterly releases
  • Docker Edge - bleeding edge monthly releases
  • Docker EE:
    • UCP - Universal Control Plane - UI cluster manager
  • Isolation & Security:
    • namespaces - pid, net, ipc, mnt, uts (unix timesharing) - cannot see or affect processes in other containers or host system
    • cgroups - control groups optional resource limits
    • networks - own network stack - no privileged sockets / interfaces - bridges act like ports on ethernet switch
  • UnionFS - layered filesystems - AUFS, btrfs, vfs, DeviceMapper
  • Container Format - libcontainer
  • Swarm - Docker 1.12+
  • Labels - key=value pairs - apply to any object - containers, volumes, etc

Docker CLI connects to the Dockerd Rest API.

Download the ubuntu:latest image for spawning containers from:

docker pull ubuntu # :tag or @<digestvalue>

Docker on Ubuntu

Install Docker:

sudo apt-get install -y docker-engine
sudo systemctl start docker

Older systems:

sudo service docker start # old

Need access to 660 socket /var/run/docker.sock

Add user hari to group docker and then get the group membership in the current shell without having to log out and back in or start a new shell:

sudo gpasswd -a hari docker
newgrp docker


  • name or anonymous
  • can be mounted on multiple containers rw or ro
  • managed by docker under /var/lib/docker/volumes/<name>/data
  • CloudStor plugin stores volumes to AWS S3 or Azure
  • mounting empty volume copies files / dirs from container to it to initialize

Standalone containers - creates local dir if not exists:

docker run -v ...

Swarm services - throws error if local dir doesn't exist:

docker run --mount

List volumes:

docker volume ls

Delete unattached volumes:

docker volume prune

Inspect volume details:

docker volume inspect <name>

Delete a volume:

docker volume rm <name>

Detach without stopping - Ctrl-P, Ctrl-Q

Ansible Docker == Docker Compose (same syntax, both based on on docker-py)

Docker Scan

Docker Scan uses Snyk to detect vulnerabilities in docker images.

  • included in Docker Desktop
  • requires a plugin in Docker on Linux

in DevOps-Bash-tools:


docker scan elastic/logstash:7.13.3


Buildx includes layer caching information in the docker image

in DevOps-Bash-tools:

docker buildx ...

Sharing Cache between hosts

For builder pattern, build and push the 'builder' target separately, then pull it on other machines too.

Enable BuildKit (Docker 18.09+):


Store caching data in the image, needs BuildKit enabled above:

docker build -t myname/myapp --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 .
docker push myname/myapp

On another machine - may need explicit pull before using --cache-from:

docker pull myname/myapp || :  # pull for cache if available
docker build --cache-from myname/myapp .

Clean up Docker

devmapper: Thin pool has 156208 free data blocks which is less than minimum required 163840 free data blocks. Create more free space in thin pool or use dm.min_free_space option to change behaviour

Clean up exited containers:

docker container prune
docker rm $(docker ps -qf status=exited)

Delete old images:

docker image prune
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)

Delete all local docker images to clean out your local build system:

docker images -a -q | xargs docker rmi --force

Find unattached volumes:

docker volume ls -qf dangling=true
docker volume prune --filter "label != keep"
docker network prune

All of the above + build cache except --volumes (Docker > 17.05)

docker system prune


See Dockerfile doc.

Docker Compose

See Docker Compose doc.

Podman & Buildah

See Podman & Buildah doc.

Container Diff

Java Licensing Problem in Docker

  • Oracle Java license does not allow binary redistribution
  • OpenJDK is widely used in Docker instea
  • Zulu provides free tested compliant OpenJDK



Port TCP / UDP Description
2376 TCP Dockerd
2377 TCP Swarm management
7946 TCP/UDP Swarm container network discovery
4789 UDP overlay network traffic


Code Description
commands.go CLI
api.go REST API router
server.go implementation of much of the REST API
buildfile.go dockerfile parser




  • none
  • json-file
  • syslog
  • journald
  • gelf (Graylog, LogStash)
  • fluentd - Forward (--log-opt fluentd-address=host:24224)
  • awslogs - AWS Cloudwatch
  • splunk - Splunk's HTTP Event Collector
  • etwlogs - Windows Event Tracing
  • gcplogs - GCP Logging

json-file / journald logs only:

docker logs
docker info | grep "Logging Driver"
docker inspect -f '{{.HostConfig.LogConfig.Type}}' <container>


"log-driver": "json-file"  # default
docker run --log-driver none
           --log-opt mode=non-blocking   # 2 modes: blocking / non-blocking - apps may fail if STDOUT/STDERR block
           --log-opt max-buffer-size=4m
           --label foo=bar -e os=ubuntu  # json-file logging driver puts label + env in log lines

more drivers:

docker plugin install <org>/<name>

show installed:

docker plugin ls
docker plugin inspect


HariSekhon/DevOps-Python-tools harisekhon -v

Number of repos for a given user or company DockerHub account: harisekhon | tail -n +2 | wc -l

Number of tags: harisekhon |
tail -n +2 |
awk '{print $1}' |
xargs -q -t 300 -vv |
tee /dev/stderr |
grep -v latest |
wc -l



Some highlights: - cleans out OS package and programming language caches, call near end of Dockerfile to reduce Docker image size - lists images in a given private Docker Registry - lists tags for a given image in a private Docker Registry


Converts Git workflow to Docker containers, CLI captain push from CI to build docker containers from CI for each commit


Container management.

Play with Docker


Automated provision & monitoring of Docker containers on any cloud, composition of complex apps, auditing etc.

Useful Commands

Inspect docker image filesystem

hash=$(docker run busybox)
cd /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/$hash

Delete Stopped Containers

To avoid them preventing deletion of old / dangling docker images:

docker container prune -f

Delete Dangling Docker Images

These are often intermediate image layers that are no longer needed by other images which have been deleted.

docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)

Delete Old Docker Images

Delete every image older than a week to clear up disk space.

docker image prune --all --force --filter "until=1w"

If you want to only delete select images older than a given time, see this Azure DevOps Pipeline.

Monitoring / Prometheus Scrape Target

In daemon.json:

{ "metrics_addr": "",
"experimental": true }


dockerd --experimental=true --metrics-addr=

See also HariSekhon/Nagios Plugins tests/docker/prometheus-docker-compose.yml

docker service create --replicas=1 --name prometheus -p 9090:9090 -v prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus

Third Party Tools



DNS Issues

Failure to resolve happens when Docker host /etc/resolv.conf points to local IP


docker-machine ssh default
vim /etc/resolv.conf  # to works

Elasticsearch 5.0 Docker error

ERROR: bootstap checks failed
max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]


sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
mkdir -v /etc/sysctl.d
grep vm.max_map_count /etc/sysctl.d/99-elasticsearch.conf || echo vm.max_map_count=262144 >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-elasticsearch.conf

Slow COPY during build on Windows

Example in Dockerfile:

COPY --from-stage=builder node_modules .

This is a small files problem that can manifest in very high CPU usage showing anti-virus software high CPU % seen in Task Manager.

If the above is taking a disproportionate amount of time, try disabling the anti-virus from scanning the agent directory where the workdir is.

For example, adding this exclusion in Semantec anti-virus resulted in a build going from timing out after 2 hours to 2 minutes in Azure DevOps Pipelines on Windows - a shocking performance difference.

Partial port from private Knowledge Base page 2014+