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The Global Arrays (GA) toolkit provides a shared memory style programming environment in the context of distributed array data structures (called “global arrays”). From the user perspective, a global array can be used as if it was stored in shared memory. All details of the data distribution, addressing, and data access are encapsulated in the global array objects. Information about the actual data distribution and locality can be easily obtained and taken advantage of whenever data locality is important. The primary target architectures for which GA was developed are massively-parallel distributed-memory and scalable shared-memory systems.

GA divides logically shared data structures into “local” and “remote” portions. It recognizes variable data transfer costs required to access the data depending on the proximity attributes. A local portion of the shared memory is assumed to be faster to access and the remainder (remote portion) is considered slower to access. These differences do not hinder the ease-of-use since the library provides uniform access mechanisms for all the shared data regardless where the referenced data is located. In addition, any processes can access a local portion of the shared data directly/in-place like any other data in process local memory. Access to other portions of the shared data must be done through the GA library calls.

GA was designed to complement rather than substitute the message-passing model, and it allows the user to combine shared-memory and message-passing styles of programming in the same program. GA inherits an execution environment from a message-passing library (w.r.t. processes, file descriptors etc.) that started the parallel program.

GA is implemented as a library with C and Fortran-77 bindings, and there have been also a Python and C++ interfaces (included starting with the release 3.2) developed. Therefore, explicit library calls are required to use the GA model in a parallel C/Fortran program.

A disk extension of the Global Array library is supported by its companion library called Disk Resident Arrays (DRA). DRA maintains array objects in secondary storage and allows transfer of data to/from global arrays.

Basic Functionality

The basic shared memory operations supported include get, put, scatter and gather. They are complemented by atomic read-and-increment, accumulate (reduction operation that combines data in local memory with data in the shared memory location), and lock operations. However, these operations can only be used to access data in global arrays rather than arbitrary memory locations. At least one global array has to be created before data transfer operations can be used. These GA operations are truly one-sided/unilateral and will complete regardless of actions taken by the remote process(es) that own(s) the referenced data. In particular, GA does not offer or rely on a polling operation or require inserting any other GA library calls to assure communication progress on the remote side.

A programmer in the GA program has a full control over the distribution of global arrays. Both regular and irregular distributions are supported, see Section 3 for details.

The GA data transfer operations use an array index-based interface rather than addresses of the shared data. Unlike other systems based on global address space that support remote memory (put/get) operations, GA does not require the user to specify the target process/es where the referenced shared data resides – it simply provides a global view of the data structures. The higher level array oriented API (application programming interface) makes GA easier to use, at the same time without compromising data locality control. The library internally performs global array index-to-address translation and then transfers data between appropriate processes. If necessary, the programmer is always able to inquire:

  • where an an element or array section is located, and
  • which process or processes own data in the specified array section.

The GA toolkit supports four data types in Fortran: integer, real, double precision, and double complex. In the C interface, int, long, float, double and struct double complex are available. Underneath, the library represents the data using C datatypes. For the Fortran users, it means that some arrays created in C for which there is no appropriate datatype mapping to Fortran (for example on the Cray T3E Fortran real is not implemented whereas C float is) might not be accessible. In all the other cases, the dataype representation is transparent.

The supported array dimensions range from one to seven. This limit follows the Fortran convention. The library can be reconfigured to support more than 7-dimensions but only through the C interface.

Programming Model

The Global Arrays library supports two programming styles: task-parallel and data-parallel. The GA task-parallel model of computations is based on the explicit remote memory copy: The remote portion of shared data has to be copied into the local memory area of a process before it can be used in computations by that process. Of course, the “local” portion of shared data can always be accessed directly thus avoiding the memory copy.


The data distribution and locality control are provided to the programmer. The data locality information for the shared data is also available. The library offers a set of operations for management of its data structures, one-sided data transfer operations, and supportive operations for data locality control and queries. The GA shared memory consistency model is a result of a compromise between the ease of use and a portable performance. The load and store operations are guaranteed to be ordered with respect to each other only if they target overlapping memory locations. The store operations (put, scatter) and accumulate complete locally before returning i.e., the data in the user local buffer has been copied out but not necessarily completed at the remote side. The memory consistency is only guaranteed for:

  • multiple read operations (as the data does not change),
  • multiple accumulate operations (as addition is commutative), and
  • multiple disjoint put operations (as there is only one writer for each element).

The application can manage consistency of its data structures in other cases by using lock, barrier, and fence operations available in the library.

The data-parallel model is supported by a set of collective functions that operate on global arrays or their portions. Underneath, if any interprocessor communication is required, the library uses remote memory copy (most often) or collective message-passing operations.

Application Guidelines

These are some guidelines regarding suitability of the GA for different types of applications.

When to use GA

Algorithmic Considerations

  • applications with dynamic and irregular communication patterns
  • for calculations driven by dynamic load balancing
  • need 1-sided access to shared data structures
  • need high-level operations on distributed arrays and/or for out-of-core array-based algorithms (GA + DRA)

Useability Considerations

  • data locality must be explicitly available
  • when coding in message passing becomes too complicated
  • when portable performance is important
  • need object orientation without the overhead of C++

When not to use GA

Algorithmic Considerations

  • for systolic, or nearest neighbor communications with regular communication patterns
  • when synchronization associated with cooperative point-to-point message passing is needed (e.g., Cholesky factorization in Scalapack)

Usability Considerations

  • when interprocedural analysis and compiler parallelization is more effective
  • a parallel language support is sufficient and robust compilers available