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Google I/O 2015 web app



  • Go 1.4.

  • Optional: gcloud tool and app component to run and deploy GAE-based backend (hint: gcloud components update app).

    Once gcloud and app component are installed, you'll need to do a one-off configuration by executing the following command: gcloud config set project <project-id>. Project ID can be any non-empty string if you just want to run the app locally.


  1. git clone
  2. cd ioweb2015
  3. npm install
  4. gulp setup

If you plan on modifying source code, be a good citizen and:

  1. Install EditorConfig plugin for your favourite browser. The plugin should automatically pick up the .editorconfig settings.
  2. Obey the pre-commit hook that's installed as part of gulp setup. It will check for JavaScript and code style errors before committing to the master branch.


Run gulp serve to start a standalone backend, while still enjoying live-reload. You'll need Go for that.

Normally the app is running in "dev" environment but you can change that by providing --env argument to the gulp task:

# run in dev mode, default:
gulp serve
# set app environment to production:
gulp serve --env prod
# or run as if we were in staging:
gulp serve --env stage

Not that this does not change the way the backend code is compiled or the front-end is built. It merely changes a variable values, which the app takes into account when rendering a page or responding to a request.

Running in stage or prod requires real credentials when accessing external services. You'll need to run a one-off gulp decrypt which will decrypt a service account private key.

You can also use GAE dev appserver by running gulp serve:gae. This is closer to what we're using in our webapp environment but a bit slower on startup. You'll need gcloud tool and app component to do this.

To change the app environment when using GAE SDK, provide --env argument:

# run in dev mode, default:
gulp serve:gae
# set app environment to production:
gulp serve:gae --env prod
# or run as if we were in staging:
gulp serve:gae