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130 lines (97 loc) · 7.08 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (97 loc) · 7.08 KB


Before running any scripts, make sure you have a compatible version of Node and the required NPM packages installed. Install Node at and install packages with npm install.


This script reads:

Filename Description
./output/clubs.json The previous clubs JSON, for ID matching.

This script writes:

Filename Description
./output/clubs.json The newly generated clubs JSON.

npm run clubs generates the clubs JSON by fetching and parsing the school's official club spreadsheet. It attempts to match each club to a club in the previous JSON by name (to preserve club ID) using string similarity to account for small typo corrections. The script will log every match, warning if a club was not matched to an existing ID. For non-perfect matches, the user is prompted for manual verification.


Once generated, the JSON can be pasted into the exported clubs object in ../shared/data/clubs.ts to update the data used by the client and API.


This script reads:

Filename Description
./output/staff.json The previous staff JSON, for ID matching.

This script writes:

Filename Description
./output/staff.json The newly generated staff JSON.

npm run staff generates the staff directory JSON by scraping and parsing the Gunn website's staff directory page. Unlike the club spreadsheet, the Gunn website is hard to parse and full of inaccuracies, so the Staff script may have to be updated frequently and the quality of the staff data generated may be more questionable.

As for clubs, once generated, the JSON can be pasted into the exported staff object in ../shared/data/staff.ts to update the data used by the client and API.

Parse course catalog PDF

This script reads:

Filename Description
./input/catalog.pdf The course catalog PDF.

This script writes:

Filename Description
./input/catalog.txt The catalog PDF parsed as a text file.

npm run catalog:parse parses the course catalog PDF as text and writes it to a text file for use in catalog:generate. Manual edits (like prefixing section headings with >>) will need to be made to the text file before the generator script is able to correctly parse it.

Generate course catalog

This script reads:

Filename Description
./input/catalog.pdf The course catalog text file (with manual corrections).

This script writes:

Filename Description
./output/catalog.json The generated course catalog JSON.

npm run catalog:generate generates the course catalog JSON by parsing catalog.txt, using the manually inserted >> anchors to find section headings and a multiline regex to parse courses. This script writes output directly to catalog.json. Before running, make sure that all section headings are prefixed with >> and that the line endings for catalog.txt are set to LF (not CRLF); using CRLF line endings will break the course-matching regex used by the script and generate an empty object for catalog.json. Other oddities like newlines in the middle of course descriptions will need to either be manually corrected or accounted for in the script.

Like clubs and staff, the generated JSON can be pasted to the courses object in ../shared/data/courses.ts to update the data used by the client and API.

Generate alternates

This script reads:

Filename Description
./output/alternates.json The previous alternates JSON, for iCal feed rolling.

This script writes:

Filename Description
./output/alternates.json The newly generated alternates JSON.

npm run alternates:generate generates the alternate schedule JSON by fetching the school's google calendar feed using iCal, parsing alternate schedule events into WATT's schedule format. alternates:generate handles feed rolling (where early events are lost when new events are added) by maintaining a "first alternate" timestamp and including in the generated output all alternates in the previous JSON that fall before that time. The script warns about unrecognized period names and automatically corrects for brunch and lunch discrepancies in the calendar.


Deploy alternates

This script reads:

Filename Description
./output/alternates.json The generated alternates JSON.
./input/alternatesOverrides.json Manual alternates overrides.
./key.json The Firebase Admin SDK keyfile. This file is private and not committed, so ask a maintainer if you need it.

This script writes:

Filename Description

npm run alternates:deploy deploys the generated alternates JSON to Firestore, applying overrides specified in ./input/alternatesOverrides.json. Note that this script writes data directly to the gunn/alternates collection on Firestore and therefore affects production immediately.
